Se Mak Transporta Bulletin Votus Husi Kupang Mai Batugade?

Se Mak Transporta Bulletin Votus Husi Kupang Mai Batugade? post thumbnail image

Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) simu kna’ar eskoltu ba bulletin de votus ba eleisaun Parlamentar husi fronteria Batugade mai Dili, Tersa, (26/06). Dadaun ne’e ita hetan garantia siguransa ba tansporte bulletin de Votus mai Timor-Leste depois pasa ba ita nia liman iha Batugade. Maibe ita la hatene los konaba guarda siguransa nian ba bulletin de Votus ne’ebé halo iha Kupang-Timor Osidental, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) la hatene los konaba organiza siguransa ba transporte husi Kupang to’o Batugade.

FM husu atu fo sai informasaun husi Autoridades relevante konaba organiza siguransa nian ba tansporta bulletin de votus husi Kupang hodi to mai entrega siguransa iha PNTL nia liman, iha Batugade. Guarda ba tansporte ita fo fiar ba autor siguransa Indonezia nian? Ou iha aranjamentu seluk konaba siguransa seluk?

Povu tenki hatene konaba informasaun ba asuntu refere ne’ebé bele sai potensial ba preokupasaun karik iha biban seluk ba siguransa nia ita ladun atensaun atu foti medidas maka sei iha impaktu ba lejitimasaun eleisaun nian. FM husu transporte ne’ebé seguru ba bulletin de votus iha loron aban nian.

Who is Transporting the Ballot Papers Between Kupang & Batugade?

The PNTL will undertake tomorrow (June 26, 2012) the transportation of the recently printed ballot papers intended for the parliamentary elections from the border town of Batugade to Dili. While we have been made aware of and are satisfied with the security arrangements for the transportation of the ballot papers within Timor-Leste, we are unsure of the security arrangements surrounding the transportation leading up to the handover in Batugade. The electoral authorities decided to print the ballot papers in Kupang, West Timor and Fundasaun Mahein (FM) is unsure on what the transportation arrangements are between Kupang and Batugade.

FM is calling out for the release of more information by the relevant authorities on the security preparations regarding the transport of the ballot papers between Kupang until the handover to the PNTL in Batugade. Will transportation be entrusted to the corresponding Indonesian security actors? Or have other arrangements been made with outside actors?

People should be made aware of such an important matter as FM is worried about potential outside interference if sufficient security measures are not taken, which would risk the legitimacy of the elections. FM wishes the safe transportation to Dili of the ballot papers tomorrow.

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