Polísia “Main Hakim Sendiri” no Brutalismu Ironiku Aumenta Maka’as Liu-tan

Polísia “Main Hakim Sendiri” no Brutalismu Ironiku Aumenta Maka’as Liu-tan post thumbnail image
Foto: PNTL

Foto: PNTL

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 08 Agustu 2016

Komunikadu Imprensa

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) aviza bebeik ona kona-bá disiplina husi membru sira PNTL nian iha tinan hirak liu ba. Asuntu disiplina no komprimentu ba lei no regulamentu tenke sai hanesan komandante ba sira nia atuasaun. Iha ne’ebé polisia hanesan forsa seguransa ida ne’ebé iha misaun atu defende legalidade demokrátiku, garante seguransa sidadaun no bens nian no proteje direitu sidadaun nian tuir termu ne’ebé estabelese iha Konstituisaun no iha Lei sira. Nune’e mos medida ne’ebe polisia uza tenke tuir Konstituisaun no lei la’os ho ameasa, agresaun fizika no óho.

Situasaun ida ne’e FM nia monitozasaun iha tinan hirak ikus ne’e sai ironiku liu-tan. Hahu husi asaltu entre membru polisia, agresaun fiziku hasoru forsa defeza, jornalista sira, médiku sira, povu kiik no kbiit laek sira. Iha sorin seluk ulun boot sira Estadu nian, sira nia seguransa aperta liu-tan hanesan ameasa ruma husi nia povu rasik. Kazu ne’ebé iha semana ne’e nia sai públiku nia atensaun no lamentasaun atuasaun hasoru jornalista media lokal ida iha Dili no ikus liu akontese iha Munisipiu Covalima membru ida husi Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) tiru mate mane ida ho kondisaun moras mental iha loron 3 Agustu 2016.

Atuasaun sira ne’e, FM lamenta no kondena maka’as no instituisaun Polícia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL) tenke sériu hodi haree ba kazu ne’e ho rigorozu no aplika medida sira tuir regulamentu disiplinar nian no loke prosesu sira kriminal nian. La’os halo auto defeza deit liu husi media tuir relatóriu bosok ida husi nia membru sira. Hanesan kazu ne’ebé akontese liu dadauk iha Dili membru ida husi polísia tranzitu basa hasoru jornalista ida wainhira hasai fotografia ba atividade polisia nian. Komandu Jeral PNTL rejeita atuasaun ne’e maibe realidade husi gravarasaun CCTV nian hatudu membru ne’e basa duni.

Fila fali ba kazu tiru mate mane ida iha munisipiu Covalima nian, relatóriu husi media lokal Komandu Jeral PNTL hato’o kronolojia akontesimentu ne’e, “matebian ne’e bulak, halo problema iha uma laran, família rasik maka telefone ba polísia hodi atua situasaun ne’e. To’o tiha ne’eba polísia tenta atu hakalma, nia (matebian) sona no agresaun fizika hasoru polísia mak defende ninia-an hodi tiru”.

FM husu presiza halo investigasaun kle’an ba kazu ne’e hodi konfirma lolos akontesementu ne’e nian. Maibe hakarak hatete katak rezultadu husi atuasaun ne’e rezulta ona vitima ida mate husi kilat polísia nian. Haree ba kronolojia iha leten ne’e, “família kontaktu polísia” siginifika polísia iha ona informasaun kona-bá problema entre vitima (moras mental) ho nia família. Entau polísia tenke iha ona estratéjia atuasaun no prevensaun hasoru situasaun ne’e la’os aplika kedas medida uza kilat nian.

Akontesementu sira nune’e la siginifika polísia labele uza forsa no kilat ne’ebé hatete iha Lei Organika PNTL/2009 artigu 4 no 1 no 2 kona-bá medida uza forsa nian, “PNTL bele uza forsa bainhira iha perturbasaun ka laiha ba orden no trankuilidade ka hakmatek públika, no bainhira laiha meius seluk ne’ebé sufisiente hodi hasoru rezisténsia ne’ebé la tuir lei, kontra membru PNTL, bainhira hala’o sira nia funsaun. Nune’e mos forsa bele uza deit hodi defende-an ka hodi defende ema seluk, hodi hasoru hahalok ne’ebé agresivu no kontra lei ka kontra integridade fízika membru PNTL ka sidadaun seluk nian”.

Maibe no 3, 4 no 5 husi artigu ne’e mos ko’alia katak “Forsa ne’ebé uza tenke forsa minimu ne’ebé nesesáriu hodi estabelese fila fali orden lejítima no tenke proporsionál ba ameasa ne’ebé hasoru. PNTL labele halo restrisaun ka uza meius atu obriga ka ameasa bainhira la iha nesesidade. Nune’e mos PNTL bele uza armamentu tuir konseitu uzu nian no nesesidade operasionál ida-idak nian.

Konseitu uzu forsa no kilat reforsa mos husi Dekretu Lei No 43/2011, 21 Setembru, Rejime Jurídiku Kona-bá Uza Forsa nian artigu 3 no 1 no 2 hatete, “Funsionáriu responsavel sira ba aplikasaun lei orienta sira-nia an ho kritériu negosiasaun, mediasaun, persuasaun no rezolusaun pasífika kona-bá konflitu. Sei admite deit uzu forsa bainhira deit meius posivel ba rezolusaun konflitu ne’ebé la’os violenta la konsenge ona”. Artigu 5 husi lei ne’e nian mos hato’o katak medida ne’ebé funsionariu responsável ne’ebé tenke halo maka protesaun dahuluk ba ema ne’ebé afetadu no medida seluk antes uza kilat artigu 6 mos hatete katak uza ekipamentu, ka objetu substansia sira “Uzu forsa ho rekursu ba ekipamentu, objetu ka substánsia maka hanesan subsidiária atu kontrola infratór ba rekursu forsa fízika ema nian, bainhira hirak-ne’e grave tebe-tebes kompara ho ikus ne’e. La iha ekipamentu, objetu ka substánsia maka sei uza hodi kontrola situasaun ka kontrola infratór bainhira meius sira-seluk menus violentu ka menus danozu hatudu sufisiente”. Nune’e artigu 7 uza kilat “sei permite deit uzu forsa ho kualkér espésie ka natureza kilat bainhira uzu kualkér meius menus grave sira-seluk imposivel ka hatudu insufisiente”.

Ne’e atu hatete katak polísia tenke uza meius sira pasifika antes uza forsa no kilat hanesan ultimu rekursu bainhira meius seluk imposível ka latahan ona. Kona-bá uza kilat, FM aviza bebeik ona katak instituisaun PNTL presiza kontrola ho rigorozu no presiza tau atensaun sériu kona-bá konseitu uza nian. Iha ne’ebé bainhira maka bele uza kilat no oinsa atu uza? Portantu situasaun sira ne’ebé Timor-Leste hakat liu atuasaun balu husi membru polísia julga ho kilat. Nune’e mos situasaun sira ikus ne’e, FM nota bebeik ona iha atuasaun sira membru polísia nian hasoru komunidade ne’ebé involve iha konflitu, polísia hatudu uluk kilat hodi ameasa duke hatudu sira nia kuiñesementu no abilidade ne’ebé Estadu investe barak ona.

Ida ne’e hatudu teste ida ba kapasidade ba lideransa instituisaun nian atu impoin lei no regra disiplina ba membru sira hodi pratika iha sira nia atuasaun. Nune’e presiza avaliasaun ba lalaok formasaun sira no dezempeñu membru sira polisia nian. Bainhira instituisaun PNTL ho nia lideransa sira la tau atensaun sériu ba problema sira hanesan ne’e, possibilidade boot membru sira bele impoin lei no regulamentu tuir nia hakarak.
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Nune’e mos aplikasaun lei no regulamentu ba membru sira ne’ebé involve iha kazu sira hanesan ne’e, “labele fihir matan sorin deit” no ida ne’e sei motiva liu-tan hodi komete kazu ne’ebé hanesan.

FM nia deskonfia atuasaun sira ne’ebé akontese hanesan forma ida ne’ebé organizadu no tenta halakon konfiansia públiku nian ba instituisaun PNTL no estraga esforsu no servisu sira ne’ebé durante ne’e PNTL halo. Nune’e atuasaun sira hanesan ne’e hetan ona resposta kro’at husi Vice-Chefe Estado Maior General F-FDTL Brigadeiro General Filomeno de Jesus Paixão wainhira grupu ida husi membru Batallaun Orden Públika (BOP) – Unidade Eespesial Polísia (UEP) PNTL nian halo agresaun fizika hasoru membru F-FDTL ida. Iha ne’ebé hato’o katak “iha esforsu ida sistematiku husi grupu ida ne’ebé metin ona iha instituisaun PNTL nia laran maka buka atu sobu relasaun entre instituisaun rua ne’e”.

Iha ne’ebé FM nia monitorizasaun durante períodu 2014 to’o tinan klaran 2016. Atuasaun hahu hasoru komunidade bain-bain, lideransa komunitaria, mediku, estudante, jornalista, membru F-FDTL, entre membru sira polísia rasik no ikus liu taka hasoru ho tiru mate mane moras mental ida.

1. Membru BOP-UEP na’in rua hamutuk ho oficial PNTL ida baku nia maluk membro BOP-UEP ida iha Dili, Abril 2014.
2. Membru BOP-UEP ida hamutuk membru seluk husi PROVOST baku mane ida ho naran Bosco Lobato iha Tasi-Tolu – Dili, Maiu 2014.
3. Membru PNTL ida baku ofisial PNTL ida seluk nia ferik-oan iha Munisipiu Baucau, Juñu 2014.
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4. Membru BOP-UEP halo agresaun fizika hasoru membru polísia husi Eskudra Comoro, Juñu 2014,
5. Membru BOP-UEP baku taxista ida iha Rotunda Comoro – Dili, Juñu 2014.
6. Membru BOP-UEP tiru kilat no ba komunidade iha festa, iha Santa Cruz – Dili Agustu 2014.
7. Membru BOP-UEP baku ema iha Audian – Dili, Maiu 2015
8. Membru UPF baku malu hasoru membru F-FDTL iha Batugade – Bobonaro, Setembru 2015.
9. Membru BOP-UEP taa no baku komunidade ho naran Mario Soares iha Bairo-Pite – Dili, Novembru 2015.
10. Membru BOP-UEP halo agresaun fizika hasoru médiku ida iha Maliana – Bobonaro, Dezembru 2015.
11. Membru BOP-UEP halo abuzu seksual ba feto ida no halo mos agresaun fizika ba joven ida iha Bairo – Pite – Dili, Janeiru 2016.
12. Membru BOP-UEP halo agresaun fizika hasoru estudante UNITAL idaiha Colmera Dili, Janeiru 2016
13. Membru UPF baku ema ida Oe-cusse, Marsu 2016
14. Membru BOP-UEP agresaun fizika hasoru membru F-FDTL ida iha Dili, Maiu 2016
15. Ofisial Polísia Suku (OPS) halo agresaun fizika no ameasa hasoru lideransa komunitria Suku Fahiria, Aileu, Jullu 2016.
16. Membru Polisia Tranzitu halo agresaun fizika hasoru Jornalista media lokal ida iha Colmera – Dili, Jullu 2016
17. Membru UPF tiru mate mane ida ho kondisaun moras mental iha Covalima, Agustu 2016. ….

Númeru kazu 18 ne’ebé rejista iha leten nu’udar rezultadu monitorizasaun FM nian no fiar katak sei iha kazu sira seluk ne’ebé akontese iha munisipiu sira, fronteira, kapital nasaun nian no Rejiaun Oe-cusse. Nune’e husi kazu sira iha leten ne’e involve barak liu mai husi BOP-UEP hamutuk 11 no restu seluk husi UPF, Polísia Tranzitu no OPS.

Públiku tomak hato’o bebeik ona nia lamentasaun kona-bá atuasaun sira husi membru BOP-UEP no UPF iha ne’ebé ninia aproximasaun dalabarak identiku ho forsa maske la iha nesesariu uza forsa. Nune’e mos presepsaun seluk katak iha unidade balu iha PNTL nia laran hanesan UEP ho nia sub-unidade balu forma hanesan grupu paramilitar ne’ebé hakiak dadauk iha PNTL nia laran.

Nune’e mos husi UEP rasik hakiak ho kilat boot no formasaun ba atuasaun ho aproximasaun fizika no violentu duke formasaun lei, regulamentu, direitus umanus, aproximasaun sira polisiamentu komunitaria nian. Maske PNTL rasik adopta estratéjia no filozofia polisiamentu nia iha karakteristika polísia komunitaria.

Nune’e mos polisiamentu komunitaria sai ona prioridade ba Governu no PNTL rasik liu husi Planu Estratéjiku 2014-2018 ne’ebé PNTL adopta ho doutrina polisiamentu VIP (Vizibilidade, Involvimentu no Profesionalismu) ho objetivu estratéjiku prinsipal sira hanesan formasaun, disiplina, lejislasaun, operasaun no administrasaun.

Asuntu sira temi liu dadauk ne’e dezafia lideransa foun instituisaun PNTL nian ne’ebé simu kna’ar tinan ida resin ona no promove husi membru polísia rasik. Nune’e mos iha esperiensia polisiamentu durante períodu sira Timor-Leste hakat liu. Ida ne’e hanesan mos lisaun boot ida ba lideransa instituisaun nian hodi impoin lei no regulamentu ba membru sira hodi obdese no aplika, nune’e mos hola medida ida ho rigorozu hasoru membru sira ne’ebé hakat liu lei no regulamentu. Portantu PNTL nia misaun atu hala’o ka implementa lei no regulamentu sira la’os implementa ameasa, asaltu, forsa fizika no tiru. Nune’e povu nia moris la’os iha kilat nia tutun maibe ema hotu-hotu iha lei nia oin hanesan no tenke komprimenta.


Ho ida ne’e FM rekomenda ba:
1. Komandu Jeral PNTL prezisa halo avaliasaun ba dezempeñu membru sira PNTL nian no lalaok formasaun sira disiplina nian.

2. Komandu Jeral PNTL presiza hola medida disiplinar ida ne’ebé rigorozu ba membru sira ne’ebé viola lei no regulamentu. Maibe prosesu ida ne’e tenke la’o ho tranparansia tantu ba kazu disiplinar no kazu ne’ebé nia natureza kriminal nomos prontu responsabiliza ba públiku duke halo auto defeza deit.

3. Komandu Jeral PNTL presiza kontrola kona-bá kilat sira ne’ebé membru sira husi PNTL uza no utiliza ba oras servisu nian.

Police “Vigilantism” And Use of Violence are Increasing

Press Release

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) has been continually monitoring the discipline of PNTL officers over the last few years. Issues of discipline and obedience to the rule of law should become a command priority as the PNTL must be by example through their actions. This is because as police their mandate is to ensure the safety and security of citizens and protect their rights according to the terms that have been established under the Constitution and through laws decreed by Parliament. The mechanisms used by police should be based on the Consitution and the rule of law,rather than threats, physical agression and the use of deadly force.

FM’s monitoring indicated that such situations have become worse in the last few years, inclusive of violence between police officers, physical agression against defense force members, journalists, doctorsand the poor. Meanwhile, state leaders have employed their ownsecurity guards to ensure their safety, something the police should be providing. An incident last weekend that became an issue of public attention and concern was the use of unnecessary force by police against a local journalist in Dili as well as another incident Covalima, where a member of the Border Patrol Unit (UPF) shot dead a mentaly ill man on August 3 2016.

FM lamments these actions, and strongly condemns the institution of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) insisiting that serious attention be paid to these cases and that disiplinary measures be applied rigorously.Nor is false reporting by PNTL officers acceptable,, which happened Dili recently, when a police officer from the traffic unit hit a journalist who took pictures of police activites. The PNTL general command rejected such the allegations, however according to CCTV’s records,the officer in question didhit the journalist.

Regarding the murder incident in Cova Lima, the PNTL general command informed local media that, “The dead man is crazy and made problems for his family, therefore his family immediately called the police for help, when the police arrived and tried to calm the man down, he (the dead man) stabbed and displayedphysical aggresion against the police; then the police responded in self-defense and shothim”.

FM urges the PNTL general command to conduct a through investigation of this case in order to determine the truth about what really happened. Yet the reality shows the police response ended with a civilian killed by a police weapon. We can see from this chronology of events that the police were aware of the vitcims history of mental illness when the family contacted them, and should have a strategy in place to peacefully resolve the situation without having to resort to the use of deadly force.

This does not mean that the police cannot use force and their weapons to respond to situations as stipultedunde PNTL organic law 2009, Article No.5, regarding the use of weapons.“In the case of disturbance of public order and peace, the use of force is authorized, and where this is insufficient, other means can be used to overcome illegitimate resistance against members of the PNTL, in the performance of their duties.Furthermore, force can only be used “to repel an immediate and unlawful aggression in self defence or in defend of people, and, after the use of all means to overcome resistance to the performace of their functions after having given an explicit warning”.

The guidelines regarding the use of force and weapons are reinforced as well by Decree Law No. 43/2011, September 21, the Legal Regime on the Use of Force.Article 3.It statesthat “1. Officers responsible for law enforcement shall conduct themselves oriented by criteria of negotiation, mediation, persuasion and the peaceful settlement of conflicts”, and that; “2. The use of force shall only be admitted once the means possible for anon-violent settlement of the dispute have been exhausted”.Article 5 of this law also stressed that it is the responsability of law enforcement officers to protect the affected people first and use all peaceful methods before using weapons.Article 6 states as well that physical force must be used to restrain suspects before resorting to other means.FinallyArticle 7 emphasises that “The use of force by way of arms of any kind or nature shall only be permitted when the use of any other less severe means is impossible or proves to be insufficient.”

Regarding the use of weapons, FM has always advocated that the PNTL needs to rigorously control and implement their responsibilites regarding the use of force; When, where and how they may the employ their weapons? Because there have been many incidents where PNTL officers have misjudged the circumstances in which they can use their weapons. The recent incidents reveal that the typical PNTL response is more often than not to draw their weapons and use threats, rather than adheed to their training, something the state has invested signficant resources into.

This reveals that the implemenation of operational guidlines on the use of force remains problematic, and that institutional changes must be made by the PNTL, with greater discipline needing to be applied at the operational level. If this is not done, then there is the danger of PNTL officers imposing their own interpretation of the rule of law, rather than the that demanded by the Constitution and the law. Breaches of the use of force should not be ignored, as this will encourage a culture of impunity, and potentially see PNTL officers acting outside of the law.

FM is concerned that such actions by the PNTL will erode the public’s trust in the PNTL as an institution, and diminish the good services and efforts that the PNTL has carried out so far. The Vice Chief of Staff of the F-FDTL, Brigadier General Filomeno de Jesus Paixo, has expressed concern that “there is a systematic effort by a group which is strongly inside the PNTL with the intention to destroy the relationship between these two institutions”. This followed an incident in which a group of BOP (Public Order Battalion) and UEP (Special Police Unit) of the PNTL used physical aggression against a member of the F-FDTL.

FM’s monitoring from 2014 to 2016 of PNTL actions reveals they have used excessive force against the people, local leaders, medics, students, journalists, a member of F-FDTL, within the PNTL itself, and finally in the death of a mentally ill young man.

1. Two Members of BOP-UEP when a PNTL officer hit one of their colleaguesfrom BOP-UEP in Dili on April 2014
2. One BOP-UEP Member with another Member from PROVOST hit a man (Bosco Lobato) in Tasi-Tolu-Dili on May 2014.
3. One of the PNTL Member hit another PNTL member’s wife in Baucau on June 2014.
4. Member of BOP-UEP did a physical agression against police member from Comoro station on June 2014.
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5. Member of BOP-UEP hit a Taxi driver in the routbound Comoro-Dili on June 2014.
6. Member of BOP-UEP shot his weapon, and hit people in a feast in Santa Cruz, Dili on August 2014.
7. Member of BOP-UEP hit people in Audian-Dili on May 2015
8. Member of UPF hit a Member of the F-FDTL in Batugade-Bobonaro on September 2015.
9. Member of BOP-UEP stabbed and hit a man (Mario Soares) in Bairo-Pite-Dili on November 2015.
10. Member of BOP-UEP used physical aggression against a medic in Maliana-Bobonaro, on December 2015.
11. Member of BOP-UEP sexualy abused a woman, and usedphysical agression against a young man in Bairo-Pite-Dili, on January 2016.
12. Member of BOP-UEP usedphysical agression against a unversity (UNITAL) student in Colmera-Dili, on January 2016.
13. Member of UPF hit a man in Oe-cusse, on March 2016.
14. Member of BOP-UEP used physical agression against a member of the F-FDTL in Dili, on May 2016.
15. The Official Police Village (OPS) used physical agression and threatened alocal leader of Fahiria-Aileu, on July 2016.
16. Member of the trafic police unit did a physical agression against a local media journalist in Collmera-Dili, on July 2016.
17. Member of UPF shot dead a man with mental illness in Covalima, on August 2016

That is a total of 18 registered cases from FM’s monitoring. 11 incidents involved BOP-UEP, with the rest involving UPF, Traffic Police and OPS. FM is also concered that there are other similar incidents taking place in other municipalities, at the frontier with West Timor and in the Oe-cusse region, due to the presence of the these units in these locations.

Many people have raised their concerns over the actions of members of BOP-UEP and UPF, where their approaches are sometimes identical in using force even when the use of force isn’t necessary.Another perception is that there are units inside the PNTL such as UEP with some sub-units forming a paramilitary group withinthe PNTL.

The UEP is also acquring heavier weaponary, and training for the use of extreme force, rather than focusing on maintaining the rule of law, protecting human rights and implementing community policing. This signifies a dangerous shift towards a more paramilitary style of policing by the UEP, one that is neither effective nor appropriate.

Regular PNTL officers are however, adopting the philosophy and strategy of community policing more effectively. Community policing is becoming apriority of the government and the PNTL through the strategic plan of 2014-2018,with the PNTL adopting the police doctrine called VIP (visibility, involvement and professionalism).

Those issues mentioned are achallenge for the new leaders of the PNTL who have served for more than one and half years, to lead by example and promote a higher standard of discipline and adherence to their mandate as police officers.It is important that that the PNTL as an institution shows greater adherance to the rule of law, and applies greater disciplanary measures against those memerbs who breach their responsibilities, because the PNTL’s role is to serve and protect the people, within their mandate as decreed by the Constitution and Parliament.


FM recommends that:

1. The PNTL general command needs to assessthe PNTL’s performance and discipline training process.

2. The PNTL general command needs to apply a disciplinary mechanism riguruosly for members who violate the law of rule. However, this process should be applied transparently both for disciplinary action against members and for crime cases and should be responsible to the public rather than just the instiution.

3. The PNTL general command needs to control the weapons that are used by members of the PNTL during the duty hours.

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