Timor-oan sira jeralmente sente kontenti wainhira hanoin kona-bá UNMIT ho ISF nia mandatu iha Timor-Leste iha tinan ida ne’e. Ida ne’e sinal ida katak la’os ita la’o mesak ho ain rua no saida maka ita iha hodi asegura moris kona-bá siguransa seguru nian, maibe komunidade internasional sira bele fiar kona-bá ita la’o mesak.
Maibe, dadaun institusaun FALINTIL-FDTL ho PNTL jeralmente iha ona loron ba loron atu asegura ita nia siguransa ba tinan hirak ne’e, maibe mos importante tebes atu hanoin katak UNMIT ho ISF nia dezloka sai, sei rai hela mukit kona-bá kapasidade importante.
Bainhira UNMIT ho ISF sai, kapasidade aviaunista helikoptru nian sei sai ho sira. Governu Timor-Leste seidauk prontu atu prense lalais kavakuman kona-bá kapasidade aviaun nian ne’e.
UNMIT iha helikptru balun hanesan MI-8 ne’ebé transportasaun i ISF iha surveillance no transporte helikoptru nian. Bainhira misaun sira remata helikoptru sira ne’e sei sai husi nasaun ne’e.
Kapasidade asset Aeru nian maka tuir main ne’e, no sira ne’e hotu responsabilidade governu nudar nasaun soberanu:
• Evakuasaun mediku – bainhira UNAMET halo kna’ar nia misaun iha iha tinan 1999, forsa INTERFET ho nia helikoptru fornese tansporte airu nian ba medikus sira, la’os ba malae sira maibe mos ba Timor oan sira ne’ebe barak los. Ministeriu Saude dependenti maka’as los ba kapasidade Aeru ne’e hodi salva ema nia moris. SEPI Idelta Rodrigues hetan sukuru husi fornesementu asistensia Airu ISF nian iha momentu asidente kareta iha 2010. Ministeru Saude nia planu kona-bá ida ne’e?
• SAR – Search and Rescue: iha tinan 1999, operasaun ba ema sira lakon iha tasi iha foho tutun, ka vitima desastre naturais, inudasaun nian hetan ona asistensia husi transporte Airu ka fornesementu helikoptru nian. Ho UNMIT ho ISF nia mandatu hotu, Ministru sira ka autoridade importante governu nian, tantu ema sivil ka Militar ka PNTL iha planu atu simu responsabilidade kona-bá ida ne’e nian?
• Monitorizasaun: Helikoptru fornese kapasidade kritiku atu hetan informasaun visual no akurasia kona-bá siguransa nian tantu iha rai ka iha tasi nian. Siguransa rai ketan nian biban barak monitoriza husi lalehan ho helikoptur, hanesan halo vizualisaun husi lalehan nian kona-bá isu siguransa seluk iha siguransa interna nian. UNMIT ho ISF sai hanesan aset Airu nian durante tinan 13. FALINTIL-FDTL iha planu ona atu dezenvolve komponente Airu. Maibe ita sidauk iha ekipamentus kona-bá manutensaun nian ba fasilidade sira. Planu PNTL atu iha kapasidade Airu nian, karik ladun dezenvolve hanesan F-FDTL nian. Saida mak planu ona atu hetan kapasidade Airu nian hanesan ne’e?
• Fornesementu ba VIP: Lideransa Timor-Leste nian dala barak buka transporte airu nian, ho rasaun rezolve konflitus ne’ebe akontese. Ulun boot sira mos uza transporte ba atividade politika nian ho buat seluk tan. Iha ka planeamentu Konsellu Ministru atu sosa hodi troka kapasidade internasional nian ba dadaun ne ho kapasidade Airu nasional nian?
Hirak ne’e hotu sei gastu orsanmentu hira? Oinsa ho planu, karik iha? Karik responsabilidade Airu nian ne’e perioridade duni, saida maka atividade governu nian kona-bá asuntu seluk tenki koha orsanmentu ba asuntu seluk ba kna’ar sira seluk? Biban ka ita elemina viajem Airu nian pur ezemplu?
Timor-Leste Will Soon Lose An Important Capability
Timorese generally feel a sense of pride when contemplating the departure of UNMIT and ISF from Timor-Leste at the end of the year. It is a sign that not only can we walk on our own two feet and provide for our own safety and security, but that the international community believes so as well.
However, while FALINTIL-FDTL and PNTL have largely provided for day-to-day safety and security for some years now, it is important to remember that the UNMIT/ISF departure will leave us lacking some important capabilities immediately after their departure.
Once UNMIT and ISF leave, their air capability will depart with them. The Timorese Government does not yet seem prepared for this eventuality.
UNMIT has a range of MI-8 transport helicopters and the ISF has many surveillance and transport helicopters. When their mission is completed, these helicopters and their capabilities will also be leaving the country.
The capabilities of these air assets are as follows, and they are all important Government responsibilities – ones for which we seem unprepared to assume responsibility as a country:
• MEDEVAC – Medical Evacuation: Since the arrival of UNAMET in 1999, international peacekeeping forces and their helicopters have provided medical evacuation services not just to foreigners but to countless Timorese. The Ministry of Health has been very reliant on this capability and many lives have been saved. Secretary of State for Equality Idelta Rodrigues benefitted from this service as a victim of a serious car accident in 2010. What is the Ministry of Health’s plan for this problem?
• SAR – Search and Rescue: Since 1999, the search and rescue operations of persons lost at sea, in the mountains, or victims of land slides, floods and other disasters have benefited from the use of helicopters. With the UNMIT/ISF departure does the Ministry or State Administration, Civil Security and PNTL have a plan for assuming responsibility?
• Surveillance: Helicopters provide critical ability to gain accurate visual information about security issues both at sea and over land. Border security often requires visual confirmation of issues from the air, as do the full range of internal security issues. UNMIT and ISF air assets have done this for 13 years. FALINTIL-FDTL have planned for a Light Air Component – but we still do not have the equipment/maintenance/facilities. PNTL plans for gaining capability in this area seem even less well developed than the F-FDTL. What are the plans for getting them?
• VIP Travel: Timorese leadership have often needed air transport for reasons of responding internal conflicts or preventing conflicts from occurring. They have also needed the air transport for other more political activities. Are there plans by the Council of Ministers for replacing international capabilities with national capabilities?
How much will all of this cost? What are the plans, if any? If these responsibilities are viewed as priorities, what other Government activity should we cut in order to pay for these tasks? Should we eliminate business class air travel for example.
It is certain that Timor-Leste will lose these capabilities with the departure of the UNMIT and ISF. But it will also have a big impact on employment and the economy as a significant number of jobs and job opportunites for local Timorese will disappear and the level of consumption of goods and services will also fall. We must hope that the impact of these effects of the departure of UNMIT and ISF are being anticipated by the Government.
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