Up-date Siguransa iha Timor-Leste: Tentativa Estabilidade Nasional Hahu 2014

Up-date Siguransa iha Timor-Leste: Tentativa Estabilidade Nasional Hahu 2014 post thumbnail image

Fundasaun Mahein nu’udar Organizasaun Sosiedade Sivil ne’ebé halo advokasia, monitoring no peskiza kona-bá asunto siguransa no defeza intermus politika, legislasaun, orsamentu ba instituisaun siguransa no defeza iha Timor-Leste. Hahu loke tinan foun ida ne’e Fundasaun Mahein halo estudu ida kona-bá violensia no krime sira ne’ebé akontese durante periode loron Natal no Tinan foun.

Hafoin pasa ferias iha loron bo’ot Natal 2013 no Tinan Foun 2014. Fundasaun Mahein kontinua halo monitorizasaun ba situasaun siguransa enjeralmente iha Timor-Leste. Monitorizasaun Fundasaun Mahein rekolla problema durante periode natal no tinan foun partikularmente kazu krime no violensia sira. Estudu ida ne’e deskreve kazu sira hanesan ema oho malu, joven sira asaltu malu, joven ho polisia sira baku malu, inklui ema deskoñesidu asaltu membru polisia. Signifika katak violensia no krime oin-oin mosu iha periode loron bo’ot nu’udar tentativa estabilidade nasional ba 2014 maske asaun hirak nia eskalaun ki’ik.

Problema siguransa ne’e hahu periode natal no tinan foun 2014 maka hanesan iha 29 Dezembru 2013 iha Baucau Sub-distritu Baguia membru PNTL ida hetan asaltu no ta’a husi ema deskoñesidu ne’ebé rezulta membru PNTL sarjentu Armindo da Cruz kanek. Polisia tiru mate joven ida iha Balibo iha 3 Janeiru 2013. Ema deskoñesidu oho joven 1 iha ponte Becora iha 04 Janeiru 2014.
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Polisia Ameasa losu pistola atu tiru jovens sira iha Bobonaro no kazu seluk maka agresaun fisiku iha kapital Dili durante periodu Natal no Tinan foun.

Fundasaun Mahein nia analiza katak krime no Violensia ne’ebé akontese hahu tinan foun ne’e kauza husi injustisa sosial, hatudu frakeza siguransa ne’ebé bo’ot, prosesu justisa ne’ebé tarde no aplikasaun lei ne’ebé laforte hodi provoka tensaun konflitu sai realidade. Krime no violensia akontese bei-beik no sempre provoka autoridade sira nia atensaun.
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Maibe autoridade konpetente ladun fo atensaun maximu ba aktu hirak no mekanizmu prevensaun la’o neneik no faila.

Aktu krime no violensia ne’ebé akontese inisiu tinan foun 2014 nu’udar hakat ida hodi loke odamatan ba violensia no krime durante periode ida ne’e ba oin. Kuando ukun nain sira no autoridade siguransa sira la foti medidas prevensaun adekuadu maka bele kria kompleksidade problema iha futuru. Problema sei sai as wanhira ita latesi tubun problema ne’ebé mosu dadaun.

Fundasaun Mahein nia hanoin presiza halo evalusaun siguransa periodikamente no regularmente ba situasaun siguransa inklui mos ba serbisu ka knar autór siguransa partikularmente ba membru PNTL no F-FDTL hodi mantein serbisu ho profesional tuir valores demokratiku.

Up-date for security situation in Timor Leste: National stability attempt in the beginning of 2014

Mahein Foundation is a civil society organization which is makes its legal profession by monitoring and doing research for the security and defense issues in terms of politic, legislation and funds for security and defense institution in Timor-Leste. In the beginning of the New Year Mahein Foundation will make a study concerning violence and crime cases that happened during Christmas 2013 and New Year 2014 periods.

After Christmas’ holidays 2013 and New Year 2014. Mahein Foundation will continue to monitor for security safety in Timor-Leste generally. Mahein Foundation’s monitoring has gathered problems that happened during Christmas and New Year periods particularly crime and violence cases. Based on the study has described such following cases that are people killed each other, young people attacked each other and also against police including unknown people who attacked some police members. It means that various crime and violence cases occurred during Christmas and New Year holidays which is considering as a national stability attempt for 2014 even though those cases are in small levels.

Such security problems that happening in the beginning of Christmas and New Year periods are, on 29 Decembers 2013 in Baucau,Baguia sub-district a PNTL member sergeant Armindo da Cruz was attacked by unknown people. A young man killed by PNTL in Balibo on 3 January 2013. Unknown people killed a young man in Becora Bridge on 4 January 2014. And some police member who threatened some young people with pistol in Bobonaro district and other cases are physical aggression in Dili city during Christmas and New Year periods.

Mahein Foundation’s analyses that, those (crimes and violence) cases which is happening in the beginning of 2014 is the causes of social injustice, which is shown big weakness of the security area. Late of Justice Process as well as weak application of the law itself will provoke tension of the conflict becomes reality. Those (Crime and violence) cases that always occurred have provoked authorities to pay attention for. However the competent authorities do not pay maximum attention for those cases and the prevention mechanism that goes very slow and still fail.

Those (crime and violence) acts that happening in the beginning of 2014 is like a step of chance by starting violence and crime for this (2014) new period in the future. If leaders of the nation and the security authorities do not make adequate prevention it will create very complexity problems in the future. The problems become high if we do not resolve the current problems that are happening.

Mahein Foundation’s point of view is needed to make security evaluation periodically and regularly for the security situation as well as performance of security authors particularly PNTL-F-FDTL members to maintain duties professionally based on democratic values.

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