Pratika Money Politika iha Eleisaun Prezidensial 2012

Pratika Money Politika iha Eleisaun Prezidensial 2012 post thumbnail image

Osan Dollar

Mahein Nia Lian no. 32 (Versaun Tetun.pdf) halo debate klean konaba pratika politika osan (money politics) iha Eleisaun Prezidensial 2012, foin lalais ne’e. Iha istoria Timor-Leste pratika Money politika hahu husi tinan 1975, partidu politiku balu hetan apoiu osan, material hanesan kilat no bens sira seluk husi rai liur. Apoiu sira ne’e influensia makáas situasaun politika Timor-Leste, ikus mosu funu maun-alin no invazaun militar Indonezia iha 7 Dezembru 1975.

Liu husi relatoriu ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) kestiaona konaba prosedementu legais husi Sekretariu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) ne’ebé konsidera viola prinsipiu sufrajiu universal ka direitu hili ne’ebé universal. No tuir observasaun FM nian nota durante kampañia eleitoral to’o loron antes votasaun akontese pratika money politika. Pratika ida ne’e akontese tanba konsekuensia husi lei eleitoral nian ne’ebé koalia konabá eleitor sira obrigatoriu vota iha fatin ne’ebé sira nian kartaun eleitoral rejistu ba.

Relatoriu ne’e mos identifika konaba problema fundamental sira ne’ebe mos iha eleisaun prezidensial mak hanesan partidu politiku balun aplika pratika money politika hodi foti inisiativa fo apoiu transporte bá estudante no komunidade balun ne’ebé hakarak fila bá sira nia distritu atu tuir votasaun rejistu iha Sekretariadu Partidu refere. No, FM mos sita konaba sidadaun barak mak ladun partisipa iha eleisaun prezidensial hamutuk (21.80 %) husi total eleitor 626.503 la partisipa iha eleisaun prezidensial primeiru volta.

Nune’e mos relatoriu ne’e mos mensiona katak pratika money politika ne’e sei hafraku prosesu demokrasia no sei hamate prinsipiu demokrasia iha ámbitu liberdade no imparsialidade, inklui mos sei hafo’er imajem poder politiku husi povu iha estadu direitu demokrátiku.

Ho ida ne’e Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hakarak rekomenda bá:

1). CNE presiza halo investigasaun profundu bá pratika Money politika ne’ebé komete husi partidu politiku iha prosesu eleitoral ne’ebé liu dadauk.

2). Governu presiza tetu opsaun partisipasaun sidadaun nian entre alterasaun lei eleisaun Prezidenti Repúblika artigu 40 no apoiu transporte bá sidadaun sira bá iha nia suku atu tuir vota.

3). Rekomenda bá governu tenki anula tiha artigu 40 lei eleisaun Prezidenti Repúblika.

4). Governu presiza halo lei kona-bá pratika Money politika atu kontrola apoiu osan ka bens ruma husi pesoal ka partidu politiku.

5). Karik iha apoiu ruma husi rai laran ka rai liur bá partidu politiku no pesoal politiku ne’ebé iha influensia politika, CNE presiza halo supervizaun no investiga apoiu ne’e mai husi ne’ebé deit apoiu ne’e ho forma saida ka ho osan ka sasan persiza deklara ba CNE no STAE.

6). Governu presiza halo lei ne’ebé fo forte bá CNE no STAE atu halo sansaun penal.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo,
Diretor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: ,
Tlp +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 28 March 2012

Press Release

The Practice of Money Politics in the 2012 Presidential Election

Mahein’s Voice 32 is a debate on the practice of money politics in the recent 2012 presidential election. The practice of money politics in Timor-Leste began in 1975 when political parties began receiving support in money, weapons as well as other materials from foreign countries. These forms of support from foreign countries significantly influenced the political situations in Timor-Leste which eventually led to the internal conflict of civil war and the Indonesian military invasion of 7 December 1975.

In this article, FundasaunMahein (FM) questions some of the legal process undertaken by STAE which we consider violates the universal principal of suffrage. Also, FM in this article would like to highlight the issue of money politics that is prevalent during the campaign period of the first presidential election right up to polling day. Essentially, FM is of the view that this practice of money politics, during the first round of presidential election, is the direct consequence of having an electoral law that requires citizens to vote at a place where he or she is registered.

In the case of the recent presidential election the practice of money politics include the practice, by some political parties, of providing transport, free of charge, to students and some community members who wishes to return to their districts and participate in a voter registration at a referred party secretariat. Through this article,FM would also like to state that 21.80%, of the total 626,503 eligible voters, did not participate in the first round of the presidential election.

As such, the view of FM is that the practice of money politics will weaken the democratic process and will destroy some of the democratic principles, such as liberty and impartiality. In any case, the effect of the practice of money politics is that it will taint the image of political power.

As such, FM would like to recommend that:

1. CNE profoundly investigate some of the practices of money politics that were committed during the first round of the presidential election.

2. The government weigh the options between changing article 40 of the presidential election law and providing transport for citizens to travel to their respective Sucos to vote.

3. The government annul article 40 of the presidential election law.

4. The government create a law on money politics in order to regulate party or individual support in terms of money and materials.

5. In cases of national or foreign support by political parties or political persons that have political influence, CNE needs to supervise and investigate the origin of the support, as well as its type, and accordingly make a public announcement either through CNE or STAE.

6. The government create a strong law for CNE and STAE that allows them to apply penal sanctions.

For further information regarding this article please contact
Nélson Belo,
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp +670 737 4222

3 thoughts on “Pratika Money Politika iha Eleisaun Prezidensial 2012”

  1. Hau hanoin iha artigu ida ne’e tenki mos fo sai definisaun konaba money politics, karik iha baze legal konaba ida ne’e, halo favour hato’o mos iha artigu ida ne’e. Wainhira hau kuandu le’e artigu ida ne’e, hau nudar le’e nain bai’bain ida, hau ladun kompriende tamba hau hare’e hanesan money politik ne’e luan demais, no komo lahatudu definisaun entaun susar ba hau atu defini artigu hakarak koalia oinsa konaba monye politic, no hatudu duni katak ninian definisaun ne’e luan demais duni;
    porizemplu, hanesan iha artigu ne’e dehan fasilita ema atu tuir votasaun ne’e tama kategoria money politics, foundasaun mak saida? ka iha kategoria balun deit mak tama money politics, porizemplu: votante Y pertensia ba partidu A, mais komu ema X fo ona osan ho montante ruma ba Y entaun Y sei vota ba Partidu B no sei laba vota ba nian partidu rasik (A), tanba partidu B ne’e X nian. Halo favour hatudu definisaun no baze legal hodi haforsa ita nian artigu.


    Miguel Alves

  2. Saudacoes ba Maluk Timor Oan hotu, mai ita hamutuk hari pas Estabilidade i hari Unidade Nacional nebe nia abut metin lakotu-kotu to ita nia gerasaun tuir mai.
    ba lider superior nasaun nian hau husu se bele abitua povo ho serbisu makaas laos hanorin sira ho politiko nebe justo e imaginatif. povo presija hakmatek e moris diak laos komentario nebe dala barak influensa povo haluha nia atividade toos np natar

    1. Eleisaun presidensial hotu ona. lalika tan propaganda tun sae, lohi povo nia sentido hodi hetan maun boot sira nia interese.adeus…………………………………………

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