Area Fronteira sai nudar fatin ne’ebe nakonu ho pontensial konfitus. Nune’e mos ho Fronteira entre Timor-Leste no Indonezia. Ho lokalizasaun numeru militar iha Fronteira ida ne’ebe barak tebes, bele mos hamanas situasaun politika.
Asuntu ne’e mak sai nudar topiku intersante iha seminar Internasional ho tema “ “Building Peace Beyond The Land Border” ne’ebe realiza iha salaun Universidade Pembangunan Nasional (UPN), Veteran Jogjakarta-Indonezia, Departementu Relasaun Internasional, Sexta, (10/6).
Orador hirak ne’ebe koalia iha seminar ne’e mak, Frei dos Martires da Costa , Peskizador Seitor Seguransa no Defeza husi Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Deonisio D. Babo, Eis Prezidenti Komisaun Amizade no Verdade (CVA), Fauzan , autor hakerek livru no Dosente Relasaun Internasional, no Asisten Deputi Pengelola Perbatasan Lintas Negara, Dr. Sumarsono.
Iha seminar Internasional ne’e hetan partisipasaun masimu husi estudante Timor-Leste no estudante Indonezia. Seminar ne’e rasik realize husi grupu Studi Defensia Laboratorium Pertahanan dan Keamanan dan Asosiasi Mahasiswa Timor Leste, Universitas Pembagunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta.
”Asuntu barak mak akontese iha konflitu Fronteira. Hanesan hahalok intimidasaun hasoru povu sira ne’ebe hela besik iha Fronteira”, dehan Frei Guterres iha seminar Internasional ne’e. Nia mos kestiaona katak intimidasaun ne’ebe sempre halo husi elementu militar sira iha Fronteira nunka hetan prosesu legal.
Problema konaba konflitu iha Fronteira bebeik ona, no hato’o ba parte governu maibe to’o agora seidauk iha solusaun adekuadu husi governu konaba konflitus iha Fronteira. Tuir Peskizador FM ne’e katak tuir lolos tenki uza sistem aprosimasaun maibe la’os ho violensia. Tanba, ho sistema violensia sei aumenta tan deit konflitus ne’ebe iha. Tanba tuir Frei katak liu husi aprosimasaun kultura populasaun iha area ne’ebe refere bele minimiza volume konflitus iha Fronteira.
Orador seluk hanesan Asisten Deputy Pengelola Perbatasan Lintas Negara Dr. Sumarsono tenik konflitu ne’ebe mosu iha area Fronteira Timor-Leste no Indonezia ne’e tanba iha tendensia sosial entre povu Timor-Leste no povu Indonezia. Nune’e mos fator administrativu ne’ebe la klaru sai hanesan indikador ba konflitus iha Fronteira.
Liu husi biban ne’e mos, Perkizador FM kestiaona fila fali konaba alokasaun militar iha Fronteira ne’ebe ho numeru boot tebes. Ba Timor-Leste nasaun Indonezia nudar nasaun vizinu iha rai-ketan ho Timor-Leste, maibe ho alokasaun militar iha Fronteira bele hamosu fali presepsaun katak Timor-Leste sai nudar ameasa boot ba Indonezia.
Atu bele atinji objetivu ba Seguransa Umanu iha rai-Ketan entre Indonezia no Timor-Leste, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) rekomenda ba governu rua ne’e atu halo politika aprosimasaun kultural tanba povu sira ne’ebe iha rai ketan, iha ligasaun kultural ne’ebe maka’as hori-uluk kedas.
FM rekomenda mos katak governu Timor-Leste no governu Indonezia la’os hola pozisaun keta-ketak ba asuntu seguransa Umanu nia iha Fronteira maibe persiza hanoin hamutuk liu husi servisu bilateral nian, atu nune’e bele atinji politika externa ne’ebe diak, paz no fo moris prosperidade ba povu Timor-Leste no Indonezia.
Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.
Nélson Belo,
Direktor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: direktor.mahein[at]
Tlp: +670 737 4222
International Seminar on the theme, “Building Peace beyond the Land Border”
Border areas can become vulnerable for conflicts. This might also happens to the border between Timor Leste and Indonesia. With the deployment of a huge numbers of military personnel to the border there maybe an increase in political tension.
This subject became an interesting topic of discussion in the international seminar on the theme, “Building Peace beyond the Land Border” which was held at the National Development University Hall (UPN Veteran), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, the Department of International Relation, on Friday, June 6, 2011.
The speakers in this seminar included Frei dos Martires da Costa, researcher of Defense and Security from Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Deonisio Babo, former President of Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF), Fauzan, author of books and lecturer of International Relations, and the Deputy Assistant of International Border Management, Dr. Sumarsono.
Participants at the seminar included students from Timor Leste and Indonesia. This seminar was organized by a joint group from National Development University if Veterans (UPN-Veteran), Yogjakarta – the Defense and Security Laboratory Study and the Timor Leste Students’ Association.
“Many issues happen in border conflicts. For instance, intimidation against people living near the border,” said Frei Guterres in this seminar. He also questioned about the intimidation, which usually comes from military element along the border and which has nevr been subject to a legal process.
The issue about conflicts along the border is not new, and he has informed the government about this but so far no adequate solution has come from the government in relation to these conflicts. According to this FM researcher, a cultural approach must be used in these cases, not violence. Because a violent system might be increase the existing conflicts. For Frei, through a cultural approach, the people around the area can minimize the amount of conflict along the border.
Other speaker is Deputy Assistant for International Border Management, Dr. Sumarsono. He said that conflicts along the border of Timor Leste and Indonesia are caused by the social tendencies between people of Indonesia and Timor Leste. In addition, the unclear administrative situation becomes a cause of conflicts along the border.
In this occasion, the FM researcher questioned again the deployment of military along the border in large numbers. For Timor Leste, Indonesia is neighboring country and has a land border with Timor Leste but the military deployment might create a perception that Timor Leste is a threat for Indonesia.
To accomplish human security objectives along the border between Indonesia and Timor Leste, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) recommends both governments (Indonesia and Timor Leste) establish a cultural approach policy since people along the border have had strong cultural connections for a long time.
FM also recommends governments of Timor Leste and Indonesia to not adopt different positions on human security issues along the border but that they need to think together through bilateral processes in order to achieve a good external policy, full of peace, and provide prosperity for the people of Timor Leste and Indonesia.
If you require further information on this then contact:
Nélson Belo,
Direktor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: direktor.mahein[at]
Tlp: +670 737 4222