Dadaun ne’e aniversariu revolusaun Manufahi hasoru Portugez sira ba tinan 100 nian. Momentu ida ne’e loron historiku los no anuensia ba turista internasional ho nasional iha Timor-Leste atu ba e sente rasik paisajem iha ne’eba no iha fatin sira seluk iha Timor-Leste. Tamba ne’e maka, Timor-Leste tenki organiza an dahuluk iha Aeroportu nian, instituisaun Taxi no ajensia viajem tenki garantia seguransa seguru.
Foin dadaun ne’e Fundasaun Mahein (FM) simu keixa katak iha problema boot ida kona-ba taxista sira iha Aeroportu Internasional Nicolau Lobato Dili. Taxista sira agresivu liu hatauk pasaseiru sira, iha fatin arrival nian. Taxista sira hein iha odamatan sai nian no hadau malu pasazeiru wainra too. Taxista sira dala ruma obriga pasazeiru sira no hasai sasan hosi troli maske pasazeiru sira lakohi sae ba Taxi. Ba vizitantes foun mai Timor-Leste, ida ne’e sai manisfestasaun dahuluk nian ba esperensia dahuluk iha nasaun ne’e. ema estranjeiru barak maka dehan ona katak ida ne’e introdusaun paniku nian ba Timor-Leste ba sira no ba sira nia belun sira.
Nune’e mos, FM simu keixa kona-ba tarefa taxi nia folin ne’ebe tenki selu hosi pasazeiru sira. Ema lubuk balun haktuir katak sira hetan presaun atu selu barak liu folin taxi nian ne’ebe konkorda dahuluk tiha ona, Taxista balun taka odamanta taxi nian e la husik pasazeiru sira sai hosi taxi no savi metin bagaze pasazeiru sira labele foti sira nia pasta no husu selu liu.
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ida ne’e eksplorasaun, no mos illegal !
FM rekomenda katak Taxi Aeroportu nian tenki reguladu ho apropriadu; ita tenki aplika regra estandar internasional nian ba Taxi Aeroportu nian iha Aeroportu Internasional. Loket ida ne’ebe diak, nudar sentru ba Taxi Aeroportu tenki estabelese iha Airportu nian, hodi uza tarifa estandar hosi Aeroportu ba fatin destinasaun iha sidade Dili nian. Loket Sentru Taxi nian bele fo protesaun ba pasazeiru sira no mos ba taxista sira ho garantia folin selu tuir gastu mina ne’ebe uza. Ida ne’e biban ba modelu ekonomia ho diak liu kompara ho modelu dadaun ne’ebe uza tuir fatin destinasaun nian.
FM mos husu ba Governu atu regula Taxi Aeroportu ho siguransa husi Airportu to fatin destinasaun ho kriteiria balun.
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Taxista sira tenki iha identifikasaun ho kartaun ruma iha Taxi laran ne’ebe pasazeiru sira bele hare iha Aeroportu no mos iha biban ne’ebe tuur iha taxi laran:
• Numeiru telefoni waihhira iha lamentasaun ruma bele liga dereita
• Identifikasaun Taxista nian no centru informasaun
• Fotografia Taxista nian
Jeralmente, taxista sira tenki hatais farda, buat hirak ne’e hotu sei kria impresaun dahuluk nian ba vizitantes ne’ebe atu vizita Timor-Leste.
Ikus liu, FM husu mos presenza Polisia iha Aeroportu atu stop Taxi, wainhira taxista sira balun lala’o tuir regulamentu iha Aeroportu nian, nune’e mos karik iha insidente ruma kona-ba taxisa ho pasazeiru tenki iha intervensaun lalais hosi Polisia. Isu konaba taxista sira halo explorasaun ka harasmentu hasoru pasazeiru ne’e konsidera violasaun baziku ba lei, maibe lei baziku sira ne’e tenki ita hakruk, tamba hosi lei baziku sira ne’e hatoman ita atu bele hakruk no halo tuir issu ne’ebe implika ba lei boot nian.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) husu, karik governu labele governa isu kiik ne’ebe implika lei ka regra kiik, saida maka sei akontese ba isu sira ne’ebe implika lei boot? Bele kah Governu bele governa lei boot?
Airport Taxi Drivers: Ignoring Little Laws?
This is the 100th anniversary of the Manufahi rebellion against Portuguese rule. This is a day of historical significance and a day announced to both international and Timorese tourists to come experience this historical view with attractive sites in Timor-Leste. Therefore, Timor-Leste needs to better organize tour beginnings at the airport, like with taxies service agencies and travel agencies that guarantee security and safety.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) has recently received reports of major problems with taxi drivers at Dili’s Nicolau Lobato International Airport. The taxi drivers are aggressive and intimidating to arriving passengers. The drivers wait outside the arrival gate and fight over passengers as they arrive. The drivers sometimes forcefully take a passenger’s bags and cart the bags to their taxis even if the passenger protests. For a new visitor to Timor-Leste, this is the first scene they see. This is when they form their first impressions of the country. Many foreigners have stated that this is a terrible introduction to Timor-Leste for them and their friends.
Furthermore, FM has also received reports of fare extortion once the passengers are in the taxi. Some people have been forced to pay a higher price than the initially agreed-upon price, as the taxi drivers lock the doors and refuse to let the passengers out or lock the trunk and hold the bags until payment of the higher fare. This is extortion! This is illegal!
FM recommends that these airport taxi drivers need to be properly regulated.
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We must try to hold ourselves to international standards of airport taxi drivers at our international airport. A strong, central taxi dispatch location must be established at the airport. There must be a payment chart at this taxi stand – and at other visible points at the airport – detailing set prices from the airport to different areas of the city. This chart would protect the passengers, but would also protect the taxi drivers by guaranteeing a certain payment and corresponding the fare amount to gas used. This would be a better economic model than the flat rate model used currently.
FM also asks the government to regulate airport taxis, and guarantee safety from the airport to the destination for the passenger, through specific requirements. There should be visible identification for airports taxis, and inside the taxis should be visible:
• A phone number in case of customer complaint
• The taxi driver identification information
• The taxi driver picture (to match with actual driver).
More generally, the taxi must be clean and the taxi driver must be uniformed. All of these things will create a better first impression for visitors to Timor-Leste.
Finally, FM asks for greater police presence at the airport to stop the taxi drivers who do not go through the taxi concierge. There is currently a little taxi concierge at the airport and this action can happen immediately. Issues like taxi driver harassment of passengers are a breaking of a little law. But little laws must be enforced. Little incidences of lawlessness build up to become big issues.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) is concerned that if the government cannot regulate these little laws, then what happens to the big laws? Can the government regulate the big laws?
Obrigadu barak ba komenteriu nee. Hau hanoin ida deit, Timor Leste tenki hadia sistema taksi tanba dadaun problema kausa turista la gosta esperiensa nia. Hau labele fiar kondutor Timor-oan, tanba saa tempo hotu kondutor bosok.
Por ejemplu, horiseik hau precisa uza taksi ba lori aihaan hosi supermercado Leader ba hau nia uma iha Beto. Hau asente folin $4 (too much but I’m malae, so whatever – I don’t want to walk with heavy groceries). Iha kareta kondutor tan folin $5 no hau senti hirus liu.
Kolega nia feto la uza taksi iha kalan tanbsa rona historia kondutor abuza.
Yeah, there are huge problems, and the whole thing needs regulation. First, the drivers must be registered. A lot of otherwise unemployed men get behind the wheel with a cheap (often broken) car and no driving skills. There is an oversupply of taxis, as seen by looking at the hundreds of empty cars slowly cruising Dili any day of the week. These drive down the ability of a good driver to make a living and makes driving a car that actually works unprofitable. I once had a friend get into a car and ask the driver why it was going so slowly: “oh, I took out the brakes, they were making too much noise” was his answer.
The oversupply also contributes to the desperation of drivers, who then see the opportunity to extort their passengers by changing prices agreed on. They also see their passengers as prey, especially small women or people just off the plane. Timorese are not like this, and I think that the way that the taxi market works (or rather, doesn’t) has a lot to do with these outcomes.
The national parliament may take a long time to consider these issues, and even longer to pass the necessary laws. In the meantime I suggest that the tourism operators take it on themselves to operate legitimate taxis that serve their guests and others. The inability of their guests to get around town in any convenience hampers their experience while in Dili, and the difficulty, cost (frequently over $15) and danger (I’ve had female friends threatened) of catching a taxi at night further hinders things. A BlueBird equivalent, or even something much lower in standard but above the present level, would make their businesses more sustainable and profitable. It would also help Timor-Leste by bringing in more tourists, meaning more foreign currency and wages and employment.
Right now I tell friends considering a visit that they should hire a car for the duration of their stay, and have it delivered to them at the airport. It shouldn’t be that way.
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