Fundasaun Mahein, 26 Marsu 2012
Komunikadu Imprenza
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hakarak hato’o nian parabens ba Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha sira nian selebrasaun aniversariu ba tinan 12 desde sira nian fundasaun. Maske PNTL ne’e institusaun ida be nurak, FM hakarak aplauza ba institusaun ida ne’e fiar nafatin ho motto Beibeik maibe la Para.
Hahu kedas iha tempu hari’i iha tinan 2000, ho UNO nian tulun PNTL kontinua nafatin nia progressu no iha tempu ida ne’e konsege simu tomak fali responsabilidade siguransa husi UNPOL. Tinan 12 hirak liu ba ne’e la’os fasil liu-liu iha tempo krize 2006 liu ba ne’ebe koko duni PNTL nian servisu, maibe PNTL konsege fila fali mai ho forsa liu tan.
Problemas iha forsa ida sei iha i tinan 2012 sei koko forsa ida ne’e nian servisu tanba PNTL tenki fo siguransa ihe eleisaun tolu ba tinan ida ne’e nian laran. Maibe FM hakarak fo parabens ba PNTL tanba sira nian servisu siguransa iha eleisaun foin liu ba ne’e la’o ho diak i FM espera katak eleisaun rua mai ne’e sei la’o ho diak tanba PNTL nian apoiu.
FM hatene katak PNTL sempre hetan difikuldade wainhira atu hala’o servisu tanba institusaun ida ne’e hetan difikuldade husi orsamenta ki’ik, rekursus humanus, nomos infra-estrutura. Maske hirak ne’e PNTL nian progresu la’o ho diak i PNTL mos tuir diresaun ida ne’ebe mak diak. Tanba hirak ne’e FM fo nian parabens ba forsa PNTL tomak, espera katak institusaun ida ne’e sei hala’o nian servisu ho diak durante eleisaun i institusaun ida ne’e sei hetan susesu barak iha futuru oin mai.
FM hakarak uza mos oportunidade ida ne’e hodi hato’o rekomendasaun ba governu foun mai dadaun ne’e atu hakerek ‘livru-mutin/ buku putih ida ba PNTL. FM senti katak institusaun ida ne’e sei hetan progresu wainhira sira hetan mata dalan ida ne’ebe bele esplika oinsa PNTL atu dezenlvolve. Tuir modelu ida ne’ebe F-FDTL iha hanesan “estudus ‘forsa 2020’” PNTL mos tenki iha estudus ida hanesan mata dalan ida ne’ebe hado’ok institusaun ida ne’e husi mudansa.
Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo,
Diretor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: ,
Tlp +670 737 4222
Fundasaun Mahein’s, 26 March 2012
Press Release
FM congratulates the PNTL on its 12th year anniversary but recommends a white book
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) would like to congratulate the PNTL on celebrating their 12th anniversary since their foundation. The PNTL is still a very young institution, however FM would like to applaud them for staying faithful to their motto Beibeik maibee la Para.
Since its inception in 2000 under UN tutelage, it has consistently progressed to the point where last year it resumed policing responsibilities and control from UNPOL. These first 12 years have not come without its numerous challenges, most notably the 2006 crisis which severely tested our police force, however the PNTL has managed to bounce back stronger from these.
Problems within the force are still prevalent and 2012 is a very big year and test for the PNTL as it seeks to secure three elections. However, FM would like to commend the PNTL for its positive contribution in ensuring a smooth and violence free presidential election first round. This is very promising and FM hopes that the upcoming two elections will run just as smoothly.
The PNTL has a very difficult task and FM understands that this is made even harder as our police service operate on a very limited budget and suffer from a lack of resources and appropriate infrastructure. However despite this, the PNTL keeps showing signs of improvement and is moving in the right direction. As a result, FM would like to congratulate the entire PNTL force for their efforts and wishes them the best for the upcoming electoral year and for the future.
FM would like to take this opportunity to recommend to the upcoming government to write a ‘whitebook’ for the PNTL. FM feels that to guarantee progression of our police forces, this country requires guidelines that set out the development course of the PNTL. Based on the same model as the F-FDTLs Forca 2020, the PNTL would benefit from a guideline that would be immune from political changes allowing it to assertively pursue its course.
For further information on this report please contact
Nelson Belo,
Director of FundasaunMahein
Email: ,
Tlp +670 737 4222