Iha aniversáriu referendum ba Timor-Leste nian dala 15, governu hala’o seremonia kondekorasaun medalla. Ativista estranjeiru hamutuk 26 hetan medalla kondekorosaun ne’e tamba sira nia kontribuisaun ba luta Independensia Timor-Leste. Total simu-nain medalla hamutuk 24 husi Australia no nain rua (2) seluk husi Indonezia.
Fundasaun Mahein hola parte mós iha seremonia ne’e hakarak hato’o ami nia kongratulasaun boot ba simu-nain medalla sira ne’e, no ami-nia apresiasaun bo’ot ba sakrifisiu sira ne’ebé ema sira nee halo hodi garante ba Timor-Leste nia liberdade.
Servisu boot ne’ebé la konta husi simu-nain hirak ne’e, ema barak mak gosta sira kona-bá halo protesta ba okupasaun Indonezia iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé dala-barak taka matan ba dokumentu histroriku ne’ebé hala’o iha folin pesoal ne’ebé boot ba sira-rasik. Dala-barak kombate intimidasaun, forsa finanseiru no apatia ativista-sira ne’e gasta sira nia tempu barak liu tinan 24 okupasaun rekomenda ba liberdade Timor-oan nian. Kondekorasaun ne’e ho valor boot liu ba simu-nain 2 husi Indonesia ne’e, luta hasoru sira-nia governu ba liberdade Timor-Leste nian. Ami iha Fundasaun Mahein sei lahalua kontribuisaun sira ne’ebé fo ona husi ema estranjeiru hirak ne’e ba Timor-Leste nia luta Independensia no hakarak hato’o ami nia obrigado barak ba sira nia asaun ne’e.
Hanesan simbolu ida, ativista estranjeiru sira ne’e hatudu ona aten brani puder kona-bá servisu hamutuk ema sira no mos hatudu ona ba ita katak Timor-Leste la lao mesak. Ita espera katak ida ne’e bele kontinua lao iha futuru no komunidade estranjeiru mos kontinua servisu hamutuk ho ita atu reforma setor siguransa no atu garante katak sakrifisiu hirak ne’ebé sira halo la saugati.
Fundasaun Mahein Acknowledges Malae Heroes
On the 15th anniversary of Timor-Leste’s referendum, the government hosted the Com De Cordasaun Medal awards. In these awards 26 foreign activists were awarded medals for their contribution in Timor-Leste’s struggle for independence. Of these recipients 24 were from Australia and 2 from Indonesia itself.
Fundasaun Mahein, as one of the participants of the ceremony, would like to extend our warmest congratulations the recipients of these awards and our deepest thanks for the sacrifices these people made to ensuring East Timor’s freedom.
The largely thankless task that these recipients, and many others like them, of protesting the Indonesian occupation of Timor-Leste is often overlooked in the historical record and was conducted at great personal cost to themselves. Often combating intimidation, financial duress and apathy these activists spent a great deal of their own time over the 24 years occupation advocating for Timorese freedom. This is even more so for the two Indonesian recipients of this award, fighting their own government for the sake of freedom of Timor-Leste. We here at Fundasaun Mahein can not and will not forget the contributions that these foreigners have made to Timor-Leste’s independence struggle and would like offer our thanks for their actions.
As a symbol, these Foreign Activists brave actions have demonstrated the power of people working together and for also showing us that Timor-Leste does not walk alone. We hope that this continues into the future and that the foreign community continues to work with us to reform the security sector and to ensure that their sacrifices were not made in vain.
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