Ba sira ne’ebé hela iha Dili viajem ho kareta ka motor: navegasaun trafiku kareta-motor, estrada kuak ne’ebé sidauk hadia hotu, animal sira livre la’o iha dalan, hirak ne’e hotu sai tentativas risku desastre loron-loron nian. Ida ne’e bele halo surpreza i hetok ba kondutor ka motorista balun ne’ebé esperensia barak iha mundu oinsa maka atu infrenta manuver ho risku boot ne’e mak iha dalan sira iha kapital nasaun Dili. Kareta sira ne’ebé halo manuver mak mai hosi kareta autor siguransa sira nian.
Fundasaun Mahien (FM) sai sasin rasik ba manuver kareta sira ne’e, FM mos simu keixa hosi komunidade katak kareta ho motor sira hosi institusaun FALINTIL-FDTL ho Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) nian utuliza iha dalan ho velosidade boot ne’ebé hamosu insidente ka risku boot tamba utuliza ho iregularidade, lalaok sira hanesan ne’e laos iha Dili deit, maibe mos iha distritu sira iha Timor-Leste.
Asidente sira ne’e mosu tamba motorista hosi institusaun Siguransa nian ladun domina kareta no ikus mai kontribui ba asidente barak (hare fotografia iha leten). Asidente ikus nian maka akontense iha loron (3/11/14) hosi veikulu institusaun (PNTL-Unidade Espesial) ne’ebé lakon kontrolu ba kareta no ikus mai baku-fila iha dalan Liquica-Maubara nian. Hare ba kondisaun kareta nian iha asidente ne’e, FM deskonfia katak motorista hosi pesoal PNTL-Unidade Espesial refere lori kareta halai ho velosidade boot, no laiha biban halo kontrolu tamba laiha kapasidade baziku lori kareta nian iha dalan boot.
Asidente sira hanesan ne’e sai preokupasaun nune’e mos lamentasaun boot ba FM. Tamba hare ba kareta laran, iha hahan, aifuan, no seluk – seluk tan. Hatudu katak kareta ne’e utuliza laos ba atividades ofisial nian hanesan servisu ne’ebé tutela ba PNTL-Unidade Espesial, tamba laiha ekipamentu espesifiku ne’ebé hatudu katak kareta ne’e utuliza tuir funsaun lolos nian hanesan kareta ne’ebé lolos hosi institusaun Siguransa nian.
Ho assidente hirak ne’ebé registra tiha ona, FM nota katak autor Siguransa sira simu no utuliza kareta sira ne’e hanesan boneka ne’ebé sira bele hodi halimar tamba sira iha pozisaun ba ida ne’e. FM nota katak pesoal Siguransa sira ne’ebé sai motorista ba veikulus sira ne’e laiha sentementu na’in ba kareta ne’ebé sira lori. Tan ne’e maka sira lori kareta laho kuidadu no halai maka’as i latauk hetan asidente no lakon kareta ka kareta aat, no hanoin deit, aat ka lakon karik, Governu sei sosa foun fali, ne sorin ida. Sorin seluk, iha mos evidensias balun katak utulizasaun veikulus institusaun Siguransa nian atu halo atendementu siguransa nian para halo seguru, ne’ebé temi dahuluk tiha ona iha FM nia blog ho kazus sira ne’ebé membru PNTL husu vitima ba kriminal estragus kareta nian, atu utuiliza sira nia kareta ho halo investigasaun ba kazu refere.
Dadaun ne’e sasan sira temi iha leten ne’e sai ona isu “Halo saida mak ami hateten, i labele halo saida mak ami halo tiha ona”. Oinsa maka kondisaun motorista sivil sira sente seguru, se regras sira ne’ebé autor Siguransa sira implementa sei kontinua viola rasik ho autor siguransa rasik? Antes kondisaun trafiku kareta nian iha dalan seguru liu mak autor Siguransa sira ne’ebé sai motorista mos hadia an ba lori kareta iha dalan.
Hodi nune’e FM fo rekomendasaun ba institusaun Siguransa nian:
• Ba Soldadu ka Ofisial Siguransa sira ne’ebé hetan lisensa Motorista (SIM), nune’e mos iha kapasidade bazika motorista nian maka hetan lisensa ka atorizasaun hosi Komandu sira atu bele lori kareta ba utulizasaun ofisial nian deit!
• Kodeku Etika tenki esplika responsabilidade nian bianhira motorista sira lori kareta ofisial tenki halo asinatura antes entrega kareta ofisialmente ba utulisaun ofisial.
• Karik iha ofisial ka soldadu ruma maka involve iha violasaun kodeku etika motorista nian no lori kareta ho risku boot mak tenki hetan suspensaun imidiatu ka prosesa ba lalaok kastigu disiplinar nian.
• Kareta institusaun Siguransa nian tenki utuliza deit ba atividades ofisial, no depois atividades ofisial remata tenki fo fila ba komando Lojistika ho kondisaun diak ho prenxe dokumentu hand over kareta ho kodisaun diak nia, no hetan asinatura hosi komando lojistika ho motorista refere.
• Kareta ka motor tenki registru hotu ho inventarizasaun no tenki halo manutensaun ho regular, atu nune’e labele sosa kareta foun ba kada tinan-tinan.
Security Force Vehicles are being used irresponsibly
For those living in Dili with a vehicle: navigating the traffic, potholes, unfinished roads and dodging the odd stray animal is a risky daily event. It can be shocking for even some of the most seasoned drivers in the world on how to react when faced with some of the risky maneuvers that are common place on the roads of Dili, this even more so when the car making these maneuvers is a police or military vehicle.
As well as witnessing this ourselves, we at Fundasaun Mahein are receiving more and more reports of FALINTIL-FDTL and Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) vehicles being driven and used in reckless and irresponsible ways, not only in Dili but also in the districts of Timor-Leste.
These incidences of reckless driving have been matched by an increase in security vehicles being crashed on the roads of Timor-Leste (see photo’s above). The most recent incident occurring only four days ago (3/11/14) when a special forces (BOM) SUV lost control, flipped over and crashed on the roads of Liquica. Because of the manner of this crash, FM strongly suspects the driver was going too fast or had did not have adequate knowledge on the basics of driving a car.
This incident is also concerning to FM as after the crash: groceries, shopping and fruit were observed in the car. These are hardly the tools of a crack special forces team and suggests that the car was being used in a way other than the stated military purpose of the vehicle.
It has become clear from these incidents that the security forces view the vehicles they receive as mere toys or a perk of their position. There seems to be very little ownership of the vehicles at an individual level and as a result security forces seem to be content to drive foolishly and recklessly confident in the knowledge that when they crash their vehicles the government will purchase them brand new ones. There is also little evidence that these vehicles are actually used to actually increase security; as mentioned in a previous blog FM has heard of cases where members of the PNTL are asking victims of crime for the use of their cars in order to conduct their investigations.
This has also become an issue of “do what we say, not as we do”. How are the driving conditions supposed to become safer for ordinary drivers when the rules being set by the security forces are constantly being flouted by the same security forces? Before the roads and traffic conditions get better the driving of the security forces must also improve.
Fundasaun Mahein recommends the following actions be taken by the commander of each unit
• That only officers that have a drivers license and demonstrated driving skills be authorised to drive official cars.
• That a code of conduct outlining the rules and responsibilities while driving an official vehicle be created and agreed to and signed by all officers authorised to drive.
• That any officer observed breaching the code of conduct or driving dangerously be immediately suspended from driving official vehicles or face other disciplinary measures.
• That official security vehicles be used only in an official capacity and are returned to the station at the end of each shift.
• That more is invested into the upkeep and maintenance of official vehicles so not as many new cars are purchased each year.