FM Outreach May 2012

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FM Matriks Maiu 2012

Two months on since our last blog on our outreach performance, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) would like to share its statistics and recount its main activities for the month of May. Once again, FM is greatly encouraged by the growing number of people following our activities. The total number of visits onto our website amounted to 2,829 for May 2012, marking a 25% increase from March 2012 (2,270 visits in March 2012).

The bulk of our online followers come from Indonesia, USA, Australia, Germany and Timor-Leste. Once again the Timorese Diaspora aided by better Internet access represented the largest number of visitors, however it was encouraging to note a 40% increase in the number of page visits by individuals in Timor-Leste since March 2012 (383 in March & 537 in May).

We have also started analyzing our Facebook page statistics and we now count 349 ‘likes’. Our monthly reach, which is the monthly number of unique people who have seen any content associated with our page, amounted to 11,861 for May 2012. And finally the number of people talking about our page for the month of May was 184. This is the number of unique people who have created a story about our Page. These are modest numbers on which we would like to build upon in the coming months.

During the past month, FM undertook the publishing of one Mahein Nia Lian (MNL) report, titled Thoughts for the President-Elect on the work of Casa Militar. This report received quite a lot of interest, as it not only was FM’s most visited page in May (307), but it also was discussed at great length over the airwaves, with it being mentioned on nine separate occasions on various radio stations including Radio Timor-Leste and Radio Timor Kmanek.

Nine Hanoin Lisuk (blog entries) were also drafted and published onto our website, offering commentary on various issues ranging from some MPs unwillingness to amend the electoral law to reflections on Timor-Leste’s 10th Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence Day. These two mentioned blog entries were also the second and third most visited pages on our website. Additionally it should be noted that during the month of May, FM was interviewed 14 times by national journalists and 4 times by international journalists.

Furthermore, FM undertook the production of two radio talk shows in May 2012. The first was produced on the 4th of May on Radio TLMDC. The topic of the show was FM’s recent activities and upcoming activities in the run up to the parliamentary elections. Guests included the Director of Media Monitoring from TLMDC, FM Board President, Joao Pequino and FM Executive Director, Nelson Belo. The second talk show was produced on the 30th of May on Radio Liberdade. The show focused on the work carried out by the Transit Police and road security. This complemented our recent report we published on the issue (Mahein Nia Lian No.33 Servisu Polisia Tránzitu no Siguransa Rodoviária). Guests included, Transit Police Chief, Inspector Antonio Soares, Director of DNTT, Silvestre De Oliveira and FM research coordinator, Joao Almeida.

We would like to finish off by saying a big thank you to all our followers. You keep us going and we welcome all your comments, especially constructive criticism. We also encourage all our supporters to spread and share our articles and reports with their friends and family to further increase our outreach. Thanks again!

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