Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 30 Janeiru 2015
Komunikadu Imprensa
Liu Husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 96 (Relatoriu Versaun Tetum.pdf) (English Version) halo analiza kona-bá Juramentu ba membru F-FDTL no PNTL ne’ebé involve iha Grupu Arte Marsiais.
Problema Grupu Arte Marsiais sai hanesan prekupasaun públiku. Iha ne’ebé autoridade Estadu nian no organizasaun sosiedade sivil iha tinan hirak ikus ne’e ko’alia maka’as kona-bá konfrontu sira ne’ebé sei ligadu ho grupu arte marsiais.
Tuir rezolusaun Governu nian iha tinan 2013, hodi taka sira nia atividade total hanesan Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT), Kmanek Oan Rai Klaran (KORK) no Ikatan Kera Sakti (IKS). Maibe sei sai perguntas tebes ka grupu hirak ne’e kontinua eziste ho nia atividade no involve direta iha konfrontu sira iha komunidade?
Kazu iha distritu Viqueque no distritu balu seluk, komunidade sira hato’o katak grupu arte marsial balu kontinua halo rekrutamentu no treinamentu ba membru foun iha tempu kalan. Maske komunidade sira hato’o ona ba polisia maibe seidauk iha medida konkreta ruma hasoru grupu hirak ne’e
Kazu hanesan iha tinan rohan 2014, antes tama Natal no hakat ba tinan foun 2015 konfrontu ida iha Distritu Baucau involve joven lubuk ida husi bairo, suku no subdistritu ne’ebé la hanesan. Iha ne’ebé ema hotu nia hare sei kait ho grupu arte marsiais. Rezultadu husi konfrontu ne’e hamate ema na’in tolu, sunu uma no oho animal hakiak sira.
Insidenti ida ne’e deskonfia involve membru balu husi Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no FALINTIL-Força Defesa Timor-Leste (FALINTIL-FDTL). Nune’e mos relatoriu seluk husi monitorizasaun Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nian nota katak la hetan atuasaun seriu husi autoridade siguransa.
Involvimentu husi pesoal siguransa hetan reasaun maka’as husi Ministru Defeza no Siguransa. Tanba ne’e iha loron Tersa, 13 fulan Janeiru tinan 2015, membru FALINTIL-FDTL no PNTL ne’ebé involve iha grupu arte marsiais hamutuk 288 halo seremonia juramentu iha Palasiu Governu iha bandeira RDTL no bandeira instituisaun rua nian oin, hanesan juramentu ba povu no nasaun. Hodi ba oin eis membrus arte marsiais hirak ne’e sei la mete tan no sei kumpri lolos deit lei no hakruk ba Estadu no Konstituisaun.
1. Sosializasaun no monitorizasaun ba rezolusaun taka grupu arte marsiais hanesan PSHT, IKS no KORK.
2. Reintegrasaun eis grupu arte marsias ba iha grupu komunidade ho tratamentu ida integradu.
3. FALINTIL-FDTL no PNTL tenki halo screening ba nia membru sira husi eis membru grupu arte marsiais.
4. Asuntu grupu arte marsiais tenki sai kriteriu ba rekrutamentu ba membru FALINTIL-FDTL no PNTL.
5. Asaun forte ka regoruzu husi autor justisa ka siguransa tenki maka’as ba asaun grupu arte marsias.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefone (+670) 7737-4222 ka (+670) 77561184
Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 30 January 2015
Press Release
An Oath for Members of the F-FDTL and PNTL:
End or Calm the Martial Art Groups
The issue of martial art groups has become a public concern. Various state authorities and civil society organizations have strongly discussed the issue of martial arts groups in the last two years.
A government resolution passed in 2013 demanded the total halt of martial arts group activities. These groups included ‘PSHT’ (Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate), ‘KORK’ (Kmanek Oan Rai Klaran) and ‘IKS’ (Ikatan Kera Sakti). Some speculate that these groups still exist and continue to instigate conflicts within communities.
Representatives from some districts, including Viqueque, have stated that some martial art groups continue to recruit and train new members at night. Many of these communities have even approached the police with their concerns, but there is not yet a standard mechanism used to combat or dismantle these groups.
At the end of 2014, between Christmas (25/12/14) and New Year’s Day (1/1/15), a conflict took place in Baucau, involving youths from various hamlets, suburbs, and sub-districts. The majority of people believe that this conflict is related to martial arts rivalries. Three young men, houses were burned, and animals were killed during this incident.
Some suspect that members of the PNTL and the F-FDTL were somehow involved in this incident. Indeed, as noted by a recent FM report, this suspicion seems to be confirmed by the lack of any serious response by security authorities.
The possible involvement of security personnel was of great concern to the Ministry of Defense and Security. As such, on 13 January 2015, all members of the F-FDTL and the PNTL involved in martial art groups (totaling 288) were asked to participate in an “oath ceremony” at the government palace. In front of the RDTL and the flags of their respective institutions, these security personnel swore their allegiance to the people and the nation. With this oath, these former members of martial art groups are compelled to cease any involvement in gang-related conflict and to abide by the laws of the Constitution.
1. Community socialization and monitoring should take place, in order to ensure the disbanding of martial art groups, such as PSHT, IKS and KORK.
2. Former members of martial art groups should be reintegrated into their communities.
3. The F-FDTL and PNTL screen its members, in order to determine which members were formerly involved in martial art groups.
4. Involvement (or lack thereof) in martial arts groups should be considered during the recruitment process for new members of the F-FDTL and PNTL.
5. The Ministry of Justice and all relevant security authorities should take strong actions against martial art groups.
For more details, please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone (+670) 7737-4222 or (+670) 77561184
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