FM Kongratula Ba Autor Siguransa Sira Nia Serbisu Diak

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Urnas Eleisaun Prezidensial 2012-2017 iha Timor-Leste

Fundasaun Mahein, 26 Abril 2012

Komunikadu Imprenza

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hakarak hato’o parabens ba PNTL, F-FDTL, STAE, CNE, lider relijiuan hotu, partidus politiku, ba sira nia esforsu no kna’ar ba susesu periodu eleisaun prezidente nian. Autor sira ne’e sempre hetan kritika maka’as liu-liu husi Fundasaun Mahein (FM), maibe ba biban ida ne’e FM fo agradesementu no kongratula maka’as ba susesu hirak ne’e.

Mensiona ona iha leten, ba sira hotu nia kna’ar ne’ebe profesional tebes ho maneira diak ne’e sei estabelese konfiansa boot entre Timor oan sira ho mos institusaun estadu nian hotu. Susesu ida ne’e mos fo konfiansa boot ba maluk internasional sira ba ita nia kapasidade atu governa ita nia an rasik to tempu ba UNMIT & ISF husik Timor-Leste. Susesu ida ne’e fo razaun ba Timor-Leste oan sira optimista ba rezultadu eleisaun parlementar ne’ebe mai dadaun iha fulan Jullu ba futuru in jeral nian.

Eleisaun prezidensial ba ronde daruak nian liu ba haburas ho insedente balun, maibe jeralmente ne’e regista insedente naton tanba kna’ar autor relevante ba siguransa nian ho sira nia mobilizasaun diak ikus mai rezolve ho susesu. Ezemplu diak ida maka momentu iha sede nasional kandidadu Taur Matan Ruak nia iha Taibessi hetan ataka, PNTL ho rapidu atua insedente refere. Iha biban seluk mos, kreditu boot mos ami fo ba lider politiku sira ne’ebe ho meus barak ba insedente refere atu prevene ataka hasoru.

Eleisaun prezidensial hatudu susesu diak ba susesu tomak ne’ebe ita hotu hatudu, tan ne’e ho biban ida ne’e FM rekomenda pontus balun: Dahuluk FM regista partisipasaun eleitor sira ba vota ladun signifikante ba eleisaun sira dahuluk nian. Partisipasaun politiku entre populasaun tun no ne’e FM liga ba lei eleitor ne’ebe obriga ema ba vota iha fatin sira ne’ebe registra ba. Lei ne’e obriga ema ba fatin dok no tenki gastu orsan ba fatin sira refere para vota halo elitor sira todan boot, tamba ne’e FM rekomenda ba Parlementu Nasional atu halo amandementu ba lei refere atu nune lei ne’e labele aplika iha elisaun parlementar mai.

Daruak, FM rekomenda atu lei elitor mos fo ba STAE & CNE autoridade boot atu foti dezisaun penal nian ba krime elitoral nian iha elisaun parlamentar nian mai. Durante eleisaun prezidensial liu ba wainhira regista violasaun ba eleitor STAE & CNE dala ruma bolu PNTL halo intervensaun ne’ebe lolos iha lei PNTL laiha kna’ar halo atuasuan ba violasaun administrativa maibe PNTL so halo atuasaun ba violasaun fizika. Ida ne’e kria konfuzaun ba lei eleitoral ne’ebe fo autoridade boot ba STAE & CNE, maibe mos atu defini kna’ar ba autor relevante ne’ebe trata asuntu ligasaun ba krime eleitoral.

FM husu ba autor siguransa sira ne’ebe hatudu ona lalaok diak durante elisaun presidensial no husu atu kontinua aplika ho susesu iha elisaun parlementar. FM mos husu ba ulun boot politik sira kontinua halo aprosimasaun pozitivu hodi tulun sira nia militantes sira halo hanesan iha kampaña. Ikus nian, FM mos hato’o obrigadu barak ba lider relijiuan sira ne’e kontinua serbisu maka’as iha sira nia aprosimasaun ka homilia ba paz nian ba susesu iha eleisaun mai.

FM suporta ba kna’ar diak ne’ebe hetan ona ho pozitivu husi autor sira hotu ne’ebe temi ona. Ami mos hakarak kongratula ba povu Timor-Leste ba sira nia partisipasaun iha eleisaun prezidensial. Ami husu Timor-Leste sai modelu dia ba nasaun sira ne’ebe pos konflitus sira.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo,
Diretor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: ,
Tlp +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 26 April 2012

Press Release

FM Congratulates Security Actors for a Job Well Done

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) would like to congratulate the PNTL, the F-FDTL, STAE, CNE, political and religious leaders for their tireless efforts in securing and ensuring a successful presidential election. These security actors often come under strong criticism notably from us at FM, however praise is in order this time around.

The above-mentioned actors as a whole acted in a professional and fitting manner and this will allow the building of greater trust among Timorese in their state institutions. This will also give our international friends greater confidence in our ability to run our own country with the imminent departure of UNMIT & the ISF. This also gives us reason to be cautiously optimistic on the successful conduct of the upcoming parliamentary election in July and for the future in general.

Both presidential rounds were marred by a few incidents, but on the whole these were fairly minor and through the efforts made by the relevant security actors who mobilized hand in hand, these were successfully resolved and contained. A good example was the attack on Taur Matan Ruak’s campaign headquarters in Taibessi, whereby the PNTL acted swiftly to contain the incident. Credit should also be given to political leaders in affirming their condemnation of the incident and for preventing any sort of retaliation.

The presidential election was on the whole a success and to build upon this success, FM recommends a couple of things. Firstly FM noted a higher abstention rate than in previous elections. The lowering level of political engagement among the population is of concern and FM links this to the legal impediment forcing people to vote in their places of registration. This forces people to travel great distances and creates a financial burden many cannot assume and therefore FM recommends that the National Parliament amend this law as soon as possible, so that it no longer applies come the parliamentary election.

Secondly, FM recommends that be given greater penal authority with respects to electoral transgressions in time for the parliamentary election. During the presidential election, when an electoral transgression would be recorded, STAE & CNE would have to call upon the intervention of the PNTL, whom would be reluctant to act because they are more accustomed in dealing with physical acts of violence. This created confusion and this could be settled by giving greater punitive powers to STAE & CNE but also by clearly defining the rules to all actors in relation to electoral transgressions.

FM hopes that all the security actors can build upon their excellent performances during the presidential election and that this will translate into a successful parliamentary election. We also hope that political leaders will continue to engage in positive campaigning and encourage their militants to do the same. Finally, we thank religious leaders for tirelessly preaching for peace and hope they have the strength to continue in the lead up to the next election.

FM supports all the positive things that have been done by all the above-mentioned actors and congratulates them once again for it. Congratulations are also in order for the people of Timor-Leste for their conduct during the presidential election and for successfully electing their next head of state. We hope that Timor-Leste can become a good model to other post-conflict and developing nations.

For further information regarding this article please contact
Nélson Belo,
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp +670 737 4222

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