“Eventu graduasaun ba warga foun membru (PSHT) sira fo ona karta ba Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) ho Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa (SES) atu halo siguransa ba sira nia eventu ne’e, maibe la hetan siguransa ne’ebe masimu husi PNTL ne’ebe ikus mai hamosu konfrontasaun no hamate ami nia membru ida”. ( Mario Trinidade 20/12/2012 TVTL).
Karik informasaun hosi Senor Mario Trinidade ne’e los, maka Fundasaun Mahein (FM) lamenta tebes ba Institusaun PNTL ho Sekretariu Estadu ba Seguransa, tanba Komisaun Organizadora Arte Masial PSHT haruka ona karta ba sira maibe nusa mak sira la fo seguransa diak husi institusaun PNTL?
Fundasaun Mahein lamenta ho attitude Polisia, ne’ebe maka uza Polisia spesial halo check point iha fatin-fatin iha Dili laran depois the konflitus Arte Marsial hotu. Ho uza atetude Polisia para militar maka hetok halo Polisia laiha planu ba prevene konflitus MAG nian, ne’ebe sai tiha ona ameas ba Siguransa Nasional .
Fundasaun Mahein preokupa ho intervensaun PNTL ne’ebe tarde ba konfrontasaun no ikus mai hamate ema ida no rezulta mos estaragus barak ba komunidade nia propriedades hanesan kareta no seluk seluk tan.
Fundasaun Mahein husu PNTL halo planeamentu ne’ebe boot ba konflitus MAG ne’ebe oho malu la hotu deit. No husu PNTL halo strategiku Polisia Komunitariu nian, ne’ebe bele ajuda prevene konflitus.
Ba preokupasaun sira ne’e hotu, Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Governu ho institusaun PNTL:
(1) Atu kria polisia komunitariu ida ne’ebe efektivu e halo interasaun ho komunidade kada loron-loron. Tamba Polisia Komunidade sei halo identifikasaun ba kazu kiik ne’ebe akontece iha komunidade no fo rezulusaun preventivu lalais, duke halo operasaun Polisia spesial ne’ebe kria deit paniku publiku.
(2) Husu ba PNTL atu halo asaun ida ne’ebe orenta ba solusaun problema no identifika hun ho abut problema ne’ebe iha komunidade nia let no rekomenda solusaun, no hases operasaun boot e risku boot ba komunidade.
(3) Estabelese estrutura polisia nian ho prosedementu manajementu nian atu halo ofisias polisia sira bele dezemvolve hodi rona no responde ba komunidade sira nia persiza ho perioridades. PNTL persiza halo estrutura ne’ebe suporta sira atu asesu ba komunidade no PNTL sira iha operasional felsibel atu ajuda sir aba atividades local nian ne’ebe perirodidade tebes.
(4) Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Parlemnetu National Komiaun B atu halo lei organiku Polisia Komunitariu atu bele haberan sira hodi halo sira nia kna’ar komunitariu nebe’e pro paz iha opeasaun prevensaun konflitus nian.
Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo,
Direktor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org ,
Tlp +670 737 4222
Fundasaun Mahein, 21th December 2011
Press Release
Martial Arts Violence continues, as the PNTL remains without any Community Police Engagement Strategies.
“In regards to PSHT’s graduation, we PSHT had sent a letter to the PNTL and the State Sectary for Security to provide security for that event. However we had received no security guarantees from the PNTL, and the end result was confrontation and the death of one of our members.” (Mario Trinidade 20/12/2012 TVTL)
If Mr. Mario Trinidade’s statement is true, then Fundasaun Mahein is very concerned that despite the PNTL and SES being informed about the graduation of new senior PSHT members, no security arrangements were provided.
Fundasaun Mahein is concerned with Police attitudes and the eagerness to use para-military tactics, which includes the setting-up of road checkpoints once the conflict is over. The recurring use of para-military tactics does nothing in the way of conflict prevention and only exacerbates tensions to the point where they become national security threats.
Fundasaun Mahein is saddened by the PNTL’s tardy intervention allowing the confrontation of Martial Arts Groups (MAG), which resulted in the death of a man and the destruction of people’s properties and vehicles.
Fundasaun Mahein requests that the PNTL adopt detailed plans and strategies to deal with MAG conflict and suggests the use of Community Police engagement strategies. These in FMs view would be beneficial to conflict prevention.
As a result, Fundasaun Mahein recommends both the Government and the PNTL to:
(1) Create an effective community police unit, which engages daily with the community. The community police will be able to identify minor conflicts in the community and offer preventive resolutions as opposed to Special Police Operations that cause public panic.
(2) Ask the PNTL to adopt problem solving orientated strategies which identify the roots of the problems in the community and recommends appropriate solutions, thus reducing the high risks to the community.
(3) Develop police structures and management procedures. In order for police officers to listen and respond to community needs and priorities, they need to have structures which allow them to access the communities, and they need to have the operational flexibility to adjust activities based on local needs and priorities.
(4) Fundasaun Mahein recommends the National Parliament Committee B, which is in charge of Security Defence and Foreign Affairs to draft an Organic Law of Community Police, which would empower the Community Police to carry out more peaceful operations within the community.
If you would like more information on this topic please contact:
Nélson Belo,
Director Fundasaun Mahein
Email: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org,
Tlp +670 737 4222
em principal,, governu hatuun tiha ona dekretu lei ida katak grupo marsias hirak nee tenke taka hotu,, no labele halo tan aktividades,, tamba deit sira nia hahalok rasik mak estraga sira selae hau hanoin organizasaun hirak bele loke nafatin bainhira lao tuir nia dalan lolos (uja para atu self-defense) laos hatudu abut/jagoan fali,, tan maka governu taka tiha maibe sira tenta nafatin atu loke…maske sira rasik hatene katak ida nee viola ona dekretu lei nebe vigora….
ho liafuan kasar ita bele dehan katak ba kualker organizasaun nebe halo anarkia/ destroi nasaun/ halo populasaun tauk no halo sira nia aktividade loron-loron ladiak bele konsidera hanesan gangster ou pior liu tan bele dehan “terorista”..
triste tamba ita nia hanoin sei nakonu ho violensia duke hanoin atu dezenvolve nasaun nee…espera katak buat hirak ble eradika iha tinan 2015 nee
Tanba sa mak sei iha aktividades arte marsias,estado hasai ona resolusaun hodi hapara arte marsias…tanba ne sei la tolera ba qualker aktividades nebe liga ho arte marsiais,….ok.
peac ba ita hotu. …
Maun, Karik ha’u la sala katak Atividade MAG nian ne’e suspendido hela husi Ita-nia Governo liu-husi Dekretu Lei ida ne’ebe ha’u ladun hatene maibe karik ida ne’e loos, mak oinsa Ita-boot sira atu fo pareser hodi dehan katak Polisia (PNTL) la kumpre sira-nia Lei no Ordem ne’e hodi ba fo seguransa bainhira MAG haruka karta ba PNTL hodi fo seguransa ba Sira-nia NAIK SABUK ne’e. H’au la’os atu protesta maibe atu enfatiza de’it husi asaun PNTL nian ne’e.Tuir loos katak bainhira sira (PNTL simu karta) sira ba kaer kedas MAG ne’e tamba Rezolusaun Governu nian ne’e aplika no seidauk iha ordem ida atu re-ativa hikas atividade MAG nian ne’e.
Jason Alcatraz