Saida mak ita nia matebian sira hosi ita nia beala sira hanoin kona-ba ita? Sira kontenti ho orguillu, ka sira tanis ho moe?
Ema barak los kualia kona-ba impunidade hasoru krime kontra humanidade ne’ebe komete iha Timor-Leste entre tinan 1975 ho 1999. Probleme ida ne’e sai ona problema rohan laek nian iha komvesasaun sosiedade Timor-Leste iha moris loron-loron.
Governu Alkatiri nian husi tina 2002 to 2006, ho tutan husi governu Ramos-Horta iha tinan 2006-2007 ho lideransa governu Xanana Gusmao husi tinan 2007 to 2012, hotu-hotu hola pozisaun hanesan konaba problema impunidade krime kontra humanidade. Ita nia governu durante tinan 10 ikus nian ne’e, foti ona pozisaun stratejiku ba Timor-Leste katak labele no sei labele lidera atu buka autor intelektual husi militar Indonezia no mos saseluk sira husi Timor-Leste ba kazu krime kontra humanidade ne’ebe komete iha tinan 1975 ho 1999. Pozisaun ne’e foti katak faktu ba Timor-Leste ne’ebe dependensia maka’as liu ba relasaun diak ho Indonezia sai kriteira importante liu kona-ba isu justisa. Dala ruma isu ida ne’e bele tenta atu komprende no numeiru lamentasaun ba isu ne’e husi Timor oan sira sai barak liu, barak mak lasatisfas ho governu katak dala ruma governu nia pozisaun dok liu hodi hatan ba presaun governu Indonezia ba isu justisa, governu Timor-Leste nia hanoin katak so Indonezia ho komunidade internasional deit maka bele lidera atu harii justisa ba vitima, maka imposibel los ba governu Timor-Leste atu lidera ka harii justisa ba krime uluk nian.
Maibe mos problema justisa ho impunidade ba outor krime kontra humanidade laos halo kompleksu ba relasaun Indonzia ho Timor-Leste, maibe mos lamentasaun kona-ba relasaun entre Timor oan sira iha Timor-Leste.
Hahu husi tinan 2001 no to iha restorasaun independensia mosu ona tren tauk nian ho lamentasaun barak-barak. Durante dekade ida nia laran iha ona akontesementus konaba siguransa nian ho akontecementu kiik ka boot ne’ebe maioria autor sira ne’e sidauk hetan responsabilidade legal tuir lei ne’ebe iha Timor-Leste nudar selu ba lei ba sira nia hahalok ne’ebe kontra lei.
Insidente siguransa inklui sira tuir mai ne’e maibe lalimita ba insidente sira seluk:
• Sunu uma iha Sub-distritu Quelicai tinan 2001
• Konfrontasaun entre Sagrada Familia-Colimau 2000 iha Maliana iha tinan 2001
• Ataka ba Kuartel PNTL Baucau iha Novembru 2002
• Manisfestasaun iha Dili Dezembru 2002
• Konfrontasaun Arte Marsial iha Ainaro iha tinan 2004
• Konfrontasaun PNTL-FDTL iha Lautem iha tinan 2004
• Ataka Banku ANZ ho armadu iha Marsu 2005 iha Dili
• Protestu boot iha loron 28 Abril 2006 iha Dili
• Protestu Petisionarius iha Maiu 2006
• Krize iha Dili tomak iha fulan Juni 2006 to Feb 2008
• Soldadus F-FDTL ho PNTL ne’ebe halo asaun indisiplinadu ba kazu iha 2008 to 2011.
Nune’e mos, tren ida ne’ebe parte importante katak ema latenki selu ka kastigu ba sira nia hahalok hasoru lei. Politika nain balun ka familia politik nain sira ne’ebe involve iha asidente fatal no rezulta ema mate iha tinan 2004 maibe nunka hetan kastigu tuir lalaok lei nian.
Dadaun ne’e, storia konaba impunidade nian loron ba loron sai kompleks liu konaba moris iha Timor-Leste. Hirarkia sosial – ekonomia iha ita nia komunidade sai influensia ba dezisaun sira ne’ebe ita halo, iha momentu ne’ebe lalaok lei lala’o, atu proteze relasaun harmonia ou atu satan ba kadea.
Kazu membru F-FDTL Armindo da Silva ne’ebe konsege tama kadea iha uma, tamba involve iha atakasaun no tiru mate PNTL iha fulan Maiu 2006 depois nia hetan presaun ba nia resignasaun ne’ebe lalais hanesan reforma sedu hosi militar. Maibe militar sira hatene katak reforma sedu nudar lalaok ida ne’ebe fo onra boot atu proteze nia dinigdade nudar veteranu. Ho implementa ida ne’e tamba faktu soldadu Armindo ne’e veteranu durante tinan 24, lutador FALINTIL ho nia maluk sira ne’ebe besik los ba komadantes boot sira, maske nia ho deviza kiik, ne’e sorin ida.
Iha sorin seluk, ho prespektiva kazu Ministra Justisa Lucia Lobato ho elegasaun ba korupsaun iha fulan Juni 2012, demonstra nia hanesan ezemplu boot ida ho razaun lubuk ruma. Nia politik nain ida ne’ebe politikamente fraku, no dezisaun fo sentensa laos ba nia deit maibe mos ba nia partidu politik PSD mos. Ikus mai PSD deroto iha elisaun 2012, no laos ona sai motor politika ida iha Timor-Leste. Maibe Lucia Lobato mos mai husi familia politik nain sira ne’ebe senior tebes no importante iha Timor-Leste, e nia mos subrina husi komandante FALINTIL uluk nian ho segundu Prezidente RDTL Nicolau Lobato. Dezisaun tribunal kastigu nia ba tinan 5, ne’e faktu politikamente imposibel no nia kontinua la’o livre to dadaun ne’e. Intersante los, nia laen kaben mos hetan sentensa kastigu tamba halo falsifika dokumentu hosi kompania no ida ne’e mos boot.
Ezemplu seluk katak numeru balun husi senior eis militar, sivil armadu, no husi PNTL ne’ebe ativu involve iha krize 2006/2007, sira hotu hetan promosaun sai deputadu/a, diretor istitusaun governu nian, Sekretariu Estadu, Ministru no ba emprezariu. Krime balun sai hanesan bisnis diak ho prifil boot liu.
Ida ne’e ezemplu ida husi ezemplu impunidade modelu Timor-Leste nia iha nasaun ne’e.
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Tamba sa? Ne’e bele komprende katak barak husi asuntu ne’e persiza ba razaun temporariu ba stabilidade temporariu, ne’e katak tren tauk nian no sai modelu ida husi parte ita nia kultura.
Timor oan hamutuk 200.000 mate laos ba hahalok aat ida ne’e karik. Oinsa imi nia hanoin?
Impunity and Respect for Our Dead?
What do our ancestors think of us? Do they smile with pride, or do they cry with shame?
Many people speak of the impunity for crimes committed in Timor-Leste between 1975 and 1999. This issue is everlasting issue and its cover diary conversation.
The Alkatiri Government from 2002 to 2006, in addition to the Ramos-Horta Government from 2006-2007 and the XananaGusmao lead Governments from 2007 until 2012 have all had similar positions on the matter of impunity for crimes against humanity. Our Government for the last 10 years has taken the strategic position that Timor-Leste cannot and will not take the lead in pursuing justice against senior Indonesian military leadership and their Timorese partners from the crimes committed between 1975 and 1999.
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This position is due to the fact that Timor-Leste reliance on good relations with Indonesia outweighs the requirements for justice.
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While this may be understood and to come extent grudgingly agreed with by many Timorese, many are also disappointed that the Government goes too far sometimes in giving into Indonesia’s pressure on the subject. The Government states that unless Indonesia or the international community take the lead then it is impossible for Timor-Leste to call for justice.
However the matter of justice and impunity for crimes is not just a matter that complicates the relationship between Indonesians and Timorese, but increasingly it is a matter of concern for relations between Timorese and other Timorese, inside Timor-Leste.
Since 2001 and the Restoration of Independence a worrying trends has appeared. Over the past decade there have been large and small security disturbances for which the vast majority of perpetrators have not been required to pay the legal penalty for their actions.
These security incidents include but are not limited to the following:
1. The 2001 house burnings in Quelicai
2. The SagradaFamilia – Colimau-2000 confrontation in 2001 in Maliana
3. The Baucau police station attack in November 2002
4. The Dili riot in December 2002
5. Martial arts fighting in Ainaro in 2004
6. The PNTL-FDTL confrontation in Lautem in 2004
7. The March 2005 attempted armed robbery of ANZ Bank in Dili
8. The 28 April 2006 Petitioner protest/riot
9. The May 2006 violence
10. The community violence throughout Dili from June 2006 until Feb 2008
11. A number of the PNTL and the F-FDTL discipline related crimes from 2008-2011
Additionally, a there is a trend that sees important people not having to pay the penalty for their actions. A number of politicians and their relatives have been involved in fatal vehicle accidents since 2004 but have never had to follow the law.
While the story is one of increasing impunity in the ordinary day to day life in Timor-Leste it is actually more complicated. The socio – economic hierarchy in our community drives the decisions behind how and when the legal rules will be bent in order to maintain harmonious relations or to “protect” people from the law.
The case of F-FDTL solider Armindo da Silva convicted in killing PNTL officers in May 2006 he spent some time in “house arrest” and was then forced to retire from the army. However the army ensured that his retirement was enacted in an honorable manner so as to protect his reputation. This was done due to the fact that he was a 24 years veteran of the armed struggle in FALINTIL and a close associate of senior F-FDTL leadership despite his relatively low rank.
In the case of former Minister of Justice Lucia Lobato convicted of corruption in June 2012 she was made an example of for a number of reasons. She was politically weak and the establishment sought to punish not only her but also her political party the PSD. PSD subsequently imploded in the July 2012 election and is no longer a political force in Timor-Leste. However, Lobato comes from a senior and important political family in Timor-Leste and she is the niece of the first Commander of FALINTIL and the second President of Timor-Leste NicolauLobato. As such imprisoning her for the 5 years that she was sentenced is proving politically difficult and she continues to walk free to the present. Interestingly, her husband has also been convicted of company embezzlement and is also at large.
Other examples are that a number of high level former soldiers, armed civilians, and the PNTL officers actively engaged in the violence of 2006/2007 have become members of Parliament, senior civil servants, Ministers, and business people. For some – crime has been good business and highly profitable.
These are but a sample of some of the examples of domestic Timorese style impunity. Why it can be understood that much of this is necessary for short term political stability reasons it is a very worrying trend if its becomes a chronic pattern and part of our culture.
This behavior is not what 200,000 Timorese died for. What do you think?