Diretu ba ema hotu no Ema hotu iha diretu
(Every body has rights and rights are for all)
This is an edited version of HAK Association’s Report on the
Human Rights Situation in Covalima and Bobonaro Districts of Timor‐Leste
15 February 2010
Mr. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao
Prime Minister – IV Constitutional Government
Democratic Republic of Timor‐Leste
CC: Copies of this letter also sent to:
1. His Excellency President of the Republic, Dr. José Ramos‐Horta
2. His Excellency President of the National Parliament, Mr. Fernando “Lasama” de Araujo
3. Excellencies Chiefs of Parliament Party Benches
4. Her Excellency Minister of Social Solidarity, Ms.
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Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves
5. His Excellency Secretary of State for Security, Mr. Francisco Guterres
6. His Excellency Secretary of State for Defense, Mr.
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Julio Tomas Pinto
7. Her Excellency Prosecutor General RDTL, Ms. Ana Pesoa
8. His Excellency General Commander of the PNTL, Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro
9. His Excellency Commander F‐FDTL, Major General Taur Matan Ruak
10. Public via media
Subject: Human Rights Situation in Covalima and Bobonaro
Excellency Prime Minister,
Many people are surprised by and focused on the situation in Bobonaro and Covalima Districts regarding the PNTL operation led directly by the General Commander Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro against “ninja” groups, as recently publicized in the mass media.
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As a human rights organization we are concerned about the situation in these two districts, particularly about the right of the population to live in security. The right to live in security is a human right, and it is an obligation of the responsible organs of the state, especially the National Police of Timor‐Leste (PNTL), to guarantee the people actually live in security. We may consider the reaction of the PNTL in attending to the situation as an obligation of the state to uphold people’s rights. To insure the actions of the PNTL
actually do restore the population’s right to security and to prevent a contrary situation, our organization sent an observer team to the two districts. Our team has gathered information from community authorities and local government, some victims, suspects, community members, and from direct observation of the situation where “ninja” threats might exist. Based on our observations, we urge immediate attention by the responsible authorities to prevent a worsening situation and further human rights violations.
To download the report click below.
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