Fundasaun Mahein 10 Novembru 2010
Fundasaun Mahein nia lian iha edisaun numeiru 14 (English Version,pdf) sei deskuite kle’an konaba Operasaun Krime Organizadu iha Timor-Leste. Isu Krime Organizadu sai ona afeita ba siguransa publiku maibe ema barak sidauk hatene los saida maka Krime Organizadu. Krime Organizadu ne’e atividade (krime) ilegal ne’ebe involve ema individual ka/ou organizasaun sira ne’ebe iha kapital orsamentu ho matenek ne’ebe halo transaksaun ida ne’ebe ho level sofistikadu. Krime Organizadu ne’e maka hanesan trafiku humanu, transaksaun electroniku ho ilegal, prostitusaun, fase orsan, fa’an droga, terorista sira, groupu nauk ten ne’ebe profesional, nauk motor iha Dili laran, asaltu ema no obriga ema fo siguransa no seluk-selut tan.
Tuir Fundasaun Mahein katak Krime Organizadu ne’e bain-bain halo operasaun iha fatin ne’ebe asesu boot benefisiu ekonomia. Orsanmentu Jeral Estadu Timor-leste ba tinan 2010 ne’e total $ 837, 981,000, dolares de amerikanu no aumenta tan orsanmentu ratifikativu no orsanmentu pakote projektu dezemvolvementu. Montante orsanmentu ida ne’e boot tebes ne’e laiha monitorizasaun ida ne’ebe propriu, bele sai potensial boot atraku Krime Organizadu atu hetan lukru. Hanesan ita hare ema bisnis nain boot ida naran Datuk Edward Ong, ema ida ne’ebe deklara nia an representa kompania “Asian Champ Investment Ltd,” halo klain Governu Timor-Leste atu impresta Fundus Petroleum liu $1 billion dollares de amerikanu atu transfere ba nia bankaria iha Banku Hong Kong no sei fo fila to be transferred to a Hong Kong bank in return for an upfront 7.5% payout.[1]
Iha relatoriu ne’e FM halo identifika ona sindikatu nauk ten motor ne’ebe halo koperasaun diak ho ema oknum governu nian ne’ebe suporta falsifika dokumentus/STNK no kria dokumentu ho capa falsu depois uza fali motor sira ne’e no fa’an fali ba distritu ho delier motor iha Dili. 40% motor nauk nian fa’an b aiha distritu no 60% fa’an iha delie/agen motor sira iha Dili. Iha biban hanesan FM nia investigasaun ne’e mos hetan katak tranportasaun droga ilegal husi Indonezia tama mai Timor-Leste liu hosi rai ketan/ fronteira, no tula husi ro’o barikasa sira liu husi tasi nian.
Tamba ne;e mak FM rekomenda ba imigrasaun atu kontinua kontrola ba ema estranjeiru sira ne’ebe servisu ilegalmentu uza vistu turista.
FM mos rekomenda ba PNTL atu halo cek point rutina ba kareta motor nia dokumentu orijinal depois halo anuanciamentu ba publiku atu nune’e ema sira ne’ebe cente lakon motor bele ba cek iha estasaun PNTL. .
Ikus liu FM mos rekomenda ba governu atu kria lei ida ne’ebe bele kombate fase orsan nian. Iha lei ida ne’e mos fo obrigasaun ba banku hotu-hotu atu hato’o relatoriu ba governu konaba rekenin banku sira ne’ebe deskomfia halo transaksaun fase orsan. Governu mos temki establese sistema siguransa integradu iha Banku hotu-hotu ne’ebe iha Timor-Leste nudar hanesan meus extra ida atu proteje husi hahalok fase orsan nian.
Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.
Nélson Belo,
Direktor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: direktor.mahein[at]
Tlp: +670 737 4222
Fundasaun Mahein, October 28, 2010
Press Release
Organized Crime Operating in Timor Leste
Fundasaun Mahein’s Voice edition number 14 will discuss in depth about the actions of Organized Crime in Timor Leste. The issue of Organized Crime has affected the safety of the public and many people do not know what the actions of Organized Crime are. Organized Crimes are illegal activities (or crimes) committed by individuals and/or organizations with intelligence and with financial capital involving illegal transactions with a high level of sophistication. They include, among others, human trafficking, illegal electronic transactions, prostitution, money laundering, drug smuggling, Terrorism, controlling groups of professional thieves, stealing of vehicles in Dili, assault and most importantly, extortion rackets.
According to Fundasaun Mahein Organized Crime mostly operates where there is access to a large amount of economic benefits. Timor-Leste’s State Budget for 2010 is $ 837, 981,000, in addition to the ratification of money for development projects. This increased spending, without proper oversight mechanisms can be seen by organized crime as a potential way to make a profit. As we saw with the attempt by businessman Datuk Edward Ong, who claimed to be representing a company called “Asian Champ Investment Ltd,” to scam Timor-Leste’s Petroleum Fund by asking for over $1 billion dollars to be transferred to a Hong Kong bank in return for an upfront 7.5% payout.[2]
In this report FM has identified a syndicate of motorbike thieves who cooperate with some government authorities who assist with the falsification of motorbike documents and the creation of fake license plates, which are used before the motorbikes are re-sold in the districts and to local vehicle dealerships in Dili. 40% of these stolen motorbikes are resold in the districts and 60% are sold to the dealerships in Dili mentioned above. More details are available in the full-length report. FM’s research also found information about illegal drugs being transported from Indonesia into Timor-Leste through the land border and also on ships.
Therefore FM recommends the Immigration Office establishes checks of the foreigners who are working illegally using tourist visas for business.
FM also recommends to PNTL to establish routine checkpoints to check vehicle registration and impound those vehicles without proper original documents and announce to the public that those who have had vehicles stolen can come to the police station to see if their vehicle has been found.
FM also recommends that the government create a law to combat money laundering. This law can force the banks to report suspicious bank transactions and accounts to the government as suspected money laundering locations. The government should also set up integrated security systems inside the foreign banks that exist in Timor-Leste as an extra measure of protection against money laundering.
For more information on this issue, please contact
Nélson Belo,
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Email: direktor.mahein[at]
tlp : +670 737 4222
[1] La’o Hamutuk “Trying to Scam a Billion from the Petroleum Fund” 4 October 2010
[2] La’o Hamutuk “Trying to Scam a Billion from the Petroleum Fund” 4 October 2010
Hau nia komentariu ba FM atu bele halao fiskalizasaun klean liutan ba entidade tomak liu-liu mak actividade crimis nebe’e oras ne’e dadauk akontese ona iha Timor Leste liu-liu iha cidade Dili,. hau mos hanesa vitima ida husi hahalok criminozu ne’e. akontese fain lalais ne’e iha data 31 maio 2013, hau nia motor lakon iha Palacio Guverno nia sorin parte loro monu iha oras mais ou menus tuku 10.00 liu OTL. iha akontese ne’e siguranca civil 1 ho mos policia 1 hetan hela suspeitu maibe nungka hase ema ne’e i tuir informasaun dehan katak sira (policia ho siguranca civil) ne’e la hatene tuir ema ne’e nia motivu i hahalok ne’e. tanba ne’e liu husi komentariu ne’e hau hakarak sujere ba NGO-FM nudar orgaun non-govermental ida mak devende povu nia interse, atu fo rekomendasaun liu-liu ba guverno atu nune’e bele fo atensaun makas ba actividade hirak ne’e hodi nune’e bele prevene sei lae bele halo populasaun moris la hakmatek i hamate ita nia actividade seluk-seluk tan. obrigado
obrigado barak fm.hau nudar familia husi vitima.w la dun satispas ho crime nebe akon tese liu liu iha kapital dili.hanesan grupo ou artemarcial sira PNTL sira kontrola hare liu ba sira na kolega ka familia.ladun atende prnoglema nebe akontese balun mai apoiu tuir idak idak nia organijasaun.