Maioria husi ita aproveita ona tempu feriadu hodi haree kolega no familia sira iha tempu Natal no Tinan Foun foin dadauk nee, fasil atu bele haluha insidenti trajiku balun ne’ebé sei bele akontese. Timor-Leste hasoru problema iha semana hirak liu ba ho akontesimentu oho-malu brutal ne’ebé akontese iha periodu tinan foun nian. Primeiru mai husi notisia katak iha dia 30 de Dezembru, ema nain tolu iha Baucau hetan ta’a husi kakorok iha tempu kalan, wainhira sira toba hela, sira-nia uma mos hetan sunu nomos oho sira-nia animal hakiak balun. Tuir mai notisia husi Dili katak ema ida mate iha loron 1 Janeiru iha sirkumtansia ne’ebé hanesan. Nain 4 mate iha loron tolu nia laran.
Insidente hirak ne’e hanesan buat ida ne’ebe bai-bain ona katak sira ne’e hotu komete husi Grupu Arte Marsiais (GAM) nian, grupu bandidu-sira ne’ebé viola ona lei iha 2013. Motivu espesifiku-sira husi kazu oho malu hirak ne’e seidauk hatene lolos, maibe kazu oho-malu iha Baucau la iha ligasaun ho kazu (oho-malu) iha Dili. PNTL ho reajen lais no kaptura ona suspeitu balun husi kazu-hirak ne’e, sira ne’e mesak tinan menus husi 18. Deskonfia katak juventudi hirak ne’e aproveita ona husi ema balun sira iha grupu bandidu-sira ne’e, ne’ebé orienta sira hodi komete iha krime ne’e tanba haree ba tinan ne’ebé sei meus husi 18, sira sei hetan meus sentensa iha prizaun.
Ida ne’e mosu perguntas katak sekarik Grupu Arte Martiais sira ne’e hetan bandu husi lei iha tinan 2013, oinsa sira bele kontinua halo operasaun no oho-malu arbiru deit, hirak ne’e mak hanesan kazu ida ita haree akontese dadauk iha priodu tinan ida ne’e. Resposta konforme husi forsa seguransa nian. Kontinuasaun husi setor balun sira nia involvemimentu kona-bá forsa seguransa iha Grupu Arte Marsiais nian hanesan buat ida ne’ebé mezmu governu rekuñese ona. Iha loron 13 Janeiru ita haree offisial husi polisia no forsa hamutuk 245 inklui komandante Distritu Dili, ne’ebé deskonfia involve iha grupu arte Marsiais hamutuk iha Palasiu Governu hodi halo juramentu ida ba Primeiru Ministru, katak sira sei lainvolve tan iha grupu arte marsiais.
Enkuantu ida ne’e hanesan faze dahuluk ida ne’ebé diak, perguntas hela; karik autoridade ne’ebé responsavel deskonfia ba ofisial hamutuk 298 husi polisia no forsa hirak ne’e sei afilia hela iha grupu bandidu-sira ne’e, oinsa sira bele kontinua halo operasaun iha forsa seguransa hodi kontravein imediata ka bandu ba grupu hirak ne’e iha tinan 2013?
Governu presija haree lolos katak faze ida primeiru ne’e laos faze ikus no juramentu ne’e laos deit juramentu simples, asaun hasoru ofisial PNTL no F-FDTL ne’ebé kontinua sei iha ligasaun ho grupu hirak ne’e ne’ebé presija fo konsekuensia lolos ba sira ne’ebé la halo tuir bandu ida ne’e. Governu no forsa seguransa sei hasoru situasaun rahun lolos ba sira-nia reputasaun no fiar karik juramentu ne’e mak asaun ida lolos duni.
Governu mos tenki kuidadu katak angulu seguransa nian laos deit asaun ne’ebé akontese no hasoru husi grupu Arte Marsiais iha Timor-Leste. Governu mos tenki tarjetu ba assuntu importante ne’ebé kauza ona ba juventude hodi tama iha grupu arte marsiais tamba falta ekonomia, relasaun direitu kona-bá juventudi sira nian no iha relasaun ho asuntu sosial. Ministru Defesa no Seguransa tenki garante katak sira nia resposta ba kontinuasaun sira nia esforsu hodi marka sai grupu arte marsiais inklui asaun kordenasaun ho setor seluk no ministru-sira iha governu.
To’o iha resposta komete no kordenasaun atu halakon grupu arte marsiais iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé asumi kna’ar husi governu, insidenti hanesan ne’e sei akontese beibeik. La kleur no naton tan atu aprova lei ida no espera problema sei lamosu tan.
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Ida ne’e sei depende ba governu iha loron ka fulan no tinan tuir mai hodi entrega ba ninia resolusaun no hatudu karik sira valoriza regulamentu kona-bá kontrata ka regulamentu kona-bá lei.
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Endless Conflict of Martial Arts Groups in Timor-Leste
As most of us have been enjoying being on holiday and seeing friends and family over Christmas and New Years it can be easy to forget that for some tragic events can still happen. Timor-Leste has been rocked over the past few weeks with a series of brutal murders that happen over the New Years period. First came the news that on the 30th of December three people in Baucau had their throats cut at night whilst they were sleeping, their houses burnt and their livestock butchered. Next came the news from Dili that a further person had been murdered on the 1st of January in similar circumstances. Four murders in the space of three days.
The thing these incidents had in common is that that they were all committed by Martial Arts Gangs (MAG’s), the very same gangs that were outlawed in 2013. The specific motives behind these killings is not yet known however it does not seem that the murders in Baucau are not linked to the murder in Dili. The PNTL have reacted swiftly and have already arrested several suspects in these cases, all youth’s, under 18 years old. It is suspected that these teenagers have been exploited by adults in these gangs who have ordered them to commit the crimes, as being under 18 years old they will receive lesser prison sentences.
This leads to the question, that if all MAG’s were outlawed in 2013 how have they been allowed to continue to operate and carry out such audacious and grizzly killings as the ones we experienced over the New Years period. The answer seems to be Security force complicity. The continued involvement of some sectors of the security forces in MAG’s is something that even the government has acknowledged.
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On the 13th of January we saw 245 police and army officers, including the district commander of Dili, all suspected of being members or being involved in MAG’s, gather at the Palacio de Governu to swear an oath to the Prime Minister himself that they would no longer be involved with MAG’s.
While this in itself is a good first step, the question remains; if the authorities in charge suspected these 298 police and army officers still had gang affiliations how then have they been able to continue to operate in the security forces in direct contravention to the bill banning these groups in 2013?
The government needs to ensure that this first step is not the last step and that this oath is not just a mere promise, action against PNTL and F-FDTL officers who continue to have links with these groups is needed with real consequences given to those who flout this ban. The government and the security forces will face a very real blow to their reputation and trustworthiness if the oath is the only action they pursue.
The government must also be careful that the security angle is not the only action it takes in tackling MAG’s in Timor-Leste. The government must also target the underlying issues that have caused youth to join Martial Arts Groups such as a lack of economic opportunity, disenfranchisement of the youth and related social issues. The ministers of Defense and Security must ensure that their response to the continuing efforts to stamp out MAG’s includes coordinated actions with other sectors and ministries in government.
Until a committed and coordinated response to eradicating MAG’s in Timor-Leste is undertaken by the government incidents like this will happen time and time again. No longer is it just sufficient to pass a law and hope the problem will disappear. It will be up to the government in the following days and months and even years to commit to its resolutions and show whether they value the rule of the deal or the rule of law.
Favor boot ida, husu ba nai ulun sira nebe mak iha kompetensia, nebe sae no tun husi sira nia kargu tuir mandatu nebe iha, sebele karik, laos hatene mak fase liman deit, katak hanoin atu taka ka hapara, halo lei ka resolusaun oi-oin deit seim hakbesik no hakoak nia oan sira nebe lao la tuir dalan ona née, tenke konsidera mos sira nia hanoin hodi hatene lolos problema née nia hun no nia abut. Laos ida sae koalia A, seluk sae koalia B, no hakarak resolve problema hanesan “semudah membalikkan telapak tangan”. Laos ona tempu atu koalia, koalia no koalia deit maibe tenke hatudu.
Katak, maneira saida maka imi estabelese ona hodi hamenus hanoin nebe taendensia ba konfrontasaun entre oknum membru artemarsial. Imi nian maka bandu, bandu no bandu depois dun tun sae hodi halo resolusaun oi-oin maibe imi taka matan tiha ba parte seluk, katak risku desempregu aumenta ba bebeik kada tinan-tinan.