Polisia Tranzitu Viola Lei Tranzitu

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Tuir Dekretu Lei Nú 06/2003 kona-ba Codigu da Estrada iha artigu 76 regula espesifika ba motorista no kondutor sira hodi uza asesorius siguransa wainhira atu lori motor no kareta iha estrada publiku. Iha ne’ebé artikula iha alinea 1 no 2 katak kondutor kareta presiza uza sintu (seat belt) no motorista sira tenki uza kapasete (helm) wainhira lori motor iha estrada públiku.

Nune’e mos lei Organiku Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL artigu 19 regula serbisu Departemenu Tranzitu no Seguransa Rodoviária nian. Liu-liu oinsa departementu tranzitu ninia atividade no kompetensia importante sira hodi apoiu serbisu ba siguransa rodoviária. Nu’udar esplika iha alinea c katak Dezenvolve Kompañia seguransa rodoviária no eduka sidadaun sira atu respeita lei rodoviária.

Maibe faktus iha terenu hatudu oin seluk. Tuir Fundasaun Mahein – FM nia monitorizasaun hatudu katak pesoal polisia tranzitu sira rasik kontinua viola lei tranzitu wainhira lori motor no kareta iha Estrada públiku. Kazu sira ne’ebé Fundasaun Mahein – FM rekolla durante fula Maiu no Juñu hatuduk katak pesoal polisia tranzitu kontinua viola lei tranzitu nian hanesan la uza kapasete wainhira lori motor iha oras serbisu ho farda kompletu institituisaun PNTL nian.

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Foto FM

Nomos halai kareta ho velosidade maka’as iha kapital Dili. Rezultadu husi hahalok pesoal polisia tranzitu hirak ne’e hamosu asidenti fatal ida iha fulan Maiu rohan, pesoal tranzitu ne’ebé lori kareta tranzitu soke motorista ida area Comoro (entre merkadu Comoro ho Timor Plaza) tanba halai ho velosidade maka’as, maske iha kurzamentu nian. Hare husi asidenti ne’e hatudu katak polisia tranzitu viola lei Kodiku Estrada iha kapitulu III artigu 25 alinea f kata tenki hatuun velosidade wainhira iha no atu tama kruzmanetu nian.

Husi asidenti iha leten mosu pergutas ida katak pesoal polisia tranzitu kompriende lei tranzitu ka lae? Karik hatene tanba saida maka sira viola fali?
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Tanba hahalok polisia tranzitu sira ne’e hamosu duvida no emosaun (deskontente) iha komunidade ne’ebe kesetiona profesionalizmu serbisu polisia tranzitu nian. Presiza iha asaun konkreta husi superior PNTL liu-liu departementu tranzitu nian hodi hadi’a erru sira ne’ebé membru sira komete.

Nune’e mos membru polisia balun dala-balun uza motor kanu resin no lori kareta ho velosidade maka’as iha sidade Dili. Pior liu uza sirene ka lampu-lakan wainhira lori kareta hodi halo públiku paniku maske la’os iha situsaun emerjensia ka atu halo atausaun ba konflitu ruma. Atetude indisiplinadu no premanizmu husi pesoal polisia tranzitu nomos membru polisia husi departementu seluk sai ona sai hanesan dezafiu ida ba profesionalizmu no dezempeñamentu instituisaun polisial nian.

Ho ida ne’e Fundasaun Mahein hakarak rekomenda katak:

1. Rekomenda ba Komandu Jeral PNTL atu toma media adekuadu hasoru elementu polisia tranzitu no elementu polisia sira seluk ne’ebé kontinua viola lei no prosedementu legal instituisaun PNTL no instiuisaun relevante seluk.
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2. Rekomenda ba sosiadade sivil atu kontinua kontrolu ba instituisaun PNTL, partikularmente ba serbisu departementu polisia tranzitu nu’udar parte ida hodi garante profesionalizmu no dezempeñamentu instituisaun nian.

Traffic Police are Violating the Traffic Rules

According to decree law No.06/2003 of the road code, article 76 specifically states that motorists and drivers are to use safety devices whilst driving a motorbike or car on public roads. Drivers need to use seat belts and motorists are required to use helmets.

In addition to this the organic law of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), article 19, regulates the service of the traffic department and the roadway safety, particularly how the traffic’s department conducts its activities to support road safety. As it is explained on line c; that the role of the Traffic Police is to develop road safety procedures and educate citizens to respect the road rules.

This however is not reflected in reality; according to Fundasaun Mahein’s (FM) monitoring, members of the traffic police are themselves violating the traffic laws, while riding motorbikes and driving cars on public roads.
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FM has gathered cases stretching from May to June where member of the traffic police have violated the traffic rules by not using helmet while riding motorbikes for work and wearing the PNTL institution uniforms.

In addition to this Members of the Traffic Police have also been observed on many occasions driving their vehicles at a high speed, this is especially the case in Dili. This has had many consequences but none more tragic than the fatal accident that occurred in late May when a member of traffic police drove into a motorbike in the Comoro area due to the high speed he was driving at. Needless to say this accident occurred because of the officers reckless driving that also violated the road code, chapter III article 25 that states the need to reduce one’s speed whilst turning a corner.

 Especial Photo

FM Photo

FM has also noted that some members of police ride their motorbikes using race mufflers on their exhausts or even use their sirens while driving in non-emergency situations. The arbitrary and high handed manner in which the Traffic Police is conducting itself is incurring the dissatisfaction of the people and is causing concern about the professionalism of the Traffic Polices’ service. These failures need a concrete act by the PNTL General Command or the Traffic Department in order to regain the public’s trust that has been damaged by these recent incidents.

Regarding these incidents, a question comes to mind; do the traffic polices understand the traffic rules or not, if so why then do they violate it?

This undisciplined attitude from the Traffic Police officers is slowly eroding the public trust in this institution, trust which this public institute needs to maintain order on the streets. It is imperative that the PNTL General Command institute changes to halt these growing trends.

Therefore, FM recommends that:

1. The PNTL General Command to finds an adequate disciplinary mechanism against members of the traffic police who are still violating the laws and the legal procedure of this institution

2. That civil society continues to keep the PNTL institution under close scrutiny, particularly in the service of the Traffic Police department, to ensure the professionalism and performance of this institution is maintained.

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