MAHEIN NIA LIAN NO. 12 : Komunikadu da Imprenza, Lalaok Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B: Politika durante tinan sanulu konaba rai liur nian, Defesa ho Siguransa Nasional (Tetun and English)

Fundasaun Mahein 4 Out 2010

Iha Mahein Nia Lian no. 12 ba edisaun ida ne’e, FM halo analiza klea’an ba servisu Komisaun B Parlamentu Nasional, Komisaun ba Assuntu Negosia Estranjeiru, Defesa no Siguransa Nasional. Iha parte seluk, FM identifika kna’ar Parlementu Komisaun B husi kontekstu politiku ho kontekstu tekniku. Ikus liu FM halo sumariu ho rekomendasaun ne’ebe foka liu lisaun ba komisaun B ho nia dezafiu ne’ebe durante ne’e komisaun B hasoru iha kna’ar tomak.

Iha istoria Parlamentu Nasional Timor-Leste,  Komisaun B, Assuntu Negosia Estranjeiru, Defesa no Siguransa Nasional stabilese iha fulan Juli 2002, no ninia membru sanulu resin ida deputadu/a ho servisu ne’ebe mak barak no area ne’ebe luan tebes. Jeralmente iha Parlamentu Nasional iha nasaun demokratika iha ne’ebe deit  sempre kompostu hosi  representante kada partidu politiku nian ne’ebe iha parlamentu nasional hodi forma no tur iha komisaun permanente sira inkluidu komisaun B. Komisaun permanente sira iha Parlamentu Nasional hanesan pilar (Airin) ba Parlamentu Nasional nian tamba komisaun sira iha Parlamentu nia hanesan sentidu dahuluk mak representa povu, eleitu liu hosi sira nia representatividade, ne’e’be bele  skrutiniza (kontrolu) aktividade exekutivu no servisu sivil  sira hodi bele esersisu prosesu akountabilidade iha sistema governasaun nia laran.

Kuinesementu membru komisaun B sei iha nivel aprende hosi lisaun experiensia direitamente ne’ebe kualifikadu relasaun ho portofoliu komisaun nian. Hare luan liu tan iha parte seluk parlamentu iha rekursu ne’ebe limitadu, atu kontribui institusaun soberanu ida ne’e atu sai forte no kredivel atu eserse ninia servisu, ho nia limitasaun hirak ne’e publiku hare ho tendensia la iha balansu ho kontrolu (Check and Balance) entre servisu lejislativu no exekutivu.  Koperasaun entre ramu lejistaivu no exekutivu iha laguna, ilustrasaun faktus balu ne’ebe publiku hare katak lejislasaun sira ne’e dezenvolve iha kuartu laran. Sidadaun Timor-Leste senti katak parlamentu la adekuadu representa sira nia interese.  Ejisensia sira mai nadodon, aumenta tan difikuldade sira hatudu katak laiha divisaun piskiza ne’ebe diak no funsionariu sekretariadu Parlamentu limitadu ne’ebe la favorese membru parlamentu sira atu halao komunikasaun efektivamente no konstantamente ho konstituante sira.

Membru Parlamentu Nasional, komisaun B hanesan autor sivil mak iha lina oin responsavel direitamente ba povu no ho sira mak halao servisu kontrolu, no mos ho media ne’ebe mak seidauk halao servisu adekuadu hare lalaok sistema demokrasia ninia ejisensia no sosidade sivil sei iha fase aprende oinsa ema bai-bain no grupu interese komunidade bele esforsu atu kontribui no influensia politika (kebijakan) no lejislasaun relasaun ho portofoliu komisaun B nian.

Tradisaun supremasaun sivil seidauk esiste iha Timor-Leste nia kultura politika.  Barak tebes mak konsidera katak Falintil mak luta nain sira nia libertador no tenki respeitu ho kualker kondisaun. Nune mos, Timor-Leste falta kaderisasaun sivil ne’ebe iha kuinesementu iha assuntu militar no seguransa.  Hanesan rezultadu ita bele hare katak, iha oituan deit iha ofisiais publiku, aktivista Organisasaun Non-Govermental (ONG), akademiku sira ka journalista sira ne’ebe iha kuinesementu atu maneja seitor seguransa, atu oferese funsaun kontrolu ka ajuda eduka sidadaun sira konaba assuntu defesa no politika siguransa nasional iha Timor-Leste.

Heransa ida hanesan ne’e haforsa liutan iha programa dezenvolvimentu balu ne’ebe hasoru desafiu ba sivil sira atu hare tuir lalaok seitor siguransa nian, exemplu atual insidente ida iha raiketan Oekusse involve militar Indonesia mai sobu uma sosial estadu Timor-Leste nian ba populasaun vulneravel sira, exemplu ida ne’e sai esperiensia  no lisaun ba estadu Timor-Leste, oinsa atu maneja area raiketan ho tradisaun no kultura povu sivil iha raiketan entre Timor-Leste no Indonesia.  Iha parte seluk, kontinuasaun esistensia grupu anti-estadu, ninja no mesmu governu selu ona veteranu sira maibe sei iha veteranu balu ne’ebe ejiji sira nia direitu.  Iha ambiente hanesan, Timor-Leste sei kontinua halao hela prosesu dezenvolvimentu struktura governasaun, kria lei hamosu lei foun sira no prosesu dezenvolvimentu relasaun entre militar no polisia ho sivil sira.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp: +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 4 October, 2010

Press Release

In the 12th Mahein’s Voice (Mahein Nia Lian), in this edition, FM provides an in-depth analysis on the work of the Committee B of the National Parliament, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and National Security issues. On the other hand, FM identifies the role of the Committee from a political and contextual standpoint. At the end, FM presents a summary and recommendations that focus on lessons learned and challenges encountered by the Committee in implementing its roles.

In the history of the Timor-Leste National Parliament, the Committee B, Committee for foreign affairs, defense and national security issues, was established in July 2002. It has eleven committee members who have a lot of work with very broad areas to cover. Generally, in most national parliaments of a democratic country, there are almost always made up of representatives of political parties, who then establish and become members of permanent committees, including committees such the committee B. Permanent committees national parliament are pillars of the national parliament, because they represent the people, through their elected representatives, that can scrutinize executive activities and civil services in order to exercise accountability processes within the government system.

In regards to their level of understanding, the members of the committee B in a learning process; they are learning from qualified direct experience related to the Committee portfolio. Further observations in other areas are that the national parliament has limited resources to support this sovereign institution to become strong and credible in exercising their roles. With these limitations, people tend to see that there is lack of checks and balances in the works of legislative and executive branches. There is a lack of cooperation between the legislative branch and executive branch. Some facts illustrate that some legislations were developed in bedrooms. Timorese people feel that their interests are not adequately represented by the parliament. As demands inundate the parliament; these add more difficulties to the parliament as they lack a proper research division. Additionally, a limited number of staff in the secretariat of the parliament creates an unfavorable condition for the members of parliament to effectively and constantly communicate with constituents.

Members of the national parliament Committee B and civil society, are both actors on the front line, directly accountable to the people who should exercise control over policy. The media outlets have not adequately monitored the performance of the democratic systems.  Civil societies are still in the learning phase of how ordinary people and interest groups in the community of can make an effort to contribute and influence policy and legislation related to Committee B. Civil society and the media must demand that Committee B carries out its legal authority and exercise checks and balances over proposed laws and security policies.

In Timor-Leste’s political culture, a civil supremacy tradition is non-existent. Many people consider that FALINTIL-military are the fighters; they are the liberators and in any circumstance, should be respected. In addition, there is a lack of civilian regeneration that poses a difficult understanding in military and security issues. As a result, we can see that only a small number of public officials, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) activists, academia, and journalists have the capacity to manage the security sector, to provide a control function and to help educate the public on defence and the policy of national security in Timor-Leste.

Such a legacy is further strengthened in some development programs which hinder civilian in monitoring the performance of security sector, for instance, the current incidents at the border in Oecusse, where the Indonesian military (TNI) destroyed a vulnerable community’s houses. This experience serves as a lesson for the Timor-Leste government on how to manage the border and the culture of the people who live in border areas of Timor-Leste near Indonesia. On the other hand, anti-state groups, such as ninjas, still exist; and although the government has paid the veterans, some of them still demand their rights. In this circumstance, the government is implementing the development process of the government structure, setting up laws, producing new laws and developing the the relationship between the army, police and civilians.

For more informasaun on this issue, please contact

Nélson Belo,

Director of Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

tlp +670 737 4222

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