Fundasaun Mahein nia Website Lori Debate Konstruktivas

Fulan kotuk, fulan Jullu iha Planu estrategi dezemvolvementu Timor-Leste deklara katak Governu sei liberaliza telkomunikasuan iha Timor-Leste. Ne’e katak iha tinan hirak mai Timor oan sira sei tur iha sira knua ka sukus  iha Timor laran tomak sei asesu internet. Artigu konstitusaun RDTL no 40 fo garantia ba sidadaun Timor-Leste iha dereitu  hetan informasaun no inform ho imparsial. No liberaliza asesu internet fob a timor oan sira nudar dalan ida atu realize sira nia liberdade.

Tinan barak Timor-Leste luta ba ukun an, luta ba  demokrasia ba mudansa  no luta ba governa an tuir lalaok konstitusaun. Agora Timor oan hetan ona kondisaun ida ne’e. maibe demokrasia sei kria debate intensive no diferensia opiniuan sempre sei mosu, maibe ida ne’e laos atu lori ami para ruhun nehan ba malu.  Iha Parlementu nasional, Deputadus sira, halo debate no kritikas konstruktivas ba prosesu debate programas governu nian. Sivil sosiedade sira, institusaun relijiasaun sira apoiu ka kritikas ba programa governu, Konsekuensia demokrasia halo ami konkorda malu atu lakonkorda malu maibe kontinua nafatin respeitu malu iha hanoin no hahalok. Publikasuan Website Fundasaun Mahein ne’e halo  ejersisu deit oinsa publiku bele iha hanoin no halo debate ba prosesu demokratizasaun ne’e konstuktivu ho responsabilidade e respeitu.

Hanesan fundus petroleum nebe’e governu mos tau iha website e ho informasaun barak liu iha governu nia website ne’e parte hosi transparante no prosesu demokrasia atu ema hotu aseus no bele iha opiniuan ba informasaun hirak ne’e hodi haberan  dialogu. Sosidade sivil sira seluk mos fo informasaun konaba rai, justisa no siguransa ai han nian . Fundasaun Mahein nia website foun ne’e haforsa ami nia lian ba debate nasional

FM nia website foun ne’e, sei kria debates barak entre Timor oan sira iha Timor ka iha rai seluk tamba ralatoriu barak liu mak iha Dalen Tetun. Tamba dalen Tetun sei loke oportunidade  ba Timor oan sira atu provoka hanoin no fasil liu atu partisipa iha dialogu konaba asuntu seitor siguransa. Iha biban hanesan FM nia website foun ne’e mos promove Dalen Nasional Tetun nudar dalen ofisial iha Timor-Leste.

Karik debate atu los ka sala, laos sai problema, importante liu maka bele kria opiniun atu partisipa iha debate nudar apredizajen ida. Talves susar. Iha prosesu dezemvolvementu nasional ita tengki konsidera opiniaun hotu hotu, tamba ne’e mak  FM nia kna’ar atu provoka opinuan publika ba debates konstruktivas importante liu iha seitor siguransa.

informasaun sira ne’e.  debate hirak nebe’e FM tau iha website ne’e atu los ka sala, importante mak bele kria debate ida nebe diak entre Timor oan sira no ne’e mos prosesu hosi apredizajen. Hosi debate ne’e Timor oan sira sei kria hanoin ne’e lahanesan, no lakonkorda malu, ne’e parte hosi prosesu apredizajem no demokratizasaun iha ami nia rain

Fundasaun Mahein fiar katak Dezemvolvementu ba seitor siguransa atu fornese siguransa siguru ba ema hotu ne’e importante liu. Polisia sira tengki halo kna’ar ida nebe’e satan netik krime aat ka violensia. Importante liu povu labele hela iha tauk tan krime ka violensia, maibe povu iha fiar katak moris nudar sidadaun ida nebe’e hetan protesaun siguru hosi sira nia autor siguransa sira. atu kontinua fiar katak estadu de dereitu no legitimidade, fornese siguransa siguru tengki bazea ba opiniuan publiku nebe’e iha atu nune desisaun politika ba seitor siguransa bele hatur iha lejitimidade nia leten. Fundasaun Mahien moris atu fo tulun oinsa kria dialogu ida nebe lejitimi, konstruktivas, atu haforsa dezemvolvementu seitor siguransa iha Timor-Leste.

Fundasaun Mahein’s Website – Bringing Constructives Debate

Last month, the strategic plan for the development of Timor Leste declared that the government will liberalise telecommunications in Timor Leste. This means that in the years to come, the Timorese people sitting in the mountains, cities and valleys of Timor will gain access to the internet. Article 40 of the constitution guarantees that the citizens of Timor Leste have the “right to inform and be informed impartially” and the spread of the internet will give the Timorese people the tool with which to realize this freedom.

For many years, Timor Leste struggled for independence, struggled for democratic self-rule based on constitutional order. Timor Leste has now achieved this condition. However democracy will create heated debates and different opinions always appear but this does should not cause us to become enemies. In the national parliament, deputies have debates and constructively criticize the government’s programmes. Civil society, church and religious institutions support or criticize the government programmes. A consequence of democracy is that we must now agree to disagree but despite that, continue to respect each other in our thoughts and behaviour. The new Fundasaun Mahein website will exercise these rights of free speech, publicizing new thinking and enabling debates within the democratic process to be carried out with responsibility and respect.

The government puts information on the petroleum fund online along with other government information on their respective websites – this is a part of transparency and a correct democratic process, in order that all people can assess and have an opinion on this information, thus enabling dialogue. Other civil society organizations upload information about land, oil, human rights and food security. Fundasaun Mahein’s new website will strengthen our voice in this national conversation.

It will create debate between Timorese, both in Timor and in other countries, because of the many reports in the Tetun language. The Tetun language reports will open opportunities to Timorese to think and more easily participate in dialogue about security sector issues. At the same time, FM’s new website will promote the Tetun language as a language of Timor.

Debate may be right or wrong, this isn’t a problem – it is more important that we have these debates and shape opinions, difficult as they might be. In national development processes, we must appreciate all opinions. Because of this, it is FM’s duty to provoke public opinion and create important, constructive debates in the security sector.

This information and debates which FM puts on its website, right or wrong, are important in creating good dialogue between Timorese, and a part of the learning process. From this debate Timorese will create opinions which are not the same, and will disagree with each other, this is an important part of the process, the process of democracy in our country.

Fundasaun Mahein believes that the healthy development of the security sector will provide effective security to the all people. This is crucial. Police have a duty to protect the population against crime or violence. It is most  important that people should not live in fear of crime or violence, but people must believe that as a citizen they will obtain protection from the security institutions. In order that people continue to believe in the legitimacy of the state, provision by the security sector must be take into account public opinion in order that the political decisions related to the security sector are legitimate. Fundasaun Mahein exists to create dialogue which is legitimate and constructive, to strengthen security sector development in Timor-Leste.



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