Saida Mak Akontese Ba Kompaña Siguransa Privadu iha Futuru?

Saida Mak Akontese Ba Kompaña Siguransa Privadu iha Futuru? post thumbnail image

Mahein Nia Lian No. 27 (Versaun Tetun .pdf) halo diskute konaba lalaok Kompaña Siguransa Privadu no impaktu ba futuru oin mai.

Iha relatoriu ne’e Fundasaun Mahein (FM) mos preoukupa tebes konaba impaktu husi membru KSP lakon sira nia servisu wanhira misaun ONU remata iha tinan 2012. Tanba pesoal servisu iha KSP husi Kompaña sira hanesan Maubere Security, Gardamor, APAC, Gear Defence, Unipessoal Lda no High Risk Sicurity Group maioria servisu ka fo siguransa ba residensia privadu ema estranjeirus ne’ebe nudar funsionariu ONU iha Timor-Leste.

Fundasaun Mahein nia relatoriu ne’e mos fo analiza klean konaba impaktu negativu ba siguransa no stabilidade nasional iha futuru tanba maske KSP nia servisu ka lala’ok ne’e iha relasaun ho siguransa maibe laiha kontrolu husi instituisaun kompetente governu nia hanesan Ministeriu Defeza no Siguransa, fo deit autoriza estabelesimentu husi kompaña no presumidu atu superviziona sira nia atividade, maibé la iha regulamentu atu asegura kompaña siguransa privadu atu hala’o funsaun tuir orientasaun espesifiku.

Nune’e mos relatoriu ne’e kestiaona konaba laiha planu husi governu atu antisipa impaktu husi dezempregu no resesaun ekonomia husi membru KSP kuaze 3.000 sai husi serbisu wainhira misaun ONU remata iha tinan 2012. Tanba setor siguransa nu’udár empregadu bo’ot liu iha nasaun maibe wanhira hirak ne’e sai ki’ik liu fali mak otomatikamente bele hamosu konflitu, tanba husi dezempregu mosu krime.

Relatoriu ne’e mos koalia konaba laiha monitorizasaun propriu husi ministeriu kompentente ne’ebé responsabiliza ba siguransa no falta koordenasaun efetivu atividade kompaña siguransa privadu bele kontra fali politika governu ne’ebé estabelese ona relasionadu ho siguransa. FM mos preoukupa aspeitu importante tebes ida husi kompaña siguransa privada mak la iha lei ida ne’ebé regula ezistensia husi industria ida ne’e. Ne’e hatudu katak kooperasaun ho governu la’o bazeia ba vontade voluntariu hodi fo estadu fatin ki’ik atu kontrola kompaña industria importante hirak ne’e.

Bazeia ba preoukupasaun hirak iha leten maka Fundasaun Mahein hakarak hato’o rekomendasaun ba governu Timor Leste atu tetu no dezenhu.

1. Rekomenda ba Komandante Jeral PNTL atu estabelese relasaun serbisu besik liu ho kompaña siguransa privadu.

2. Rekomenda ba PNTL atu responde ba pedidu atu aprova dezeñu farda ne’ebé tuir kompaña siguransa privadu sira nia rekerimentu. Rekomenda ba governu atu estabelese eskritoriu rejistrador iha Sekretariu Estadu ba Siguransa atu regula no koordena atividade entre industria kompaña siguransa privadu no governu.

3. Fundasaun Mahein sujere ba governu tenki hahu halo diskusaun agora atu hetan solusaun ba guarda siguransa privadu ne’ebé sei lakon serbisu, tanba pedidu ba sira nia serbisu sei tun kuandu misaun ONU nian remata, no mos tan kliente barak husi kompaña siguransa privadu sei husik Timor-Leste.

4. Fundasaun Mahein mos rekomenda ba governu atu pasa lejizlasaun ne’ebé regula Regras Komprimisu ba guarda siguransa privadu. Infraestrutura importante barak iha nasaun ne’e hetan protesaun husi kompaña siguransa privadu no regras espesifiku ba defeza husi instalasaun hirak ne’e importante tebes ba dezenvolvimentu setor siguransa.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo,
Diretor Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 20th December 2011

Press Release

The Future of Private Security Companies in Timor-Leste?

Mahei nia Lian No. 27 will discuss in detail the operations of Private Security Companies (PSC’s) in Timor-Leste and their impact in the future.

The report looks at the main security companies operating in Timor-Leste: Gardamor, Maubere security, APAC, Gear Defence, Unipessoal Lda and High Risk Security Group. With the exception of Gardamor, all Private Security Companies are joint ventures between Timorese and Internationals, which has lead to several internal disputes.

PSC’s are an integral part of the security sector in Timor-Leste. With the ongoing rise of economic activity in Timor Leste, PSC’s have become an increasingly visible element of the security sector. As private companies, guarding government institutions, NGO’s, businesses and private residences, it is important to analyse their contemporary and future role in the context of security sector development, and what effect they have on the security situation in the country. Being one of the largest providers of jobs in the country, and the fact that the security sector is not a government regulated industry, FM feels that a in-depth investigation into the role the activities of the PSC’s companies operating in Timor-Leste, is crucial to understanding the shifting dynamics of the security sector.

Important questions to answer are; Why are PSC’s needed in Timor-Leste? Who is in charge of the companies? Where do they operate? What is the role of PSC’s in the security sector? How do these companies help protect Timorese people? What are their relationships with the government? What is the future of the PSC industry? And what will be the repercussions of the UNMIT withdrawal in 2012 on those made redundant within the PSCs?

Resulting from research, carried out in the form of interviews with key players in the PSCs, government and civil society, Fundasaun Mahein would like to make the following recommendations:

1. Recommends the General Commander of the PNTL to establish working relations with PSCs.

2. Recommends the PNTL to approve the uniform design, requested by PSCs. We recommend also that the government establish a registration office within the Secretary of State for Security to regulate and coordinate activities between PSCs and the government.

3. FM suggests the government to open discussions immediately to find solutions for those security guards who will be made redundant as a result of the departure of UNMIT in 2012.

4. FM recommends the Government to pass legislation regulating the code of conduct of PSCs.

If you would like more information on this topic please contact:
Nélson Belo,
Director Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp +670 737 4222

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