Fundasaun Mahein in Thailand

Fundasaun Mahein’s Director, Nelson Belo, recently participated in the workshop “Peacebuilding and security sector governance in Asia”: 2-4 December 2010 in Thailand at the invitation of the Institute of Security & International Studies Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.

ISIS Workshop SSR Asia 2010 Bangkok, Thailand

ISIS Workshop SSR Asia 2010 Bangkok, Thailand

This workshop was supported by the Geneva based Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF).  Participants included

  1. Rizal Panggabean Indonesia (Aceh)
  2. Fairlie Chappuis ( Freie University Berlin (DCAF)
  3. Aun Naing Oo, Chaiang Mai, Burma
  4. Riefqi Muna, Indonesia, (Asean Regional)
  5. Keokam Kraisoraphong (Thailand)
  6. Carolina G. Hernandez ( Filipine)
  7. Shiam Vidurupola, Sri-Langka (Southeast Asea)
  8. Shiva Dahal Hari, (Nepal)
  9. Nelson Belo (Timor-Leste)
  10. Yuji Uesugi (Japan)
  11. S.I. Keethaponcalan (Sri-Langka)

Aimed at developing a stronger network of Asian security sector reform expertise the workshop will result in a book for publication next year.  Fundasaun Mahein will be producing the chapter on Timor-Leste.

Nelson Belo of Fundasaun Mahein presents on SSR developments in Timor-Leste

ISIS Workshop participants


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