Fundasaun Mahein, 20 Marsu 2014
Komunikadu Imprensa
Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 73 (Relatoriu Kompletu versaun Tetun.pdf) (English Version.pdf) halo análiza kona-bá Dalan Ne’ebé Seguru no Los Hodi Hato’o Keixa. Iha Timor-Leste dala barak vitima sira hato’o keixa la tuir dalan ne’ebé lolos hanesan preve iha Kodigu Prosesu Penál Timor-Leste nian artigu 49 katak instituisaun ne’ebé iha poder ka lejitimidade legal hodi simu keixa maka Ministeriu Públiku no Autoridade Polisial, no orgaun Provedoria Diretus Umanus no Justisa – PDHJ ne’ebé garante ona iha Konstituisaun Repúblika Demokratika Timor-Leste.
Iha ne’ebé relatoriu media nasional sira fo sai katak komunidade (vitima) sira hato’o sira nia keixa ba iha Parlamentu Nasional – PN, Premeiru Ministru, inklui to’o iha Gabineti Prezidenti Repúblika – PR. Razaun simples ida husi komunidade sira atu hato’o keixa ba Parlamentu Nasional maka hetan lalais reazen no debate públiku ba sira nia kazu. Tanba kazu hirak ne’e involve husi elementu PNTL balu no prosesu investigasaun la’o neneik liu.
Ida ne’e sai tiha ona toman ida iha komunidade, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia monitorizasaun katak dalabalu komunidade sira hato’o sira nia keixa no buka apoiu husi Parlamentu Nasional iha ne’ebé sira hato’o ba Komisaun no Bankada Parlamentar sira. Iha kazu sira ne’ebé komunidade hato’o nia tipu maioria kazu kriminal no kazu sira ne’e barak liu involve husi autoridade siguransa.
Iha sorin seluk, komunidade seidauk hatene prosedementu iha prosesu investigasaun bainhira elementu PNTL maka involve iha krime. Hodi nune’e wainhira elementu PNTL ruma involve iha krime vitima hato’o fali keixa ba fatin seluk hanesan Parlamentu Nasional. Tuir lolos maske elementu PNTL se deit involve iha krime vitima bele hato’o keixa ba Serbisu Investigasaun Kriminal no Departamentu Justisa iha instituisaun PNTL nia laran.
Ironiku liu tan kazu sira ne’ebé komunidade hato’o, Parlamentu Nasional sai hanesan porta-voz ba kazu refere. Iha ne’ebé lolos Parlamentu Nasional tenki kanaliza ba instituisaun judisiaria no respeitu orgaun Estadu seluk nian funsaun.
Fundasaun Mahein nia rekomendasaun:
1. Rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional labele sai porta-voz ba vitima sira no wainhira vitima sira hato’o sira nia kazu relasaun ho kazu kriminal nian no enkamina direitmente ba Ministériu Públiku. Ho nune’e komunidade labele hatoman an hato’o keisa ba PN nu’udar aktu edukativu ida. Parlamentu Nasional tenki separa sira nia an nu’udar politika no respeitu orgaun judisiariu nian funsaun.
2. Rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun A, Ministériu Justisa, PDHJ, PNTL halo sosializasaun kona-bá oinsa asesu ba justisa formal.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefone (+670) 7737-4222 ka bele kontaktu (+670) 7756 1184
Fundasaun Mahein, 20 March 2014
Press Release
Reporting Criminal Cases through Correct Legal Channels
In Timor-Leste, victims often do not present their legal cases in accordance with the code of the penal process as written in article 49. This article establishes that only appointed institutions that have the legal right to receive such cases can do so. These institutions include the public ministry and policing authorities as well as appointed ombudsman, which have been appointed by the the Constitution Democratic of Timor-Leste.
National media reports published that victims always present cases to the National Parliament-NP or the Prime Minister (including the office of the Republic President). One reason why victims present their cases to the National Parliament is because they want to get responses quickly. They also hope to create public debate surrounding their cases, as many such cases involve PNTL members, and the investigation process moves very slowly.
This practice has become a widespread habit. Fundasaun Mahein’s monitoring has unveiled that sometimes communities present their cases in order to get support from the National Parliament. To do so, they bring their cases to Parliamentary committees and benches of Parliament. The majority of issues presented by communities are criminal cases, often involving security authorities.
On the other hand, many communities are not aware of the procedure for the investigation process involving PNTL members involved in criminal acts. So when members of the PNTL are involved in crime, victims will present their case to organizations such as the National Parliament. In reality, victim should present these cases to the Criminal Investigation Service and Justice Department inside the PNTL.
Ironically, when communities present these cases to Parliament, the National Parliament often becomes the spokesperson for the referred cases. National Parliament should be transferring such cases to the judiciary system according to the law.
FM’s Recommendations:
1. Recommend to the National Parliament not to be the spokesperson for victims. When victims present their cases to Parliament, they should be referred to the Public Ministry. In this way, community members will learn the correct process by which to report their cases (which does not involve National Parliament). The National Parliament should focus only on their duty as legislators and should respect the authority of the judiciary organ.
2. Recommend to the committee A of the National Parliament, Justice Ministry Ombudsman, and PNTL to take steps to educate the public about how to utilize and report cases within the judicial system.
For more details, please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone (+670) 7737-4222 or contact to (+670) 7756 1184
Parabens ba FM nia relatoriu ne’e, maibe tuir hau nian FM komesa tama ona justisa nian karik, siguransa nia ba rakut fli ba justisa nian, tuir hau nian diak liu mantein nafatin iha siguransa nian……mais hau husu parabens
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