Fundasaun Mahein, 25 Setembru 2014
Komunikadu Imprensa
Relatoriu Mahein Nia Lian Nú 85 (Versaun Kompletu Versaun Tetum.pdf), (English Version.pdf).
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) públika tiha ona relatoriu dahuluk ida kona-bá promosaun PNTL halo iha tinan 2010 ne’ebé rezultadu promosaun mosu lamentasaun barak husi elementu PNTL sira. Lamentasaun sira ne’e kestiona kona-bá iregularidade iha prosesu promosaun. Situasaun momentu ne’eba sai nakdoko oituan iha Instituisaun PNTL nian laran, elementu PNTL la hatudu nia disiplina no la respeita nia superior tan la satisfas ho rezultadu promosaun.
Iha promosaun estraordinariu tinan 2012 hetan mos lamentasaun husi elementu PNTL sira tanba mosu iregularidade iha prosesu promosaun nia laran. Maske promosaun estraordinariu estabelese iha tinan rua liu ba maibe rezultadu promosaun ne’e rasik hamosu deskontentimentu to’o ohin loron. Iha elementu balu lahatudu disiplina iha nia serbisu fatin iha ne’ebé sei hakait hela ho promosaun ne’ebé liu ona tinan rua.
Deskontentimentu hirak ne’e elementu lubuk ida hato’o sira nia petisaun ba Premeiru Ministru nu’udar mos Ministru Defeza no Siguransa. Elementu hirak ne’e balu mai husi veteranus. Iha ne’ebé wainhira Komisaun Promosaun Estraordinariu hala’o sosializasaun hato’o katak prioridade mos ba veteranus sira. Nune’e mos elementu seluk deskontenti ho rezultadu promosaun tanba iha prosesu ne’e rasik la iha justifikasaun tanbasa sira la promove maske sira hetan valor ne’ebé sufisiente no balu hetan valor ne’ebé boot, tuir rekizitu sira ne’ebé komisaun hasai.
Kazu estraordinariu ida iha promosaun estraordinariu ida ne’e, FM hetan la’os deit lamentasaun hasoru Komisaun Promosaun Estraordinariu no Komandu Jeral maibe sarjentu balu rejigna-an husi PNTL. Hanesan Sarjentu Xefe Sandra do Ceo Maria Costa Bossa rejigna-an husi PNTL tan rezultadu promosaun estraordinairu desmotiva nian iha ne’ebé antes ne’e promove tiha ba Inspetor Asistente liu deit fulan tolu hatun fila fali ba postu anterior (Sarjentu Xefe).
Ikus liu, elementu balu husik hela nia serbisu to’o agora maibe kontinua simu salariu efetivamente maske xamada husi nia superior maibe la kumpri. Impaktu seluk FM nia monitorizasaun nota katak membru PNTL balu la disiplina no la respeitu membru seluk tuir ierarkia Komandu nian. Portantu elementu balu ne’ebé valor testu kiik no balu hetan kazu maibe promove ba postu superior. Ida ne’e sei halo sofre ba instituisaun no halo disiplina membru PNTL nian sei la forte inklui desmotiva membru PNTL seluk nia serbisu.
Sumariu rekomendasaun
1. FM rekomenda ba Komandu Jeral PNTL nasional atu halo revizaun no avaliasaun ba kada Komandu Distritu, unidade no departamentu sira nia lala’ok polisiamentu nian, oinsa bele sukat sira nia meritu serbisu nian ka didikasaun no esperiensia. Nune’e mos fo informasaun ba Komandu Jeral kona-bá sasidik saida deit maka sira hasoru iha sira nia kna’ar iha distritu sira ka unidade no departamentu sira nia laran.
2. FM mos rekomenda ba Governu atu halo revizaun ba prosesu promosaun PNTL nian. Prosesu dadaun ne’e Governu hili ofisiaias balun para halo promosaun, ida ne’e la realistiku no la efektivu. Tamba Governu la halo kna’ar iha Instituisaun PNTL, tantu ladun hatene kona-bá lala’ok serbisu PNTL nian, tanba ne’e maka labele halo monitorizasaun diak ho edekuadu ba lala’ok PNTL nian hodi halo promosaun deviza. Individu PNTL ne’ebé diak tenki promove ba promosaun tuir esperiensia ho meritu diak, la’os ba koneksaun polítika ka partidaria.
3. Ikus liu FM husu atu labele halo politizasaun ba promosaun PNTL no fo autonomia ba Institusaun PNTL rasik halo promosaun tuir lala’ok PNTL nian iha ne’ebé hare ba membru sira nia didikasaun, esperiensia no meritu serbisu.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefone (+670) 7737-4222 ka (+670) 77561184
Fundasaun Mahein, 25 September 2014
Press Release
Irregularities in the Promotion System of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) 2012
In 2010, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) published its first report concerning PNTL promotions, in response to the concerns of some PNTL members. Many exhibited frustration with irregularities taking place during the promotion process. The situation at the time was quite bad, particularly inside the PNTL, as many PNTL members expressed their dissatisfaction by disrespecting their superiors and the disciplinary rules of the institution.
The 2012 superior promotion process was a concern for some PNTL members because of the irregularities that took place in the promotion process. Even though promotion protocol has been better established in the past two years, the results have not yet been forgotten and, rather, continue to PNTL members to this day. Some members do not exercice discipline in their services because they are still disatisfied with the promotion process conducted two years ago.
Regarding their frustrations, some members presented a petition to the Prime Minister as well as the Ministry of Defense and Security. The majority of the petitioning individuals are veterans. During the socialization component of the promotion process, it was stated that priority would be given to veterans, and the petitioners do not feels as if this promised was honored. Other members expressed frustration with the promotion results, because management offered no justification as to why these individuals were not promoted, despite their sufficient and high scores during the commission’s evaluation.
One particular case that took place in this promotion cycle and drew the attention of FM was that of Chief Sergeant Sanda do Ceo Maria Costa Bossa. She resigned from the PNTL because the results of the promotion process made her lose motivation in her work. During the promotion process, she was promoted to assistant inspector, but the promotion commission then demoted her to the rank of chief sergeant less than three months later. This incident has caused FM to question the promotion protocol used by the leadership of the PNTL.
Finally, some other members have left their posts but are still receiving salaries in normal fashion, even though they have received a call to attention from their superiors. FM’s monitoring also found that some PNTL members lack discipline and fail to respect the command hierarchy of the PNTL. One underlying reason, they say, is that some of their superiors received low scores on the commission’s evaluation exam but were still promoted. These issues will collectively cause the institution to suffer. Furthermore, if unaddressed, the discipline of PNTL members will continue to damage the institution and lower the motivation of PNTL personnel in their services.
Summary of Recommendations
1. FM recommends that the PNTL General Commander review and evaluate each district commander, unit, and department in regards to police process. This evaluation should include a measurement of police merit, service, dedication, and experience. These departments should also share information with the General Commander regarding challenges that they face in terms of providing services in their districts, units, or internal departments.
2. FM also recommends that the government review the promotion process of PNTL, because the government has recently selected some officers for promotion. This is not realistic or effective, because the government does not work inside the PNTL and, thus, is not well acquainted with its institutional processes. The monitoring process within the PNTL has achieved adequacy in its system of promotion and should continue to work internally. The PNTL should promote its members on the basis of experience and merit, and not with regard to any political or private interest.
3. Lastly, FM urges that this issue of PNTL promotion not be politicized. Instead, home rule should be given to the PNTL to conduct its own promotions, based on criteria that examine candidates’ dedication, experience and merit.
For more details on this issue please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone (+670) 7737-4222 or (+670) 77561184