Fundasaun Mahein, 17 Agusto 2012
Komunikadu Imprenza
Aniversariu ba tinan 37 FALINTIL iha loron 20 Agustu 2012, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) fo kongratula ba historia estra-ordenariu ba liberta nasaun. Aniversariu ida ne’e hanesan selebrasaun dahuluk nian ba transformasuan F-FDTL ne’ebé partisipa husi komandu militar CPLP nian. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) fo benvindu ba sira nia partisipasaun ba momentum importante ne’e. Iha momentum ida ne’e mak komandu sira goza historia hanesan kona-bá kolonizasaun no luta libertasaun nian ne’ebé selebra hamutuk iha Dili.
FM nia esperansa katak F-FDTL nia luta agora ba dezenvolvementu nasional. Luta ida ne’ebé la hanesan uluk iha ailaran, maibe luta ida ne’ebé fo protesaun ba nasaun nia soberania. Nudar mos simbolu paz nian ba Timor-Leste nia soberanu ho vizinus sira ne’ebé aliadu ba Timor-Leste, i halo kompleta nia tranzisaun nudar militar profesional. Ida ne’e buka uluk interese nasionl ne’ebé mai husi lei ho ordem husi ulun boot estadu nian.
Klaru, FM kestiaona katak Luta ba protesaun la’os fasil hanesan luta kontra okupasaun Indonezia. Luta ida ba dezenvolvementu nasional ejize militar sira tenki desiplina barak, profesional liu tan, atu prontu ba povu ho estadu nia hakarak. Ida ne’e dezafiu boot ba komandu sira ho ofisiais sira. Maibé FM husu sira nia disiplina ba iha kna’ar foun ba defeza soberanu nasional ne’ebé estavel presiza adaptasaun ba kna’ar foun ne’e.
Eis FALINTIL sira tenki kontinua halo adaptasaun ba iha sira nia edifisiu serbisu nian. Defisil atu atende hotu koperasaun sira nia regra maibé ida ne’e maka ita presiza halo nudar nasaun no ida ne’e mak interese nasional ba Timor-Leste nia siguransa nasional ne’e importante liu. FM husu ba kada soldadu F-FDTL katak selebrasaun aniversariu ba tinan ida ne’e tempu ona atu hamrik ho forte hasoru dezafius sira ne’e ho profesional.
FM mos bolu atensaun ba juventude sira prepara an atu asumi pozisaun importante sira tanba komandu sira ne’ebé mos sai heroi nasional ne’e komesa katuas ba dadaun, tan ne’e Jerasaun foun nia prepasaun tenki sai pontu importante ba kada individu iha institusaun laran atu prontu ba sa tempu deit ba pozisaun komandu. Dadaun nudar tempu importante atu halo formasaun ba ita militar sai profesional atu satan netik nia povu ho nia nasaun soberanu nasional. Parabens ba FALINTIL no parabens ba ita nia heroi nasional sira hotu .
Atu hatene klean liu kona-ba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo,
Diretor Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp +670 737 4222
Fundasaun Mahein, 17 August 2012
Press Release
The 37th Anniversary of FALINTIL: New Fight for Development
For this 37th Anniversary of the F-FDTL on 20 August 2012, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) would like to congratulate the military on their great history of fighting for liberation. This anniversary celebrates the first anniversary of the F-FDTL after its transformation from a guerrilla army. We welcome the CPLP national armies to celebrate this momentous occasion, along with their shared history of colonization and liberation, together in Dili.
Now, FM hopes that the F-FDTL will fight for development. This fighting must move the military towards a status as protectors of a sovereign state, as well as a symbol of continued peace with Timor-Leste’s allies and neighbors alike, as the F-FDTL completes its transition to a professional military force. It must seek to first accomplish the wishes coming from the law and heads of state.
Of course, this type of fighting is just as difficult as guerilla warfare against Indonesia. This fight towards the army’s development requires more discipline, more professionalism, and more responsiveness to the nation’s strategic needs. This is a big challenge for the national army’s officers and soldiers. But if they are to be effective in Timor-Leste’s new, stable environment they must adapt to this new environment. They must adapt to the new style of fighting in the office. It is difficult to deal with defense corporations and national political factions with Timor-Leste’s national security interests held above all else. But it must be done. FM hopes that this celebration shows each soldier that it is time to rise to the challenge with dignity, honor, and professionalism.
This call to the soldiers is particularly important in light of the fact that the current commanders of the F-FDTL are getting older. A new generation of soldiers must race to prepare themselves for leadership positions. This is the crucial time to train military leaders in a professional military of state protectors, not state liberators.
Congratulation to FALINTIL and National Heroes.
For further information regarding this article please contact
Nélson Belo,
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp +670 737 4222
Parabens ba instituisaun F-FDTL ninia lideransa no soldadu tomak ami hein katak ho tinan transformasaun nee F-FDTL bele transforma aan sai forsa nebe profesional hodi proteje no garantia soberania povu no nasaun doben Timor-Leste atu sai lutu nebe forte hodi bele proteje no fo seguru ba ai horis sira nebe moris no dezemvolve aan iha lutu nee nia laran, Viva F-FDTL imi mak liman kroat no mata dalan povu nian.
Abracos Maia