Pasu Ida Tan Ba Dalan Los Nian

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Votantes forma hela atu tuir vota iha eleisaun prezidensial segundu ronde iha Timor-Leste. (foto,

Loron 16 April 2012 marka tan momentu importante iha historia Timor-Leste nian. Timor oan hotu-hotu tenki orgullu ba lala’ok diak no paz nia iha eleisaun horseik. Momentu ida ne’e katak pasu ida tan ba dalan los nian ba nasaun ki’ik ne’ebé ita hotu nian ne’e hahu buras iha demokrasia no prosesu dezenvolvimentu.

Eleisaun Prezidensial segunda volta iha ambiente paz nian maske iha insidente ki’ik balun marka, ne’e hatudu katak povu Timor-Leste iha vontade boot iha sira nia neon no hahalok tomak ho non violentu nudar mensagem boot ba sira nian saseluk ne’ebe provoka halo violensia.

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) kongratula ba povu Timor-Leste ba susesu eskoilla sira nia prezidente. FM espera katak emar sira ne’ebé kontinua ativu iha involvementu saida deit ho sira nia prezidente eleitu sei mantain level partisipasaun politiku atu nune’e fo garantia ba eleisaun parlamentar ne’ebé sei realiza iha Jullu ne’e ho paz

FM mos kongratula ba PNTL no mos UNPOL ba suporta siguransa iha eleisaun prezidensial ne’e. Ba organizadora eleisaun daruak nian ne’ebé ho susesu boot ne’e sei atraku povu nia fiar ba nafatin ba institusaun siguransa sira nia kapasidade. FM mos hato’o parabens no kongratula ba STAE & CNE ba sira nia kapasidade ne’ebe organiza eleisaun prezidensial ne’e. Parabens no kongratula mos ba kandidadu nain rua , ba sira nia ekipa vitoria, lider politiku iha nasaun ne’e ne’ebé tenki basa liman ba sira nia involvementu iha kampaña ho susesu no damen nian iha eleisaun. Ikus nian mos FM hakarak hatoo ami nia parabens no kongratula ba lider relijiuan sira, ba sira nia involvementu promosaun damen nian, nomos ba komunidade internasional sira ba suporta eleisaun durante ne’e.

Depois hetan susesu dahuluk nian ba obstaklu tolu ne’ebe iha tinan ida ne’e, FM espera katak susesu ida ne’e sei traduz ba eleisaun parlamentar ne’ebé sei susesu mos, ne’ebe sei hametin pozisaun Timor-Leste nian iha mundu nudar nasaun ne’ebé stavel no demokratiku, ho ida ne’e bele hadook Timor-Leste husi nasaun status pos-konflitus sira. FM husu katak Timor-Leste sai hanesan modelu susesu ba transisaun iha nasaun pos- konflitus sira.

Another Step In The Right Direction

The 16th of April marked a momentous occasion in Timor-Leste’s history. All Timorese should be proud of the smooth and peaceful run off election that took place yesterday. This marks a further step into the right direction for this small country of ours and solidifies the democratization and developmental process.

The second round of the presidential election was on the whole peaceful, with only a few minor incidences, and this shows that the people of Timor-Leste are resolute in their desire for non-violent actions and have sent a clear message to those who seek to provoke violence.

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) congratulates the people of Timor-Leste for successfully electing their next president. We hope that people will continue to actively engage with their newly elected president and will maintain this level of political engagement so as to ensure peaceful parliamentary elections due in early July.

FM congratulates the PNTL as well as UNPOL for their support in ensuring the security of this presidential election. The successful conduct of these past two elections will increase people’s trust in the ability of our security forces. We would also like to congratulate STAE & CNE for the successful organization of this presidential election. The two candidates, their success teams as well as the political leaders of this country should also be applauded for their roles in ensuring a successful and largely peaceful campaign and election. Finally, the religious leaders of this country should be thanked for their devotion in promoting peace and we thank the international community for their continuing support.

Having successfully overcome the first two of our three main challenges this year, FM hopes that this success will be translated into a successful parliamentary election, which would cement Timor-Leste’s position in the world as a stable and democratic country, and thus breaking away from its post-conflict nation status. We hope that Timor-Leste could become a model for the successful transition of post-conflict nations.

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