Oinsa Programa Politika Karik Lakon iha Elisaun?

Oinsa Programa Politika Karik Lakon iha Elisaun? post thumbnail image

Diretur Ezekutivu Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Nelson Belo

Kampaina prezidente agora dadaun la’o hela i mos ita bele hatene oituan konaba ba estaratejiku politik ne’ebe barak-barak los. Kandidatus barak maka deklara ona ba sira nia militante oinsa sira atu maneija nasaun ida ne’e wainhira sira hetan vitoria iha elisaun ne’e. Kandidatus lubun boot mos la halo konkluzaun ba sira nia militante konaba biban sira lakon iha eleisaun karik saida mak sira atu halo .

Level arogansia iha nasaun ne’e laos buat foun ida.
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Tan ne’e mak Fundasaun Mahein preokupa militante sira nia hanoin. Esklaresementu ba militante sira bebeik ona hosi kandidatus lubun boot ne’ebe iha biban katak sira maka hetan vitoria iha eleisaun no sai prezidente da republika tuir mai. Realidade maka ida deit maka sei hetan vitoria, ne’e signifika katak militantes barak ikus mai sei hetan lakon.

Karik kandidatus sira la deskuite estratejika sira nian no esplika ba sira nia militantes sira konaba saida maka sira tenki halo kuandu sira iha parte lakon, no ne’e biban halo konfunzaun no laran susar ba militante barak.
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Dala ruma potensia ba hamoris konfliktu.

Eleisaun tinan 2007 ne’ebe kria governu kolegasaun hatur ezemplu diak ida. iha momentu ne’eba despailha konfuzaun boot entre militantes sira konaba interpretasaun konstitusaun ne’ebe ikus mai nakfera ba komfliku iha kraik, nune’e mos dadaun ne’e sidauk iha survei ka polling ida ne’ebe kredibel no indikasaun iha Timor-Leste, signifika katak difisil los ba militantes husi kada kandidatus simu. Tan ne’e maka husu ba kandidatus sira nia hakraik an no pragmatismu.

Tamba ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein husu ba kandidatus hotu-hotu atu deklara ba sira nia militantes sira konaba sira nia estratejiku no fo instrusaun ba sira nia militantes konaba biban la hetan vitoria iha eleisaun. Fundasaun Mahein husu ba kandidatus Prezidente ne’ebe sei lakon i sei simu rezultadu lakon no husu ba sira nia militantes sira atu suporta prezidente eletu foun.
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Ida ne’e nudar edukasaun civika ba militantes sira, so nune’e deit maka lia menon ikus husi Proklamador RDTL Xavier do Amaral ne’ebe katak lider sira tenki unidade kria paz ho estabilidade no respeitu malu. (NB).

And How about A Political Program in Case of Defeat?

The presidential campaign is now in full swing and we are starting to learn a bit more on the policy positions and strategies of the various candidates. Most have come out detailing to their militants how they will govern this country once they become victorious. Many candidates seem to see their victory as a forgone conclusion and have not addressed to their militants what they will do in case of defeat.

This level of arrogance among politicians in this country is not new. However FM is concerned about its effect on the minds of militants. Militants are being told repeatedly by some leading candidates that their contender will be victorious and become the next president. The reality is that there can only be one winner and this will mean that many militants will end up on the loosing side. If candidates do not address their strategy to their militants and clarify what actions they should undertake in the case of defeat, this may lead to a sense of confusion and dismay among many militants. This ultimately leads to a potential source for conflict.

The 2007 elections and its trigger for a coalition government present a good example of this. Confusion was widespread among militants on the interpretation of the constitution and on actions on the ground, leading to outbreaks of violence. Furthermore, no accurate polling is available in Timor-Leste, meaning that it is very difficult to gain a clear indication on the level of support each candidate receives. Candidates therefore require some level of humility and pragmatism.

FM therefore calls for all candidates to issue statements detailing their strategies and their instructions to their militants in case of defeat. FM hopes that the loosing candidates will accept the results and lend their support to the newly elected candidate and advise their militants to do the same. This need for civic education for militants is required so that Proclaimer of RDTL Xavier do Amaral’s last wishes and call for politicians to unite for peace and stability in this country is respected. (NB).

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