Parabens Ba Serbisu Informasaun Militar Funu Hasoru Droga

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Fundasaun Mahein (FM) apresia tebes serbisu informasaun militar nian ne’ebé lidera husi Koronel F-FDTL Maunana, Tenenti Koronel F-FDTL Amico, Segundu Sarjentu F-FDTL Malcom no nia kna’al sira. Iha ne’ebé inisiu fulan ida ne’e konsege kaptura rede droga nian iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé involve Timor oan balu no ema estranjeiru.

Iha loron 5 Setembru 2014 oras 8:30 OTL halo operasaun ba grupu distribuisaun droga no konsege detekta objetu droga hanesan morfin no sabu-sabu. Rekolla iha suspeitu Xineza inisial “A”, ho “CL”husi Singapura ne’ebé halo ligasaun ho ema Timor oan balu hodi halo distribuisaun no transaksaun droga iha Timor-Leste. Iha operasaun ne’e hala’o bazeia ba referensia despaixu Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa nian ne’ebé fo kompetensia ba kna’al serbisu informasaun militar nian hodi halo operasaun buka tuir armas ilegal no krime organizadu ne’ebé afeita ba estabilidade nasional.



Lala’o koperasaun ba kazu droga ne’e bazeia ba informasaun husi fontes sira, kna’al serbisu informasaun kontinua halo operasaun ho grupu konjuntu entre Polisia Militar, pesoal balu husi Serbisu Informasaun Polisia Distritu Dili nian, Serbisu Informasaun Polisia – Unidade Polisia Maritima nian hodi halo operasaun. Rezultadu operasaun ne’e konsege kaptura suspeitu “A” ho evidensia droga tipu hanesan morfin no sabu-sabu. Depois suspeitu entrega ba Serbisu Investigasaun Kriminal – PNTL. Nune’e testu ka ezaminasaun ba objetu ne’ebé deskonfia droga, klarifikadu pozitivu. Suspeitu dadaun ne’e submete ona ba premeiru interogatoriu iha Tribunal Distrital Dili.

(Instrumentu hodi horon Aimoruk Droga)

(Instrumentu hodi horon Aimoruk Droga)

Ironiku liu, iha operasaun ne’e pesoal balu husi autoridade siguransa halo intervensaun ba grupu ne’e nia atuasaun. Pesoal ne’e reazen kedas hasoru kna’al pesoal serbisu informasaun militar nian. Iha intervensaun ne’e pesoal ne’e hatete buat ne’ebé imi kaptura la’os drogra no tenta bosok tun sa’e hodi husik suspeitu refere. Nune’e investigasaun serbisu informasaun militar nian hetan katak pesoal autoridade siguransa refere iha kontaktu regular ho suspeitu no sira na’in rua hasoru malu iha suspeitu nia uma tantu loron no kalan.

FM triste oituan ho serbisu PNTL nian kona-bá kombate droga no la iha kna’al diak atu hetan informasaun kona-bá droga nia rede iha Timor-Leste. FM nia monitorizasaun hatudu katak laiha koordenasaun diak entre serbisu informasaun sira durante ne’e, ikus mai rezulta perturbasaun ba informasaun no fo obstaklu ba serbisu operasaun nian. Portantu koordenasaun ne’ebé durante ne’e la’o bazeia deit ba inisiativa pesoal sira nian no koneksaun sira durante tempu rezistensia nian.

FM rekomenda ba autoridade serbisu informasaun presiza koordenasaun diak no pasa informasaun ba malu hodi detekta rede krime organizadu iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé ligasaun forte ho rede sira iha rai liur no presiza kontrolu masimu iha aeroportu, portu no ajensia sira ne’ebé simu no transfere sasan husi no ba rai liur. Ikus liu FM Ejiji ba Governu no Parlamentu Nasional tenki aseleira lejislasaun sira ne’ebé iha relasaun kona-bá droga nian.

Congratulations to the Military Information Service in its Fight against Drugs

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) expresses its appreciation for the military information service that is led by F-FDTL Colonel Maunana, Lieutenant Colonel Amico, and the Second Sergeant Malcom. In the beginning of this month, this team successfully raided a drug network in Timor-Leste that involved both Timorese and foreigners.

On 5 September 2014 at 08:30 AM, an operation targeted a drug distribution group and, in the process, detected drug holdings, which included morphine and crystal methamphetamine. These two objects were found in the possession of Chinese suspects “A” and “CL,” who had come from Singapore, forged a connection with some Timorese locals, and operated a drug distribution and transaction enterprise here in Timor-Leste. This operation was carried out by order of a dispatch letter from the Ministry of Defense and Security (MDS), which gave the military information service the authority to perform the operation. This operation aimed to search for illegal arms and organized crime that might potentially affect national stability.



The critical information for the operation came from various sources, which assisted in the operation in coordination with military police, staff from the police information service of Dili, and the police information service of the maritime police unit. This operation finally arrested the suspect “A,” who was found in possession of morphine and crystal methamphetamine. After verifying that the confiscated items were, in fact, illegal drugs, the suspect was then handed over to the criminal investigation service of the PNTL. This suspect awaits his first interrogation at the Dili district court.

Drug Objects

Drug Objects

Ironically, during the operation, a staff member of the security authorities intervened upon the operation, and this individual acted directly against the source of the military information service. The intervening individual insisted that the objects being taken were not drugs, and he tried to persuade the operation to free the suspect. In reality, the military investigation service discovered that this staff member had made regular contact with the suspect, and the two had met in the suspect’s home on multiple occasions, during the day and night time.

FM is disappointed with the PNTL’s system for combating drugs, especially in the lack of reliable sources for drug-related information in Timor-Leste. FM’s monitoring witnessed poor coordination between the various information services, and this poor coordination was a hindrance to information sharing and the operation as a whole. It can be concluded that, thus far, this poor coordination has stemmed from lack of staff initiative and internal communication.

FM recommends that the authorities of the information services strive to improve coordination and information sharing, in order to detect organized crime networks in Timor-Leste, which have growing relationships with crime networks abroad. To combat this problem, Timor-Leste will need maximum control at airports, shipping ports, and agencies involved in receiving and transferring items across borders. Lastly, FM demands that the government and the National Parliament accelerate legislation that addresses drug policy and control.

2 thoughts on “Parabens Ba Serbisu Informasaun Militar Funu Hasoru Droga”

  1. Hw apresia ho operasaun husi ffdl nebe bele detekta droga sira nee, buat nee barak tama ona iha ita nia rain, hw hare katak ita nia aeroportu risku ba droga tama tmba ema naran tama dt iha aeroportu laran liu-liu autor siguransa siran naran tama dt, tmb hw laos deskonfia mais hw hare ktk sira balun backup ema balun lori droga tamba sira mak iha asesu bele tama too ruang tunggu. tuir lolos se dtlable tama to fatin ema atu cheking, nee duni pesisija tau intelijensia spesial iha portu lori observa situasaun depois de aviaun tun tamba hw hare tamba portu risko ba droga atu tama sai.

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