Indonesian media reported that Timor-Leste plans to purchase war Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) from Indonesian weapons manufacturer PT Pindad. A Director of PT Pindad will arrive in Timor-Leste on 12 September 2012 to formalize and sign the cooperation agreement. It is currently unknown how many of which APC type the government will order or how much Timor-Leste plans to pay for these APC, but estimates place the base price per unit between $420,00 USD and $840,000 USD* (for larger, more heavily accessorized vehicles).
This is the most recent case in a string of cases where the Timorese public learned of its own government’s weapons purchase through Indonesian media. The Timorese government has never informed the Timorese public about its weapons purchases.
Why are the Timorese people kept in the dark about those weapons purchased by their elected leaders with their country’s money? The government of Timor-Leste cannot hide behind reasons of national security for this failure to inform. If that were the case, the Indonesian media would not have access to the information either. So what is behind the Timorese government’s decisions to not inform the public of their weapons purchases? Why do they believe the people do not need to know?
Also, why does Timor-Leste need a APC? With whom are we going to war? Fundasaun Mahein would like to remind the government of Timor-Leste that the Timorese people are attacked daily by public security threats such as HIV and malnutrition. We must be smart about how we use our money – is it better to use it to fight malnourishment or to buy one APC that may never be used? Which choice would help the people of Timor-Leste more? Timor-Leste must actively engage our Indonesian neighbor in strategic defense and in defense cooperation. The country does not have a big defense budget. APCs are not necessary or particularly helpful to national defense.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) urges Parliament Committee B, the parliament committee with knowledge on this matter, to address these questions and concerns about the APC purchase to the public. We eagerly await their response.
I am totally agree with the idea of strenghtening Human/Public Security rather than considering to spend public money on heavy military materials such as “TANKS”. We are understand that war is unpredictable, thus it is an optional thing to have such heavy materials for national security reason. However, war can be ignored by spending more efforts on diplomatic cooperation between neighbouring countries.
We need to have good relationship with our neigbours to fight global insecurities such as socioeconomic insecurities. When we have good diplomatic relationships war is avoidable, thus, no need to spend millions of public money on unneccessary things like TANKS, which is not so popular in the modern military management style.
Timor Oan
Read the Indonesian media correctly – they are looking to purchase APCs, and not tanks. This report/blog is inaccurate and sensationalist. Please correct it.
Maluk sira,ita hotu persija kestiona ba asunto nee,tebes duni sosa ekipamentos de guerra nee sai nudar nesesidade primario ba ita nian seitor Defesa i Seguransa, ka ida nee tatiku husi ” Kelompok Kepentingan’ ruma hodi asegura sira nia “kepentingan” ke velada ?. Hau konkorda ho hanoin nb mai husi prima Ana Maria nb perkupa keta halo Tanke da de guera sira nee utiliza hodi hasoru fali ita nia povu,tanba estratgya hanesan nee akontese duni ona iha tempo pasadu wainhira liu rai sira iha Europea neba hari sira nia “Benteng”,objectivo importante mak atu proteje sira nia aan liu-liu ba amiasas nebe ke mai duni husi sira nia povu, ke sira hatene potente tebes atu revolta sira tnb sira nia politika nebe la duun justu,maske iha mos metas seluk hodi proteje aan ba amiasas husi rai liur. Iha konteksto ita nian (TL) ,hau nia hanoin: Sosa tanke da guera nee sidauk sai prioridade ida,tnb hare ba : a. potente amiasas husi rai liur- la iha indikasaun nebe persija responde agresivamente,maske dala ruma iha amiasas ruma iha rai ketan neba. b.Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak ita nia Presdiente rasik husu ba GNR atu hela nafatin iha TL,hodi bele tulun nafatin garante estabilidade rai ida nee. Tan nee hau sujere : a. pendente lai plano nee. b. osan nebe iha ita hadia lai infrastrutura nebe persija harii hodi responde ba nesesidade basiko ita nia soldados sira,hanesan akomodasaun nebe diak,armagem kilat, aparelho komunikasaun no transporte no investemento ba profesionalismo no kapasitasaun ba rekurso humano.c. quando ita hakarak hatudu katak ita mos “bele” iha area defesa i seguransa,hau hanoin diak liu ita sosa helikoptru,hodi bele utiliza mos ba nesesidade seluk husi povu i Nasaun doben ida nee hanesan encaminhamento ba pasientes ,distribuisaun ba ekipamentus elisaun no seluk-seluk taan. Obrigada.