Iha tinan 2013, loron 3 Fulan Novembru, maizumenus dader tuku 10:00 Otl, mosu insidenti ida iha prizaun Becora ne’ebé hakanek Guarda na’in rua, Justino Gomes kanek grave iha parte ulun tanba hetan baku ho besi-kanu no guarda Mateus Ricardo baku iha parte liman. Akontesimentu refere halo priozioneru hamutuk ema 24 halai sai husi prizaun Becora.
Momentu ne’e kedas operasaun PNTL konsege kaptura fila fali prizioneiru ema na’in 13 iha parte lorokraik, prizioneiru ida kaptura iha fronteira Maliana wainhira tenta atu tama ba Indonezia, ida kaptura iha Baucau, na’in rua kaptura iha Besilau – Distritu Aileu husi PM (Polisia Militar), no balu seluk intrega an, no iha 12 Fevereiru 2014 PNTL kaptura tan Orlando Freitas Ximenes “Lino Bintang” Baguia – Distritu Baucau, ne’ebé hamosu kontraversial informasaun kona-bá justisa. To’o agora dadur na’in rua hanesan, artista “Juga Gama” ba kazu Droga no Alcino Mendes ba kazu omesidu Hotel Beach Garden maka seidauk kaer hikas.
Dadur na’in 24 ne’ebé halai sai husi prizaun Becora iha momentu ne’ebá maka tuir mai ne’e: Laurentino Bere-mau, Patricio Dau-mali, Casmiro Soares, Abilio Soares, Victor Soares de Grasa, Inacio Oliveira, Januario da Costa, Domingos da Conceição, Mateus Maia Soares, Wilfredo Tonis Salo, Oscar da Costa Simões, Minguel Soares, Fernando Soares, Domingos Ximenes, Mario Tilman, Cipriano Soares, João da Cruz, Olderico Rodrigues, Orlando Freitas Ximenes, Angelino dos Santos, Roque Fraga Freitas, Agostinho Soares Lay, Alcino Mendes Pereira no Juga Freitas X. Gama.
FM nia pontu devista, tanba sa maka dadur na’in rua ne’e susar tebes ba PNTL atu kaptura? Antes ne’e autoridade PNTL liu husi media nasional promete katak iha tempu badak operasaun PNTL sei kaptura hotu fali dadur ne’ebé halai sai husi prizaun tanba pesoal intelijen naklekar ona iha terenu. Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa Fransico Guterres mos liu husi media nasional dehan, wainhira hetan komunidade balun subar prizioneiru fujitivu maka sei responsabilidade hotu. Nune’e mos Ministeiru Justisa la iha ona toleransia no fo ona deadline ba prizioneiru fujitivu maibe to’o oras ne’e dadaun prizioneru balun nia paradeiru iha ne’ebé ona?
Hetok at liu tan dadur fujitivu na’in rua Alcino Mendes no “Juga Gama” la iha serteza informasaun kona-bá nia subar fatin, Autoridade siguransa rasik informa iha fulan kotuk dehan paradeiru dadur “Juga Gama” iha ona Indonezia maibe ikus-ikus ne’e informasaun balun espalla iha publiku katak dadur fujitivu nain rua subar hela iha Timor-Leste. Maibe Komandante Operasaun Nasional Polisia, Superitendente Xefi Armando Monteiro iha loron 18 Fevereiru 2014 informa katak polisia indentifika tiha ona dadur na’in rua nia subar fatin, iha ne’eb’e to’o oras ne’e seidauk kaptura.
FM nia monitorizasaun, dala ruma dadur na’in rua “Juga Gama” no Alcino Mendes nia paradeiru iha rede organizadu ne’ebé susar ba PNTL atu kaptura sedu.
FM husu ba Autoridade Siguransa, PNTL no F-FDTL iha parte intelenjensia atu halo koordenasaun efeitivu no seriu atu buka tuir dadur fujitivu ne’ebé dadaun ne’e sei subar hela.
Escaped Prisoners Still at Large
On November 3rd 2013, at10:00am an incident took place in Becora prison, causing two prison guards serious injury. Guard Justino Gomes was hit on the head and guard Mateus Ricardo was hit in his hand. This incident lead to the escape of 24 prisoners from Becora prison.
An operation led by the PNTL attempted to re-capture 13 prisoners on the evening of the escape. One of the prisoners was arrested near the border in Maliana while attempting to cross into Indonesia. Another prisoner was arrested in Baucau, two prisoners were arrested in Besilau–Aileu district by the Military Police (MP), and some others surrendered. On 12 November 2014 the PNTL captured one more prisoner, Orlando Freitas Ximenes “Lino Bintang” in Baguia-Baucau district. Of the nine prisoners still at large, two are high profile cases. One of these fugitives is an artist named Juga Gama who was convicted on drug charges, while the other fugitive, Alcino Mendes, was convicted in a homicide case that took place at Beach Garden hotel.
The following is a list of the 24 prisoners who escaped from the Becora prison; Patricio Dau-mali, Casmiro Soares, Abilio Soares, Victor Soares de Grasa, Inacio Oliveira, Januario da Costa, Domingos da Conceição, Mateus Maia Soares, WilfredoTonis Salo, Oscar da Costa Simões, Minguel Soares, Fernando Soares, Domingos Ximenes, Mario Tilman, Cipriano Soares, João da Cruz, Olderico Rodrigues, Orlando Freitas Ximenes, Angelino dos Santos, Roque Fraga Freitas, Agostinho Soares Lay, Alcino Mendes Pereira and Juga Freitas Gama.
FM questions why the escapees, and the two high-profile prisoners in particular, have proven so hard for the PNTL to capture? PNTL authorities had previously promised through national media sources that all the fugitives would be captured shortly as the PNTL operation included a number of intelligence operatives spread out in the field. The Secretary of State for Security, Fransisco Guterres also stated if any communities are found to be hiding fugitives then the community will be held accountable. The minister of justice has no tolerance and already gave the deadline for the capture of fugitives.
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This begs the question of where the prisoners are currently hiding?
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Further worsening the situation are reports that the authorities have no clear information on the where abouts of fugitives Alcino Mendes and Juga Gama. Authorities stated last month that Juga Gama had made it to Indonesia. The Commander of the National Police Operations, Superintendent chief Armando Monteiro, stated on 18 February 2014 that the police had identified the hiding places of the two high-profile prisoners.
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Despite this, the prisoners still have not been caught.
FM speculates that fugitives Juga Gama and Alcino Mendes have been assisted by organized crime networks, making their capture more difficult for the PNTL.
FM urges the security authorities of the PNTL and the F-FDTL, especially the intelligence department,to coordinate effectively and with strong resolve to search for the fugitives who have not yet been caught.