Numeiru Violensia Hasoru Feto iha Timor-Leste Aumenta

Numeiru Violensia Hasoru Feto iha Timor-Leste Aumenta post thumbnail image

Feto klosan ida iha Distritu Dili hetan asaltu hosi ema ida depois simu sms, ikus mai evakua ba Ospital Guide Valadares no mate iha dia 4 Setembru 2013. Tuir relatoriu ne’ebé fo sai katak antis ne’e feto ne’e hetan agresaun ho fisikamenta, iha kalan ne’ebá deskonfiansa hetan sms hosi nia namorado husu atu hasoru malu.

Insidente ida ne’e foun no evedensia violensia hasoru feto Timor-Leste iha tempu bai loron naruk ne’e. Fundasaun Mahein hasai ona relatoriu ba kazu daruak nian, i agora dadaun sai hanesan trende boot ida violensia targetu hasoru feto. Iha kazu ida, joven feto ho mane hetan kapturasaun ikus mai obriga sira halo relasaun seksual iha Tasi Tolu depois halo filmajem, ne’e sorin ida. Iha sorin seluk, feto klosan ida mos ema obriga sira hatama iha taksi laran iha Embaisada Amerika nia oin no ikus mai halo atakasaun seksual, ema sira ne’ebé komete iha asaltu sira ne’e deskonfiansa hosi Timor oan sira rasik iha Timor-Leste.

Fundasaun Mahein lamenta no husu perguntas, tanba sa maka autoridade ne’ebé kaer lei ho ordem iha nasaun ne’e halo tratamentu ba kazu hirak ne’ebé akontense ona ne’e ho tipu separasaun? Alende halo seperasaun ba kazu ne’e, no habo’ot tan violasaun seksual hasoru feto tanba iha influensia maka’as hosi Krime organizadu iha Timor-Leste. Kazu sira ne’ebé akontensia tiha ona ne’e nia meta dahuluk nian maka oinsa halo asaltu no hadau sasan, halo violasaun seksual, no iha motivasaun oho karik feto sira halo resistensia. Konsekuensia hosi ida ne’e maka autoridade sira hare katak ne’e krime normal, maibe ida ne’e nu’udar tipu seluk ne’ebé akontense hanesan atividades Krime Organizadu nian.

Fundasaun Mahein lamenta ho Governu nia asaun nonok deit nudar resposta ba kazu hirak ne’ebé kontinua akontense. Institusaun Governu barak los maibe atendementu ba komunidade liu liu fo sai informasaun kona-bá operasaun Krime Organizadu ladun maximu. Violensia sira ne’e ameasa seriu ba publiku nia siguransa partikularmente ba feto sira nia seguransa siguru. Fundasaun Mahien mos husu atu Governu kria atividade ida oinsa maka bele fo informasaun ba komunidade iha tempu ne’ebé atividade Krime Organizadu ne’e halo operasaun maka’as hodi ameasa ba siguransa publiku.

Fundasaun Mahein husu ba feto no labarik kolosan feto ho mane sira atu kuidadu liu sai hosi uma mesak-mesak iha tempu kalan, maibe tenki sai ho ema ruma e hodi hatene lolos ema se deit mak atu hasoru no iha fatin ne’ebé maka planu atu hasoru.

Ikus liu , Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba povu atu servisu hamutuk ho autoridade ne’ebé kaer lei ho ordem hodi hasa’e konsensia ba violensia sira ne’ebé akontese tiha ona, karik iha deskonfiansa ba grupu ka ema ruma ameasa imi, halo favor liga lalais ba estasiun PNTL ne’ebé besik ba ho numeru telefoni 122 ou 73000122.

Sexual Violence Against Women on the Rise in Timor-Leste

A teenage girl from Dili District died shortly after being transferred to a nearby hospital early morning of 4 September 2013. Initial reports indicate that she had been sexually assaulted before being beaten to death. She had allegedly left her house late last night to meet her boyfriend after receiving a text message from him asking to meet.

Thisincident is the most recent in a string of cases marked by violence against women in Timor-Leste. During this summer alone, Fundasaun Mahein has reported on two other high-profile cases highlighting the growing trend of sexual violence targeting women. In one case a young couple were captured at Tasi-Tolu and forced to perform sexual acts on camera. In another, a young woman taking a taxi was taken hostage and gang raped near the U.S. Embassy. In each case, Timorese women are falling victim to assault at the hands of Timorese men.

Fundasaun Mahein would like to ask why law enforcement officials are treating each of these cases as completely separate events? Far from being separate, these crimes represent a growing pattern of sexual violence against women sprouting from the influences of organized crimes networks within Timor-Leste. In each of these three cases and others like them, women are murdered, sexually assaulted, and targeted for robbery. As a result, it is imperative that law enforcement officials not view these crimes as normal, but as a conscious and increasing pattern of organized criminal activity.

Fundasaun Mahein is also concerned by the government’s silence in response to these terrible events. Despite the government’s numerous institutions and ministries, there is currently no formal institution in place to address and notify the public about events like these. These crimes pose severe threats to public safety and women’s safety in particular, and much more outreach is needed to increase public awareness of these dangers.Fundasaun Mahein recommends that the government create a public relations department within the Ministry of State Security to address the public at times of increased threats to public safety.

In response to this disturbing increase in violence, Fundasaun Mahein urges Timorese women to exercise caution when leaving their homes. Fundasaun Mahein recommends that women never going out at night completely alone, regardless of where they are going or who they plan to meet.

Finally, Fundasaun Mahein urges the public to work with law-enforcement to curb this growing violence. Please call the PNTL at this number if you see any sign of unusual activity: phone number 122 or 73000122

3 thoughts on “Numeiru Violensia Hasoru Feto iha Timor-Leste Aumenta”

  1. Oinsa Rede Feto (Fokupers) nia hanoin kona ba Kazu hirak hansan Mahein temi iha leten…ida nee hatudo momos katak hahalok hanesan nee krime kontra DH sa tan liu -liu ba Feto sira…..



  2. I feel that the proper regulation of the taxi services in Dili is one thing that could be done to reduce the vulnerability of women to this kind of attack. The taxis have become increasingly dangerous over the past year as unlicensed drivers and criminal elements have started to muscle in. It’s all well and good to tell women to restrict their movements, but they have a right to safe public transport. Otherwise the women are losing their liberty because of these criminals. Instead of putting the emphasis on what women “should” do, it’s important to state clearly what men “shouldn’t do”. Don’t rape. Don’t rob. Don’t attack.

  3. Atu troka hanoin deit: Hau sinte profesionalismu husi ita nia Polisia mos sei sai duvida. Mezmu ita hetan tiha ona treinamentu husi nasaun avansadu sira hanesan Australia, Portugal, Nova Zealandia no seluk tan. Pergunta mak nee: ita nia polisia sira tuir no kumpriende duni ka ou sira nebe fo treinamentu mak sidauk efektivu? Sugestaun: ita bele hare tok instituisaun nebe mak fo kapasidade ba ita nia PNTL sira nee. Tamba ita bele kritika barak mais sei enkuandu too final polisia nudar protesaun lei no orden, la kompriende sira nia funsaun ho diak, sei sai hanesan FM dehan polisia trata krime sira nebe akontese ba feto maluk sira hanesan krimi normal dit.
    Segundu, kasu sira nee akontese bebeik ona entaun polisia lolos hamutuk ho nia agente intelegenti sira bele buka hatene sira nia motivu. Tamba hau konkorda ho FM katak parese sira nia aktividade (krimi) nee organizadu, Sei la hapara agora entaun neneik mais bebeik..Timor (liu2 cidade Dili) bele sai”cidade krimi” ou sai hanesan filme “Cidade de Deus”

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