Foto: Arkivu
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) triste maibe lahakfodak ho notísia foin dadauk kona-bá violénsia no abuzu seksual husi membru PNTL ida, husi Batalhão Ordem Público (BOP). Antes ne’e, ami mos halo ona relatóriu ba kazu hanesan ne’ebé involve forsa siguransa sira no lamenta tebes “Sé maka responsavel sekarik membru husi PNTL komete iha krime?”
Maibe ami lakohi atu hakerek blog regular hodi “fó-sala governu”, kona-bá ami nia hatene lalaok PNTL nian to’o iha ne’ebé ona hahu instituisaun PNTL estabelese iha tinan 2000. Ami antes ne’e aplauzu ba ambisaun ne’ebé hatudu iha Planu Estratejiku PNTL 2014-2018 inklui rekrutamentu ba ofisiál polisia hamutuk 1000 no investe iha treinamentu, administrasaun no dixiplina. Ami mos fiar katak PNTL hatudu ona ninia komitmentu loloos ba iha filozofia polisia komunidade, hodi ajuda relasaun serbisu ne’ebé besik iha komunidade nia leet. Los duni, FM hatene katak maioria polisia serbisu maka’as ba komunidade, tamba ami sempre serbisu hamutuk ho sira iha Timor-Leste tomak.
Tamba ami hatene oinsa esforsu maka’as husi governu, membru PNTL no parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira nia serbisu hamutuk hodi dezenvolve forsa modernu, responsavel no akuntabilidade, katak insidente sira husi krimi no abuzu ba direitus umanus halo ita frustradu no hirus. Atu halo saida serbisu sira ne’e hotu hodi harii konfiansa entre polisia ho komunidade sira, se karik iha insidenti kiik ida estraga sira ne’e hotu?
No ida ne’e la’os deit insidenti ida, relatóriu sira kona-bá polisia nia brutalidade no violénsia ne’e baibain ona; Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça (PDHJ) simu keixa 80 hasoru pesoal polisia no militar iha tinan 2015 (Maioria iha relasaun ho violénsia ka tratamentu aat). Kazu hirak ne’e kontinua akontese meske PDHJ fó ona treinamentu kona-bá diretus umanus ba membru polisia sira.
Enkuantu ita hatene katak PDHJ no sosiedade sivil sei koko buat ne’ebé diak hodi fó naroman ba asuntu ne’e, ida ne’e PNTL rasik maka tenki lidera. Fatin diak ida hodi hahu maka PNTL ninia Padraun Professional no Departamentu Justisa ne’ebé responsabiliza kona-bá arkivu no prosesa kazu dixiplinar sira no oho-ema husi membru PNTL sira. Prekupasaun antes ne’e hato’o tiha ona, kona-bá obstakulu sira, no atraza prosesu sira ne’ebé hato’o kona-bá keixa sira ba gabinete ida ne’e. Satán, wainhira keixa sira ne’e justifika ona, iha ka laiha transparansia no informasaun públiku liga ho rezultadu dixiplina no sansaun husi Komandu PNTL. Oinsá ita halo reklamasaun sekarik ita lahatene katak ida ne’e foti ho seriu? Oinsá ema ida iha fiar ba dixiplina iha PNTL sekarik nia rejeita atu responsavel ba publiku?
Maibe mos barak liu hodi hafahe oituan problema dixiplinadu hotu-hotu ba iha gabineti ida, ka Komandu PNTL nian. Tamba ne’e ami fó atensaun diak ba hotu-hotu, membru PNTL sira ne’ebé serbisu maka’as hodi ejize katak sira nia ulun-boot sira hatudu lideransa loloos hasoru dixiplinadu ne’ebé fraku no halo asaun hasoru membru sira ne’ebé hakarak estraga sira nia serbisu maka’as no reputasaun.
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Rekomenda ba PNTL atu halo asaun diretu hodi hametin ninia mekanismu ba keixa no dixiplinaria interna nian, foka liu kona-bá transparansia no responsabilidade públiku, ne’ebé ilustra klaramente ba públiku katak violasaun sira kona-bá direitus umanus laiha toleransia iha instituisaun ne’e.
Nota: Ami komprende katak polisia dadaun ne’e loke ona investigasaun ba iha asuntu ne’ebé refere iha blog ida ne’e. Ami hein katak prosesu investigasaun ne’e bele hala’o no iha rezultadu, inklui asaun dixiplinar seluk ne’ebé sei fó sai ba públiku.
Police Violence Hurts Us All
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) is saddened but not surprised by a recent report of violence and sexual assault by a member of the PNTL, in this case from the Batalhão Ordem Público (BOP). Previously, we have reported on similar cases involving security forces and lamented “Who is responsible when members of the PNTL commit crimes?”
But we do not want to just write the standard “blame the Government” blog – for we know how far the PNTL has come since it was established in 2002. We have previously applauded the ambition shown in the PNTL Strategic Plan (2014-2018) including the recruitment over 1000 more police officers and investments in training, administration and discipline. We also believe that the PNTL has shown a real commitment to a community policing philosophy, to foster a closer working relationship within communities. Indeed, FM knows that the majority of the police are working hard for the people because we often work with them throughout Timor-Leste.
So it is because we know how hard the Government, members of the PNTL and development partners have worked towards building a modern, responsible and accountable force, that these incidents of crime and human-rights abuses frustrate and anger us even more. For what is the point of all this work to build trust between police and communities, if in an instant a single incident undoes it all?
And it is not just a single incident, reports of police brutality and violence are common – the Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça (PDHJ) received 80 complaints against individuals in the police and military alone in 2015 (it is assumed that most relate to forms of violence or mistreatment). These cases continue to come despite the fact that the PDHJ provides direct training on human rights to members of the PNTL.
Whilst we know that the PDHJ and civil society will try their best to shine a light on this issue, it is the PNTL themselves that must deal take the lead. A good place to start is PNTL’s internal Professional Standards and Discipline Office (PSDO) that is responsible for recording and processing disciplinary cases and killings by members of the PNTL. Concerns have been previously raised on the obstructions and delays the lodging and processing of complaints to this Office.
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Moreover, when the complaints are substantiated, there is little to no transparency and public information regarding the disciplinary outcomes and punishments by PNTL Command. How can you make a complaint if you don’t know that it will be taken seriously?
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How can anyone have faith in discipline in the PNTL if they refuse to be accountable to the public?
But it is also too much to simply departmentalize all discipline problems to a single Office, or the Command of the PNTL. We therefore call on all the fine, hard-working members of the PNTL to demand that their Commanders show real leadership against ill-discipline and take action against those members who destroy their hard work and reputations.
That the PNTL takes immediate action to strengthen its internal complaint and disciplinary mechanisms, with a focus on transparency and public accountability, that clearly illustrate to the public that violations of human rights are not tolerated within the Institution.
Note: We understand that the Police now have opened an investigation into the matter referred to in this blog. We hope that the investigation will be conducted with due process and that the outcomes, including any disciplinary actions, will be released to the public.