MAHEIN NIA LIAN NO.15: Komunikadu da imprenza: Rekrutamentu ba PNTL: Dalan Naruk ba Profesionalismu

Fundasaun Mahein, 14 Dezembru  2010

Fundasaun Mahein nia lian iha edisaun 15, koalia kle’an konaba rekrutamentu ba membru Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) iha fulan hirak liu ba. No, koalia mos konaba profesionalismu membru PNTL durante tinan Sanolu nia laran. Inklui mal administarsaun iha institusaun PNTL.

Liu husi FM nia monitorizasaun konsege deskobre katak mosu iregularidade barak iha prosesu promosaun deviza PNTL foin lalais ne’e. Iregularidades hanesan ema ne’ebe promove ba deviza Sarjentu to’o inspektur Xefi so ema ne’ebe durante ne’e asumi kargu ruma tuir Rezime Promosaun PNTL, maibe realidade hatudu oin seluk membrus ne’ebe la mensiona iha Regime Promosaun PNTL mos promove ba Diviza Sarjentu.

FM konsidera mosu iregularidades barak iha prosesu promosaun tanba membru PNTL balun nia kazu sei pendente hela iha tribunal maibe ikus mai hetan promosaun. FM hatene iregularidade hirak ne’e mosu tanba laiha kordensaun ne’ebe diak entre Komando Jeral PNTL no Sekertariu Estadu Siguransa (SES) tanba prosesu rekrutamentu no promosaun deviza ne’e involve direita husi Komando Jeral PNTL, maske dekreitu lei kareira ne’e fo kompetensia tomak ba SES.

Relatoriu FM ne’e mos identifika katak dezde establesementu instituisaun PNTL to’o agora, problema seriu ne’ebe PNTL sempre infrenta maka mal administrasaun no problema Jestaun em jeral hanesan instituisaun Estadu.  Nomos kestaun kompriensaun konaba lei rejimi kareira iha instituisaun PNTL mos sai preoukupasaun Komisaun Promosaun Diviza no membru PNTL tomak.Tanba ne’e persiza iha sosializasaun lei ne’ebe refere ba membru PNTL tomak iha Timor-Leste.

Relasiona ho kondisaun hirak iha leten,  FM hakarak rekomenda ba Komisaun Promosaun Diviza PNTL  atu bele involve entidades sosiedade sivil, igreja, grupus akademiku no intelektual sira hodi husu sira nia opiniaun sobre promosaun ba PNTL iha futuru oin mai. FM rekomenda mos Komando Geral PNTL atu bele introduz lei kona ba rezimi kareira, mekanizmu promosaun no kestaun tekniku seluk ba membrus sira para atu labele hamosu tan konfuzaun no lamentasaun  ho mekanizmu promosaun diviza.

FM mos rekomenda ba Komando Geral PNTL atu halo tuir mekanizmu promosaun diviza, katak membrus PNTL ne’ebe la eligivel tanba involve kazu krime, indisiplinadu no atus seluk tan, laiha razaun atu hetan promosaun to’o sira nia kazu rezolve iha tribunal ou atravez de mekanizmu seluk. FM mos rekomenda ba Komando Geral PNTL no Komisaun Promosaun Diviza PNTL atu tula responsabilidade ba membrus PNTL nia kabaas bazea ba esperensia, kapasidade de servisu, etiku no disiplinadu, la’os bazea ba relasaun emosional no relasaun familia.

Imi bele hetan relatoriu iha ne’e.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.

Nélson Belo,

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

Tlp:     +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 14 December  2010

Press release

Recruitment for PNTL: A Long Way to Professionalism

This Voice of Mahein edition 15, emphasizes in depth the recruitment of PNTL members (PNTL) within the last few months. At the same time, FM focuses on the question of professionalism amongst the PNTL members during their ten years of existence, including the question of mal-administration within PNTL’s institution.

Through its monitoring programs, FM has discovered serious irregularities that have taken place during the process of rank promotion within the PNTL institution in 2010. The recent examples of irregularities are the people were promoted from the rank of Sergeant to Chief Inspector.  Officers are supposed to be promoted according to the laws of promotion for PNTL, but in the fact it appears that some officers who did not meet the criteria outlined in the promotion law for PNTL were also promoted to the higher ranks.

FM also identified that many of the irregularities in the promotion process were in regards officers who still had open cases still being heard in the courts, but were promoted anyway. FM recognizes that these irregularities came about because there is no proper coordination in place between the General Commander of PNTL and the Secretary of State for Security (SES). The recruitment process and promotion of rank have been the competence and with directed involvement of the General Commander of PNTL, even though the law for promotion gives full competence for these actions to the SES.

FM in this report also identifies that since its establishment, that with PNTL, until just recently, the major problem being faced was a lack of administration and their knowledge of the functions of state institutions in general. The other serious challenge has been their lack of understanding the laws of promotion which has become the major preoccupation for both the Commission of the Promotion of Rank as well as for most PNTL officers. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the PNTL to disseminate the laws regarding the promotion of police officers.

FM recommends that in the future the PNTL Rank Promotion Committee involves the civil society by asking the church, academic and intellectual groups their opinions regarding future promotions of PNTL officers.

FM recommends that the PNTL General Commander explain to the public the laws about promotion, the promotion system, and answer other technical questions for his officers, so there is no confusion from PNTL officers who are not satisfied with the current rank promotion system.

FM recommends that the General Commander of PNTL always be consistent with the rank promotion system, and communicate in a direct way, that PNTL members who are involved in crime or have discipline problems will not be eligible for promotion until their cases are resolved in the court.

FM recommends the General Commander of PNTL and the PNTL Rank Promotion Committee promote police officers to positions of responsibility based on their experience, work capacity, ethics, discipline, and not based on emotional or family connections.

You can download the report here.

For more information on this issue, please contact

Nélson Belo,

Director of Fundasaun Mahein


Email: direktor.mahein[at]

tlp :   +670 737 4222

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