Fundasaun Mahein’s Director, Nelson Belo, recently participated in the workshop “Peacebuilding and security sector governance in Asia”: 2-4 December 2010 in Thailand at the invitation of the Institute of Security & International Studies Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.
This workshop was supported by the Geneva based Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF). Participants included
- Rizal Panggabean Indonesia (Aceh)
- Fairlie Chappuis ( Freie University Berlin (DCAF)
- Aun Naing Oo, Chaiang Mai, Burma
- Riefqi Muna, Indonesia, (Asean Regional)
- Keokam Kraisoraphong (Thailand)
- Carolina G. Hernandez ( Filipine)
- Shiam Vidurupola, Sri-Langka (Southeast Asea)
- Shiva Dahal Hari, (Nepal)
- Nelson Belo (Timor-Leste)
- Yuji Uesugi (Japan)
- S.I. Keethaponcalan (Sri-Langka)
Aimed at developing a stronger network of Asian security sector reform expertise the workshop will result in a book for publication next year. Fundasaun Mahein will be producing the chapter on Timor-Leste.