Projeitu Loke Kuak – Taka Kuak

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Estrada kuak iha Portu Dili nia oin tanba hetan sobu iha inisiu fulan Marsu nia laran, Foto. Fundasaun Mahein (FM).

Foin dadaun ne’e Fundasaun Mahein publika tiha ona relatoriu ida konaba siguransa estrada ho naran (Mahein Nia Lian No.31: Estrada A’at Impede Seguransa Elesaun). Maibe ami sei hakarak atu halo observasaun ida tan kona ba topiku infra-estrutura, liu-liu estrada. Ita hotu ne’ebe agora dadaun iha Dili repara ona kondisaun estrada hanesan Beach road, Pantai Kelapa, nomos estrada iha ponte kais nian sorin.

Derepente deit, iha semana hirak liu ba ne’e Governu deside ke’e estrada iha Beach road. Maibe semana barak liu tiha ona maibe seidauk iha indikasaun ruma katak estrada hirak ne’ebe Governu ke’e ne’e atu diak ona. Aspal hirak iha estrada ne’e ke’e sai tiha ona ne’ebe fo defikulta boot ida ba motoristas sira iha fatin ne’eba i afeta mos trek boot hirak ne’ebe la’o tuir iha estrada ne’e. Nune’e mos kondisaun estrada iha fatin ne’eba sei afeta autoridade emergensia sira nia tempu atu responde ba buat ruma ne’ebe urjenti tebes.

Husi udan iha cidade Dili semana no fulan hirak liu ba ne’e estrada hirak ne’ebe mak autoridade sira ke’e ne’e sai a’at liu tan deit, kria macet ba trafiku nomos fo ameasa ba motoristas ne’ebe hakarak uza estrada ida ne’e.
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Husi udan kria mos rai rahun iha estrada ne’ebe fo ameasa saude ba populasaun hirak ne’ebe hela iha ne’eba. Klaru ke preukupasaun hirak ne’e la hetan atensaun husi ema bo’ot sira tanba ida ne’e la affeta sira tanba sira uza kareta luixus. Maibe ba populsasaun bain-bain estrada a’at hanesan ida ne’e sei estraga sira nian saude nomos affeta sira nian vida ekonimia tanba estrada hirak ne’e bele mos estraga sira nian kareta ou motor.

Failansu ida hanesan Beach road ne’e mos halo moe ida ba ita nian nasaun tanba estrada ne’e estrada prinsipal i korpu diplomata sira uza beibeik tanba eimbaxa barak iha Pantai Kelapa. Impaktu ba nasaun nian imagen ne’e bo’ot liu tan iha tempu agora dadaun ne’e tanba agora dadaun jornalistas internasional barak mak tama iha ita nian rai laran hodi tuir elesaun presidensial. Baibain ne’e wainhira ita halao vizita ba nasaun ruma kondisaun estrada ne’e mak ita sei la haluhan.

Exemplu ida hanesan Beach road ne’e hatudu tan dala ida governu nia habitu a’at ida be’e la hanoin no planu didiak wainhira atu manega projetu infra-estrutura iha rai ida ne’e. Dala barak ona la planu no implementa projetu ho didiak. Husi hirak ne’e Fundasaun Mahein appela ba governu atu fo mos attensaun no hadia lalais estrada a’at barak iha Timor

Projeitu Loke Kuak – Taka Kuak

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) has just published a report on road security Mahein Nia Lian No.31 Bad roads impede the election security). We would like to make an additional observation on the topic of road infrastructure.
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All those currently in Dili would have noticed the appalling condition of Beach Road or Avenida de Portugal, most notably in Pantai Kalapa and opposite the port.

A few weeks ago now, for reasons not known by FM, the local authorities decided to dig up sections of the road along Beach Road. However, weeks have now passed, and there is still no sign of any work being done to repair this road. Asphalt has been torn away to give way to dirt roads, which has made life difficult for motorists in that area especially those trucks operating in the port. Furthermore, this may also reduce emergency response times.

As Dili has been hit by some rather heavy rains these past weeks, those dirt roads have been deteriorating quite rapidly, causing an increase in traffic in a key part of the city as well as putting motorists (especially those on bikes and bicycles) in some level of danger. Furthermore, the resulting increase of dust can cause health risks (notably respiratory) to the local inhabitants of the area.
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This may not be of concern to the ema boot that travel in comfortable 4 wheel drives, but for most Timorese, they must face these health and safety threats as well as potential economic pressures through potential bike or car damage caused by poor roads.

The shambles that is Beach Road at moment, which is an arterial road in Dili, home to many Embassies, also brings shame to our country on the international stage. This is made even worse by the abundance of foreign reporters and observers present in the country as a result of the current electoral cycle. When visiting a foreign country, road conditions very often leave lasting impressions.

This example of beach road illustrates the regular occurrence of poor planning by the government when managing infrastructure projects in this country. Too often infrastructure projects are poorly implemented and planned and FM hopes that the road discussed as well the countless other terrible roads elsewhere around the country are repaired rapidly and properly.

1 thought on “Projeitu Loke Kuak – Taka Kuak”

  1. Projecto LOke kuuak taka kuaak,,hu bele considera komu Projecto Prokaria,,
    tamba kompara hnesan,,ema ida nebe baku rahun tha nia uma nebe konstrui ho semente ho raihenek,,pois halo fali ho rai mutin,ho tali tahan,,ne projecto prokaria,,laoos atu hadiia mybe dificulta liu tan,,,ne sempre acontece tianan ba tinan,,,se orcamento mk la too,,lalika obriga an,,halo projecto,,tamba governo atu halo qualquer BENS PUBLICO,atu satisfas necesidades publico ,,laoos atu difuculta TRansporte publico,,,abracos.

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