Terms of Reference – Fundasuan Mahein Volunteer Advisor
Fundasaun Mahein is a Timorese Civil Society Organisation (CSO) which mandated to provide monitoring, research and reporting on the Timor Leste security sector
Fundasaun Mahein’s mission is to assist in increasing the legitimacy and capacity of the Timorese security sector through citizen participation in the development of relevant legislation, policies and budgets.
Fundasaun Mahein strongly believes that the solution to the problems surrounding the Timor Leste security sector lies in active citizen participation by the Timorese population. Thus we seek to place crucial sector development issues into the political dialogue. We aim to enable the political participation of Timorese society on these issues by providing accurate and well researched information alongside analysis and policy recommendations, all of which is intended to provoke thought, discussion and, ultimately, political participation. We will also seek to build the capacity of the Timorese parliament, civil society and the media on these issues, in order to strengthen the political process and ensure that the voices of all groups are heard.
We believe that creating a space for political dialogue on the security sector will bring about meaningful, concrete and nationally legitimate security sector development, broadly agreed upon by both the body politic and society more generally. Not only will such development be innately legitimate, it will also be a culturally appropriate response to the real security needs of Timorese society. It will build the legitimacy and credibility of the security forces as well as increasing their capacity to appropriately deal with the security threats and issues facing Timor Leste today.
Fundasaun Mahein Volunteer Advisor
The primary responsibility of the Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Volunteer Advisor is to give technical advice to the Fundasuan Mahein staff, in particular the Director. This support will focus on four areas.
- Establish performance management systems, and transfer these skills.
- Assist in administrative and logistical support.
- Liaise with Security Sector Reform bodies at an international level (“outside” Timor-Leste).
- Identify sources of funding and draft proposals.
The Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Volunteer Advisor’s supervisor is the FM Director. The Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Volunteer Advisor shall have no financial spending authority.
The Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Volunteer Advisor’s primary roles are “internal” to Fundasaun Mahein. The primary objective to strengthen Fundasaun Mahein’s ability to function internally.
The Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Volunteer Advisor shall not communicate directly with either Timorese or international media.
Ideally a candidate would be prepared for an immediate start.
Deadline: Position open until filled.
Volunteer Advisor Key Responsibilities
Sector 1: Establish performance management systems, and transfer these skills.
- In collaboration with the Director, update and implement annual workplan.
- In collaboration with the Director and research team, update and maintain research plan and systems.
- In collaboration with the Director and outreach team, update and maintain outreach plan and systems.
- In collaboration with the Director and Outreach team, update and maintain archiving systems.
- Assist outreach staff with analysing performance management metrics.
- Develop training plan for staff on security sector development, to include internal activities and external presentations/training.
- Maintain calendar of key SSR dates – for which reporting can be aligned. (Ie National budget, UN SG reports, PNTL Day, F-FDTL Day, etc)
Sector 2: Assist in administrative and logistical support.
- In collaboration with the Director, direct and establish training assistance for Outreach on web and social media functions.
- Perform due diligence on financial reporting.
- Advise the Director on creating administrative and logisitical efficiencies – ie VOIP versus mobile, USB-modem versus wireless.
- Assist in determination of suitability of new office options.
- Draft and develop advanced publicity / promotional material in English language.
- Develop an international and national media contact list in collaboration with the Outreach Team.
- In conjunction with Director, develop and implement a strategy to build a Timorese Civil Society SSR Network including membership, mandate, constitution, meetings, secretariat and agendas.
- Develop an electronic (ie Google Documents) archive of all FM research materials (including news clippings) for cross sharing by all staff – ie an online library.
- Review all English language reports, blog posts, press releases for acccuracy.
Sector 3: Liaise with Security Sector Reform bodies at an international level (“outside” Timor-Leste). (all communications to be copied to the Director)
- Identify SSR bodies at an international level – ie in Australia, UK, Singapore, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan and ISSAT/DCAF in Geneva.
- Make initial contact using FM promotional material with a view to establishing professional links, training exchanges, and possible funding opportunities.
Sector 4: Indentify sources of funding and draft proposals.
- Identify sources of funding both inside and outside Timor-Leste.
- In collaboration with the Director draft proposals.
Key Outputs
- An FM annual workplan
- Up-to-date research plan and supporting systems
- Up-to-date outreach plan and supporting systems
- Security sector training plan
- Analysis of organisational performance, based on performance management metrics.
- Key SSR research dates aligned with research plan.
- Online presence advanced and FM staff trained to operate independently.
- A SSR Network constitution developed, secretariat in place, agenda agreed, and meetings operationalised (funding permitting).
Person Specification
Ideally, a candidate will:
- Have experience in organisational capacity building in Timor Leste
- Speak Tetun
- Have an interest in governance or the security sector
However, Fundasaun Mahein would also be interested to hear from recent graduates with advanced degrees in politics, development, peace studies or related fields.