Militar ho Polisia Bele Vota Iha Eleisaun Ka Lae?

Militar ho Polisia Bele Vota Iha Eleisaun Ka Lae? post thumbnail image

Mahein Nia Lian No. 29 (.pdf) debate klean konaba Militar no Polisia bele vota iha eleisaun ka lae? Iha Timor-Leste, elisaun Jeral, nudar prosesu sobrania povu nia ne’ebe halo direita, livre, segredu no justu tuir konstitusaun Republika Demokratika de Timor-Leste.

Iha Fundasaun Mahein nia relatoriu ne’e sita konaba opiniaun pro kontra iha publiku Iha fulan hirak liu ba relasiona ho direitu vota ba membru FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha kualker eleisaun ne’ebe halo iha Timor-Leste. Tuir FM nia hanoin katak, importante atu membru ne’ebe mak atu halo votasaun tenki hatene funsaun nudar militar no nudar sidadaun. Karik sira labele halo separasaun ba militar ho sivil entau ne`e sei sai amiasa ba prosesu demokasi ne`e rasik. Ho ida ne’e FM sujere atu kria uluk kondisaun ne’ebe diak ba membru F-FDTL/PNTL antes Estadu fo diretu vota ba sira tuir lei inan haruka.

Nune’e mos liu husi peskiza ne’ebe FM halo deskobre konaba kontradiksaun entre lei sira. Katak lei balun la premite Militar ho Polisia atu vota iha eleisaun maibe iha lei seluk fo direitu nudar sidadaun atu ba vota iha festa demokrasia. Relatoriu FM ne’e mos preoukupa konaba independensia membru PNTL ho F-FDTL ne’ebe nudar eskultu ba VIP sira e mos Prezidente Partidus Politikus sira. Tanba Pesoal seguransa hirak ne’e kleur hamutuk ho sira bele habiban influensia hodi vota ba lideres sira ne’ebe loron-loron sira rona no fo seguransa. Wainhira ida ne’e akontese maka membru Militar no Polisia hira ne’e laiha ona neutralidade.

Relatoriu ne’e mos ketiaona konaba independensia membru Militar no Polisa nian tanba faktus hatudu katak membru balun husi instituisaun rua ne’e uza farda kompletu ba regista naran hodi sai militantes ba partidu balun. Tamba ne’e wainhira fo fatin ba membru F-FDTL/PNTL uza sira nia direitu vota maka psikologikamente dudu elementu F-FDTL/PNTL atu haburas nafatin sentimentu ownership (rasa memiliki) partidu iha sira nia moris lor-loron.

Bazeia ba hanoin hirak ne’ebe FM sita iha leten maka hakarak rekomenda katak:

1). Institusaun F-FDTL/PNTL atu hasae edukasaun sevika iha akademia polisia/akademia militar atu komprede separasaun entere militar ho sivil.

2). Rekomendasaun ba Governu no Institusaun F-FDTL/PNTL atau perpara kondisaun nebe diak ba member F-FDTL/PNTL atu bele uza sira nia diretu ba vota iha elisaun ho diak.

3). Rekomenda ba Governu ho Parlamentu nasional Komisaun B atu draf lei ida hodi fo dalan ba institusaun F-FDTL/PNTL ba vota uluk loron ida antes elisaun jeral hahu atu iha elisaun institusaun rua ne`e bele fo seguransa ho masimu.

4). FM mos husu ba Institusaun F-FDTL/PNTL atu la bele loke an atu ema politiza institusaun.

5). FM rekomenda mos ba Lideransa politika sira atu la bele koko hodi rekruta membru ou lideransa sira iha institusaun F-FDTL/PNTL nia laran. No ikus liu FM rekomenda ba Institusaun F-FDTL/PNTL atu manten nafatin profesionalizmu nudar forsa defesa no forsa de seguransa hodi nune’e bele asegura eleisaun jeral ho neutron no imparsialidade.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu

Nélson Belo,
Diretor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: ,
Tlp +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein 31 January 2011

Press Release

Can the Police and the Military vote in the elections?

In Mahein’s Voice no 29, Fundasaun Mahein debates on whether the Police and the Military should have the right to vote in the elections. The general election in Timor Leste is a sovereign process that is undertaken by the people. In accordance with the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste this process is direct, free, just and secretive.

This report by Fundasaun Mahein (FM) focuses on views held by public opinion, pro and cons, as to the right to vote by members of FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor Leste (F-FDTL) and Members of Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) in a general election. It is the view of FM that it is important that members of PNTL and F-FDTL, that take part in the general election, must distinguish his or her role as a citizen and as a member of the armed forces. Unless this distinction between civil and military function can be understood, the very democratic process of general elections can be put in danger. As such, FM recommends that better conditions be created for members of PNTL/F-FDTL before they can be given the right to vote in accordance with the Constitution.

According to research carried out by FM there are serious contradictions within the law. Some laws prohibit members of the police and the military to vote in an election whilst under other laws this very right is provided as a right of a citizen of the nation. Another issue of concern to FM is the independence of members of PNTL and F-FDTL that provide close protection security to VIPs and presidents of political parties. Given that these individuals have close relations with these VIPs and presidents of political parties, their independence and neutrality, as members of PNTL or F-FDTL, is no longer guaranteed due to the influence of the individuals they are protecting.

Another issue of concern to FM is that there have been occasions when members of the Military and Police, whilst in complete uniform, openly registers and declares his or her support to a particular party. This is a clear demonstration that this right to vote has a psychological effect, which in turn, facilitates a sense of ownership of political parties by members of PNTL and F-FDTL.

Accordingly FM makes the following recommendations:

1. Both PNTL and F-FDTL institutions should increase civic education in their respective academy.

2. Both the Government and PNTL/F-FDTL institutions improve the conditions of both PNTL/F-FDTL so that members of these institutions could properly exercise their right to vote.

3.The Government and Parliamentary Committee B should draft a law that would allow members of PNTL and F-FDTL to vote one day ahead of the general election so that both institutions can properly carry out their duty during the general election.

4. PNTL and F-FDTL should not politicize their respective institutions.

5. Political leaders should not attempt to recruit members or leaders of PNTL and/or F-FDTL

6. As security and defence institutions both PNTL and F-FDTL must maintain their professionalism in order to secure the general election with neutrality and impartiality.

For further information please contact

Nelson Belo,
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp +670 737 4222

2 thoughts on “Militar ho Polisia Bele Vota Iha Eleisaun Ka Lae?”

  1. Tuir hau nia prespectivo sobre forsa 2 tantu F-FDTL no PNTL melhor independente ou labele inklina iha partidu A ou B tamba F-FDTL no PNTL nu’udar lutu nasaun nian, karik iha partidu A ou B nebe’e mak manan iha eleisaun, forsa rua ne’e mak fo siguransa maximu hodi defende povo ba rai ida ne’e.

    kontradisaun ba lei balun nebe’e sita iha leten sobre F-FDTL no PNTL sim los ne’e koncidera hanesan dilematiku, maibe tenki tau diferencia entre civil no militar tantu militar lei balun la primite atu tuir eleisaun hau konkorda, maibe lei seluk fo dalan nu’udar sidadaun nia direitu hau duvida no tenki defini klaru atu nune’e para labele kria konfusaun no intrepretasaun iha forsa F-FDTL no PNTL.

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