Komunikadu Imprenza: Fundasaun Mahein Kongratula ba Servisu F-FDTL Komponente Naval ho PNTL (Unidade Maritima)

Fundasaun Mahein, 20 Outobru 2010

Komunikadu Imprenza

Fundasaun Mahein Kongratula ba Servisu F-FDTL Komponente Naval ho PNTL (Unidade Maritima).

Relasiona ho kordenasaun servisu  Joint Maritime Task Force (JMTF) ne’ebe kompostu husi Komponente Naval no Polisia Maritima, Segunda Feira (18/10), hodi kaptura peskador ilegal hamutuk 32 iha Tasi Lore-Iliomar-Distritu Lautem, maka Fundasaun Mahein iha biban ne’e hakarak hato’o parabens ba instituisaun rua tamba sira nia susesu. refere.

Direitur Ezekutivu Fundasaun Mahein, Nelson Belo afirma katak Governu no povu Timor Leste persiza fo parabens ba instituisaun F-FDTL no PNTL ne’ebe hahu ona kria kordenasaun ida ne’ebe efektivu hodi fo asegura ba soberania nasaun foun ida ne’e, liu-liu riku soin tasi Timor nian.

Nelson mos deklara katak kolaborasaun dahuluk husi instituisaun rua F-FDTL Komponete Naval ho  PNTL Maritima ne’ebe susecu hodi kaer peskador illegal husi Tailandia no Indonezia. Kordenasaun ida ne’e efektivu liu atu  hametin nafatin kordenasaun servisu iha futuru nian.

Tanba ne’e FM rekomenda ba Ministru Defesa ho Siguransa kontinua fo atensaun masimu ba instituisaun rua, profesionaliza hodi hasae kapasitasaun F-FDTL Komponente Naval ho PNTL Maritima atu halo kombate ba piskador, trafiku humanu , krimi organizadu iha tasi Timor.

Direktor ne’e mos rekomenda ba Ministru Defesa ho Siguransa atu dezemvolve  hanesan infrasturtura no ekipamentus modernu ne’ebe sufisiente ba F-FDTL Naval ho PNTL Maritima atu nune’e Institusaun rua ne’e bele fo seguransa ba soberanu tasi Timor-Leste nain.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu

Nélson Belo, Direktor Fundasaun Mahein

Web: www.fundasaunmahein.wordpress.com

Email: direktor.mahein[at]gmail.com

Telp: +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 20 October 2010

Press Release

Fundasaun Mahein Congratulates the Work of both the F-FDTL Naval Component and PNTL’s Maritime Unit.

In relation to the coordination on the Joint Maritime Task Force (JMTF) composed of    F-FDTL Naval Component and the Maritime Police, on Monday October 18, 2010 they arrested 32 illegal fisherman off the coast of Lori-Iliomar, Los Palos district therefore, Fundasaun Mahein will take this opportunity to give praise to both institutions for their success.

Executive Director of Fundasaun Mahein, Nelson Belo, affirms that the government of the people of Timor-Leste needs to congratulate both the F-FDTL and PNTL institutions which have utilized effective coordination to secure the sovereignty of this new nation, especially our resources in the Timor Sea.

Nelson also declares that the first collaboration between the F-FDTL Naval Unit and the Maritime police was successful as they apprehended illegal fishermen from Thailand and Indonesia.  This coordination is a positive step toward an effective working relationship in the future.

In this occasion FM recommends to the Minister of Defense and Security to pay maximum attention to both institutions through the professionalization and capacity building of the F-FDTL Naval component and the Maritime Police Unit to combat illegal fishing, human trafficking and organized crime on the sea.

FM also recommends to the Minister of Defense and Security to build a strong infrastructure and provide modern equipment to the Naval component and Maritime Police so they can secure the sovereign waters of Timor-Leste.

For more information on this issue, please contact

Nélson Belo, Director of Fundasaun Mahein

Web: www.fundasaunmahein.wordpress.com

Email: direktor.mahein[at]gmail.com

tlp +670 737 4222

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