Kilat ba PNTL Aumenta Iha 2014: Problematiku iha Auditing no Responsabilizasaun

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Fundasaun Mahein, 20 Dezembru 2013

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Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 66 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetun,pdf) (English Version) halo analiza klean kona-bá asuntu kilat PNTL aumenta ka tinan maibe kestaun auditing sei problematiku tebes. Relatoriu barak ne’ebé Fundasaun Mahein produz ona kona-bá jestaun no manajementu kilat nian. No, relatoriu ida ne’e mos kontinua kestiona kona-bá kontrolu kilat, espesifiku relasiona ho auditing nian.

Relatoriu ne’e relata katak kestaun auditing kilat sei problematiku maibe Governu kontinua planu sosa kilat ba Unidade Polisia Fronteira (UPF) iha tinan 2014. Maibe iha proposta Osamentu Jeral Estadu 2014 la indika planu atu sosa kilat ba UPF-PNTL. Ne’e hamosu duvida osan sosa kilat nian mai husi ne’ebé? Antes ne’e Fundasaun Mahein publika ona relatoriu balun kona-bá polemika kilat iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé mosu kontroversi entre Komandu PNTL no Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa (SES) hodi sosa kilat husi PT. Pindad Indonezia.

Fundasaun Mahein mos públika ona rekatoriu dahuluk kona-bá prosesu sosa kilat ne’ebé hala’o husi instiusaun PNTL, iha 2013 Timor-Leste sosa kilat foun ba PNTL ho marka PM2 V1 hamutuk 75 husi PT Pindad Indozesia. Responsabilidade ba sosa kilat iha momentu ne’eba sai polemika entre SES no Komandu Jeral PNTL. Prosesu teste ba kilat la’o dadauk hatudu kilat ne’ebé atu sosa ho marka PM2 V1 la iha kualidade.

Nune’e mos PNTL rasik seidauk iha akizasun armamentu no defini politika armamentu nian hodi hare’e kona-bá kualidade no kuantidade kilat inklui distinsaun kualidade armamentu ne’ebe PNTL utiliza. FM sujere atu instituisaun PNTL hahu estabelese polítika armamentu ho nune’e bele orienta planeamentu ba akizasaun arma PNTL nian. No, presiza iha definisaun ba tipu kilat ne’ebé bele iha koerensia ho filizofia polisiamentu komunitaria. Nune’e mos husu Governu atu loke empreza públika ida hodi responsabiliza ba akizasaun kilat ba instituisaun siguransa no defeza.

Tanba tuir monitorizasaun Fundasaun Mahein katak durante ne’e jestaun no auditing ba kilat PNTL sai problemamatiku; tuir lolos Komandu PNTL no SES estabele lei ka regulamentu apropriadu ba administrasaun kilat PNTL nian atu nune’e bele iha kuadru legal ba utilizasaun kilat no ninian konservasaun.

No, laiha auditoria ida ne’ebé rigor hodi konfirma no verefika; kilat hira maka elementu PNTL sira uza, hira maka iha Komandu, hirak maka rezerva iha kuartel, hira maka at, hira maka diak, rai kilat sira oinsa, tratamentu ba kilat oinsa.

Rekomendasaun Fundasaun Mahein:

1. FM rekomenda ba SES no Komandu Jeral PNTL atu hare fila fali politika armamentu ba PNTL no harí sistema jestaun no administrasaun ba kilat PNTL nia hodi nune’e bele fasilita kontrolu liu-liu auditoria no inspesaun interna.

2. FM rekomenda presiza hadia kona-bá sistema aprovizionamentu iha SES no Komandu Jeral PNTL nian. Lisaun husi sasidik ne’ebé sosa kilat husi PT Pindad Indonezia iha tinan 2012 ne’ebé hamosu polemika iha sosiedade Timor-Leste.

3. FM rekomenda mos presiza halo annual auditing ba kilat PNTL nian no monitorizasaun husi Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa fisklalizasaun ida ne’ebé efetivu husi ekipa ida ne’ebé integra; PDHJ, SES, Casa Militar no Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B. Nune’e bele konfirma kona-bá númeru kilat hira maka iha, inklui kilat hira maka diak no at, kilat hira maka iha elementu PNTL sira nia liman no hira maka iha armari no hira maka iha Komandante sira nia liman.

4. FM husu atu halo annual auditing ba kilat tanba treinamentu kona-bá tiru kilat hira maka halo ona? FM nia monitorizasaun kilat balu ne’ebé sosa husi PT Pindad Indonezia ho marka PM2 V1 balu nia kanu luan hotu ona signifika kilat hirak ne’e tiru bebeik. Maske seidauk iha treinamentu tiru kilat nian ruma husi PNTL. Informasaun balu ne’ebé FM asesu Komandante balu husi PNTL utiliza kilat hirak ne’e ba tiru rusa iha Soibada Manatuto.

5. Rekomenda ba PNTL atu implementa ho rigor regulamentu disiplina PNTL nia hodi nune’e bele iha responsabilidade husi elementu sira ne’ebé utiliza sala no halo lakon kilat.

6. FM rekomenda atu hadia uluk kapasidade intituisional PNTL nia ba maneja no kontrolu kilat liu husi hari sistema kontrolu ida ne’ebé sufistikadu no rigor antes aumentatan kilat ba PNTL.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp: +670 7737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 20 December 2013

Press Release

Increased Weapons Purchases for the PNTL in 2014 are Problematic in Absence of Auditing and Oversight System

Mahein’s Voice report No. 66 examines the problematic nature of not having a competent auditing system to monitor and regulate the steady increase of weapons obtained by the PNTL on a yearly basis. While Fundasaun Mahein has written numerous reports highlighting the need for a weapon control system in Timor, this report will cover the topic with a specific emphasis on auditing.

This report discusses the need for a weapons control system in response to the government’s plan to purchase more weapons for the PNTL- Border Police Unit in 2014. Despite this plan, the general state budget for 2014 does not allocate any funds for the purchase of weapons for the PNTL- Border Police Unit. If the money is not allocated in Timor’s state budget, how does the government intend to pay for these weapons?

Previous reports published by Fundasaun Mahein detailed the controversy between the PNTL command and the Secretary of State for Security regarding weapons purchased from “PT”, a private company in Indonesia. Specifically, it was reported that in 2013, 75 new weapons were purchased for the PNTL from the PT company. However, it was soon discovered that many of these weapons were dysfunctional or had defects. In response to this, controversy surrounded the PNTL general commander and the Secretary of State for Security, both of whom blamed the other for making the ill-advised purchase.

To date, the PNTL does not have an armament system or auditing system by which to regulate the quality or quantity of weapons that the PNTL obtains. As a result, Fundasaun Mahein has suggested that the PNTL establish such a system to ensure responsible oversight of the PNTL’s armory. Fundasaun suggests that the government allow a public company to assume responsibility for monitoring the purchase of weapons for the government’s security and defense institutions.

It should be the PNTL and Secretary of State for Security’s responsibility to establish and uphold the proper legislation and regulations to ensure the legal procurement and use of the PNTL’s armament.

Policymakers should also keep other questions in mind when thinking about this issue. How many weapons are kept in the PNTL headquarters as reserve weapons? How many weapons are functional and how many weapons are dysfunctional? What should be done to fix or replace dysfunctional weapons and what steps can the PNTL take to ensure that less weapons malfunction in the future?

Fundasaun Mahein’s recommendations:

1. FM recommends to the Secretary of State for Security, as well as to the PNTL General commander, to review the PNTL’s armament policy and establish a management and administration system for PNTL armament. With this system in place, auditing and internal inspection activities will be more accurately and easily conducted.

2. FM recommends that a procurement system be put in place to fix the supply system used by the Secretary State for Security and the PNTL general commander. The need for such a system was established following the botched weapons purchase for the PNTL from the PT company.

3. FM recommends the creation of an annual auditing and monitoring system of the PNTL’s armament. This initiative should be undertaken by a committee comprised of the Ministry of Defense and Security, the Timor-Leste Human rights ombudsmen, the Secretary of State for Security, military departments, and Committee B of the National Parliament. This committee will monitor and report on the number and type of weapons in the PNTL, the functionality of these weapons, and the number of weapons actually currently possessed by PNTL members as opposed to being stored in the armory.

4. FM requests that an annual update be conducted to monitor the number of weapons used in training activities. FM’s monitoring uncovered that some weapons previously bought from the PT company in Indonesia were dysfunctional.

5. FM recommends that PNTL commanders implement PNTL discipline regulations in order to sanction officers who violate regulations, such as the unauthroized use of a weapon or loss of a weapon.

6. FM recommends that a PNTL weapons control system be formulated and enacted before any further weapons are purchased for the PNTL.

For more detailed information on this report topic please contact:

Nélson Belo
Director Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp: +670 7737 4222

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