Halo Tinan Dalas 10 Nudar Momentum Ida Ba Reflesaun Pasadu no Futuru Timor-Leste nian.”

Halo Tinan Dalas 10 Nudar Momentum Ida Ba Reflesaun Pasadu no Futuru Timor-Leste nian.” post thumbnail image

Loron Independensia 28 Novembru 1975

Rai ida illa metade ki’ik ne’ebe ita hotu hadomi maka nasaun Timor-Leste , ne’ebe sei halo aniversariu ba tinan 10 nian hahu restorasaun independensia iha tinan 2002. Ba tinan 10 restorasaun la’os sai ona nasaun nurak ne’ebe foin ukun an iha Mundu, no Timor-Leste sei iha etapa dahuluk liu nian ba dezemvolve nasaun. Maske nune’e Timor-Leste ne’ebe ho idade foin mak dekade ida, Timor-Leste iha dalan ida ne’ebe hahu 2002, ne’ebe dala barak nakonu ho problemas.

Dadaun ne’e, Timor-Leste sai fatin ida diak liu fali ho tinan 10 liu ba, no aniversariu tinan ida ne’e tempu ba selebrasaun, maibe mos tempu ba reflesaun. Tinan 10 liu ona hahu husi tempu deklarasaun ukun rasik an, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) sente katak importante liu ita Timor oan sira halo reflesaun hikas konaba akontesementu importante sira liu liu ba ne’ebe marka to periodu ida ne’e, hodi nune’e ita bele buka hatene husi ita nia naksalak sira ne’e hodi hari’i nasaun ba Timor-Leste nia diak ba ema hotu.

Dala ida tan lalika hateke ba kotuk, ba dekade ikus nian ne’ebe ita temi krize 2006. Ida ne’e hatudu katak ukun rasik an hetan ho responsabilidade boot ne’ebe ita nia lideransa sira tenki kuidadu liu. Tanba eventu sira ne’e maka hamosu atentadu ba asasinatu hasoru Prezidente da Republika Dr.Jose Ramos-Horta ho Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao iha 2008, husi Alfredo Reinaldo.

Sinal diak ba periodu dadaun ne’e, sinal dahuluk nian ne’ebe stavel ho relativu, ita goza dadaun ona tinan hat diak nian liu ba. Maibe nune’e, tinan sanolu liu ba mos iha konfrontasaun regular husi grupus Arte Marsial ne’ebe afeita ba povu barak nia moris ikus mai governu hamonu desizaun ida ne’ebe bandu pratika atividades Arte Marsial nian. Situasaun kalma tanba konfrontasaun Arte Marsial laiha ona, maibe mos sedu liu atu dehan bandu ne’ebe hatun husi governu ne’e susesu ona, no ida ne’e problema ida ne’ebe persiza halo monitorizasaun ativu ne’ebe mos iha ligasaun ho numeru dezempregu ne’ebe as los husi foin sae sira.

Dekade hirak liu ba mos hafoer husi evikasaun ba rai ho propridades sira iha Dili, no hahalok aat ka krime no siguransa sai nafatin problema signifikante ba ema barak. Atakas husi grupu iha Comoro no oho ema iha fatin-fatin, ne’e hatudu katak sei iha situasaun ida ne’ebe ho tensaun boot ne’ebe baze iha povu nia let. Aprosimasaun husi Polisiamentu nian persiza atensaun boot, ne’ebe hatudu dadaun iha atausaun hasoru realizasaun selebrasaun ba loron mundial traballadores iha Hotel Timor dia 1 Maiu ne’ebe ho violentu teb-tebes nudar indikasaun husi ne’e, ne’ebe hamosu perguntas konaba lala’ok komandantes Polisia balun.

Ita nia liderasan politika nain sira mos ladun hatudu desizaun diak iha sira nia kna’ar. Sira hasoru malu iha sorumut lideransa ne’ebe bolu (sorumutu Maubisse I 2010 ho II 2012), ne’ebe sira intende malu ho sira ida idak nia pozisaun no mos hamosu opiniuan no fo espektasaun ba jerasaun foun no hatur fundasaun ba susesu ba eleisaun 2012. Maibe eleisaun prezidensial hamosu ona violensia ki’ik balun, ne’ebe dala ruma hatauk no fo preokupasaun ba Membru parlementu balun walk out ne’ebe taka dalan ba diskusaun amandementu lei elitoral no bele fo biban ba partsipasaun ema barak nian iha eleisaun parlamentu mai.

Konaba asuntu politika, faksaun husi partidus politiku sira mos hetok sai ba pedasuk-pedasuk ne’ebe hamoris partidu politiku ki’ik barak, ne’ebe kria konfrontasaun kontinua ba hadau malu pozisaun ne’ebe sira kna’ar ba. Ida ne’e persiza fo kontribusaun ba ita nia frajillidade no la dezemvolve ita nia sistema politika.
Hanesan ita hateke ba futuru, eleisaun parlamentariu, dezena ita nia atensaun no sei prezenta sasidik signifikativu, no ita tenki rezolve se iha hakarak susesu atu hakat liu status pos konflitu ba stabilidade, demokrasia, rendementu naton ba nasaun. Ita mos tenki refleta aplikasaun ba adeasaun ASEAN ne’ebe halo ita hanoin daruak ba impaktus husi hanoin aat nian mos atu parte ba komunidade iha organizasaun ne’e.

Isu ne’ebe fresku dadaun ne’e maka konaba setor justisa ne’ebe efektivu ho independenti ne’e parte ida ne’ebe persiza atensaun boot ba tinan hirak sira mai. Insedente korupsaun ne’ebe buras ne’e hanesan kankru ne’ebe persiza kura lalais antis daet ba sistema sira seluk. Probelema konaba lingua persiza hare’e tuir, liu-liu uza hodi draft lei sira ne’ebe domina husi lian Portugez, ne’ebe ikus mai fo biban ba ema gropu ki’ik ne’ebe hatene diak lian Portugez.

Terminasaun misaun UNMIT ne’ebe besik dadaun hasa’e sentimentu tauk konaba siguransa maske nune’e autor seitor siguransa nian deklara sei atende diak ba insedentes sira ne’ebe atu mosu. Tempu sei deklara sai, ami iha biban atu hamrik mesak iha ami nia ain leten rasik, no ami husu autor siguransa sira prontu atende. Ida mos kuandu terminasaun ONU nian ne’e sei hamoris dezempregu barak, no mos propriedades sira ne’ebe ema internasional sira aluga ba sei menus no familias sira sei lakon lukru ka rendementu.

Dezafiu sira seluk ne’ebe sei ameasa iha dekade hirak ikus nian maka uluk liu nian konaba ita nia matoridade husi ita barak,oinsa maka ita konkorda malu atu la konkorda malu ho hakmatek no harmonia. Ho demokrasia ne’ebe hamosu hanoin pluralizmu halo ema serteza ba buat ruma atu halo argumentu. Ita tenki aprende ida ne’e no hases an husi teknikus no hahalok aat ne’ebe mai hosi okupandor sira uluk nian. FM hakarak rekomenda ba ita hotu katak ita hotu aprende liu husi historia, tan ne’e maka atu hadia ita nia hahalok diak ba dekades sira mai.

Loron 20 Maiu 2012 hanesan momentum atu haksolok no importante ba Timor oan sira hotu. Ema barak mate no sakrifika an ba restorasaun ukun rasik an no halo diak nian ba tempu ne’e atu halo selebrasaun ba moris sira ne’ebe lakon tiha ona, nune’e mos ba tinan dalas 100 ba DOM Boaventura nia rezistensia dahuluk nian hasoru Portugez atu halo reflesaun hodi uza lala’ok diak atu atinze eleisaun ida be paz no hakmatek nian iha eleisaun parlementar mai. Iha loron 20 de Maiu ne’e mos, ita prontu atu haruka mensagem positivu nian ba Mundu atu hatudu Timor-Leste prontu hases husi konflitus politika no muda ba paz ho harmonia, no ruhun nehan atu halo dezemvolvementu ida ne’ebe prosperidade ba ema hotu.

The 10th Year Anniversary Is a Moment of Reflection on Timor-Leste’s Past & Future”

Our beloved small half-island nation of Timor-Leste, is celebrating its 10th year anniversary since the restoration of independence in 2002. Though, no longer the youngest country in the world, we are still at a very early stage of nation building. However, despite Timor-Leste being only a decade old, we have come a long way since 2002 andit’s often been a bumpy road.

Timor-Leste is a far better place than it was ten years ago and this anniversary is a time for celebration, but also of reflection. Ten years have now passed since independence and Fundasaun Mahein (FM) feels it is important that we reflect on the main events that marked this period so that we can learn from our mistakes and build an ever more prosperous Timor-Leste for all.

One cannot look back at the past decade and not mention the 2006 crisis. This showed that gaining independence came with heavy responsibilities and that our leaders needed to be more cautious of this. This event eventually resulted in 2008, in the attempted assassination of President Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao by rebel soldiers led by Alfredo Reinado.

This marked the beginning of the current period ofrelative stability, we have been enjoying these past four years. However, the past decade has also been marred by regular confrontations between Martial Arts Groups (MAG). The incessant MAG confrontations, which impacted entire communities led to the current government’s decision earlier this year to ban the practice of MAG. Although, MAG have been rather quiet since, it is too early to tell whether the ban of MAG has been successful, and this is an issue that requires close monitoring and is closely intertwined with high rates of youth unemployment.

The past decade has also been marred by regular land evictions, notably in Dili and crime and security remain a significant issue for many. The recent killings in Dili and group assault in Comoro have shown that there remain some underlying tensions within segments of our society. The heavy-handed approach of our police force is another issue that requires attention and remedy. The May Day protest outside Hotel Timor, which was violently suppressed by the PNTL, is indicative of this and raises the question on the attitudes held by numerous PNTL commanders.

Our political leadership has not always shown wisdom when conducting their tasks. They have held leadership meetings on two occasions (Maubisse I in 2010 & II in 2012), which sought mutual understanding ofeach other’s positions, opinions and expectations for future generations and placed the foundations to the 2012 elections. However, the 2012 presidential election saw small outbreaks of violence and perhaps more worrying and striking is the walk out by some MPs from parliament blocking the discussion and vote on amending the electoral law so as to allow greater participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Remaining with politics, the split of numerous political parties has led to the proliferation of numerous smallerparties, which creates further confrontation over positions within them. This contributes to the destabilization of our fragile and undeveloped political system.

As we look to the future, the upcoming parliamentary elections draws our attention and this will present a significant challenge we must overcome if we hope to successfully move on from our post-conflict status, to a stable, democratic, middle income nation. We must also reflect on our application to join ASEAN and perhaps think twice about the repercussions of our hasty desire of joining this organization.

The growing issue of an effective and independent justice sector is one that will require increasingly greater attention in the coming years. The rising incidence of corruption is like acancer, needing to be treated early, before it takes over the entire system. The issue of language is another one that will need scrutiny, notably in the continuing drafting of laws mainly in Portuguese, despite only a tiny minority of Timorese being fluent in this language.

The imminent departure of UNMIT willraise security concerns although Timorese security authorities claim to be ready to handle any event. Time will tell, and although we are pleased to stand on our own two feet, we hope that our security apparatuses are duly prepared. One thing however that the UN departure may create is a rise in unemployment and a decrease in rental income for many families.

The challenges that have plagued the past decade and that threaten the next one mainly result from a certain lack of maturity bymany of us, who cannot agree to disagree in an orderly and peaceful manner.With democracy comes pluralism of thoughts, beliefs and arguments. We must learn to accept this and rid ourselves of the techniques and attitudes held by our previous oppressors. FM would like to recommend that we all draw lessons from our history so as to improve our conduct in the upcoming decade.

The 20th of May 2012 is a joyous and momentous occasion for all Timorese. Countless lives were sacrificed in thegoal of restoring our independence and what better way to commemorate theselost lives as well as the 100th year of DOM Boaventura resistance against the Portuguese than to reflect on our past and use this acquired wisdom to ensure the peaceful conduct of upcoming parliamentary elections. On the 20th of May, we must send a positive message to the world showing that Timor-Leste is ready to shrug off its instable post-conflict image and replace it with one of peace and harmony, adamant of building a fairer and more prosperous country for all.

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