Isu Sira Bazea Ba Exame Iha Sistema Promosaun PNTL

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Promosaun Devisa PNTL

Rezultadu teste promosaun ba deviza sei publika iha tempu badak. Teste ne’e hanesan kriteira ida deit atu halo promosaun ba PNTL.

Iha dekade ida nia laran, promosaun ba PNTL hamoris problema barak no boot, nebe’e kontinua sai materia debate iha ofisiais PNTL no ema sivil bai-bain; Barak liu problema ne’ebe mosu iha prosesu promosaun mak liga liu ba tratamentu administrasaun kona-ba exame promosaun nian.

Problema dahuluk mak laiha koneksaun entre ezame ho kna’ar ofisias PNTL nian loron-loron iha tempu pasadu. Exame sira ne’e la implika buat rua, atu sukat ofisial PNTL ida katak nia kna’ar loron-loron iha distritu ka sub-distritu halo servisu diak ka la diak tuir ordem komando iha tereinu; Exame ne’e mos la sukat no laiha koneksaun ba kontekstu promosaun no displinar hosi ofisial PNTL ida-idak nian, atu sai sasukat ba promosaun hosi ezame promosaun nian.

Nune’e mos, ofisial PNTL balun tuir ona ezame promosaun deviza maibe sidauk pasa, no sidauk hetan promosaun deviza. Tanba ne’e mak ofisial PNTL sai baruk no laiha motivasaun diak no ikus mai afeita ba sira nia kna’ar no ladun hakruk ba sira nia komando.

Problema seluk mak ladun justu ba PNTL atu tuir ezame ba promosaun ho diak mak ladun iha informasaun klaru kona-ba ezame ne’e rasik, no oinsa mak bele kompleta dokumentu administrasaun hodi tuir exame promosaun ho diak. Fundasaun Mahein nota katak ezame promosaun foin dadaun ne’e laiha fasilidade ne’ebe fornese hosi governu ba kandidatus promosaun hodi tuir exame iha Dili; hanesan laiha transporte hosi distritu ka sub distritu atu fasilita sira desloka ba Dili no depois ezame ramata hodi lori hikas ba sira nia kna’ar fatin. Failansu sira ne’e sai biban boot ba ofisal PNTL atu mai tuir exame iha Dili tamba laiha akomodasi ho tranporte hosi Governu.

FM mos lista katak iha distritus balun ne’e ofisial PNTL halo kna’ar loron kalan no laiha biban ba sira bele prepara ba ezame, no iha momentu sira ezame promosaun ladun ho susesu tamba kolen no lahatene buat ida.

Ikus mai rezulta ona lamentasaun boot tebes iha ofisial PNTL katak ezame promosaun ne’e so amostra deit hanesan kurtina ida, maibe kandidatus sira ne’ebe atu liu ka laliu ne’e iha tiha ona. Hanoin hirak ne’e ho faktu katak governu faila fo esplikasaun klaru tamba sa mak kandidatus sira ne’e mai tuir ezame promosaun no sira seluk lae? Partisipantes ezame nian ne’e ladun hetan feedback diak hosi komisaun promosaun nian kona-ba valor ezame nian ne’ebe kada partisipante sira hetan, hodi esplika katak ida ne’e mak los no ida neba mak sala no ladun iha klarifikasaun diak.
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No ikus mai ofisial PNTL sira deskunfia malu no kria devisaun kona-ba ezame promosaun iha institusaun PNTL rasik.

Tamba sa mak governu kontinua aplika sistema promosaun liu hosi ezame maski governu hatene ona katak sistema ne’e kria problema no disputa barak los iha institusaun PNTL ?

FM fiar katak promosaun deviza ba PNTL laos tenki tuir ezame maibe tenki bazea ba kada ofisial nia lalaok servisu, disiplina an, kreatividade no responsabilidade ka responsivu ba kna’ar seguransa ho lei ne’ebe tula ba kna’ar PNTL rasik.

Promosaun ba deviza liu hosi ezame teste ne’e laos modelu ida ne’ebe diak. Ezame ne’e rasik fo obstaklu boot ba ofisial PNTL atu hasae nia kapasidade ho diak atu servisu no hari’i lei ho ordem. Modelu ezame promosaun dadaun ne’e so deit bele kria konflitu no deskunfiansa malu iha institusaun PNTL laran.
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FM lamenta ho problema ne’ebe komisaun promosaun PNTL nia ne’ebe lakonsege fornese tranporte ba partisipante sira, no ida ne’e sei kontinua akontense ba ezame tuir mai. FM fiar katak ezame ne’e tenki fo oportunidade ba ofisial PNTL iha Dili ho distritus sira hanesan. Failansu ba asuntu ki’ik sira ne’ebe temi dadaun ne’e hosi sistema promosaun nian sei hafraku kualidade diak no harahun hirarkia iha PNTL laran hosi komando ass liu to komando ne’ebe kiik liu iha baze.

FM rekomenda katak atu kria modelu promosaun ida ne’be fo oprotunidade hanesan ba ofisial PNTL hotu bazea ba sira nia kna’ar servisu no mos ba loyalidade ba instituisaun, disiplina ho kreativu ba inventa modelu hari’i lei ho ordem no fornese seguransa seguru ba povu. Bazea ba ne’e bele hetan promosaun no karik atu haberan konisementu teoria nian presiza iha formasaun ruma liu hosi kursu atu hasae koinecementu ba asuntu espesifika.

Issues in the PNTL’s Test-Based Promotion System

The results of the PNTL test for promotion will be announced soon. This test is the only criteria for promotion in the PNTL.

For one decade, the promotion of the PNTL in this manner had been a big issue, discussed by both PNTL officials and civil society members. Several problems arise from the method of promotion solely by test administration.

A major problem is that no connection exists between promotion from test results and past job performance. The test does not penalize police officers with a disciplinary history or involvement in minor or serious crimes. The test does not consider how consistently an officer respects or disrespects his district or sub district commander. A consistently disrespectful, criminally-connected police officer with a disciplinary history can be promoted based upon passing this test.

Meanwhile, there have been PNTL officers who have taken the test several times but have not passed.
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These PNTL officers have not been promoted. This has discouraged these PNTL officers and some have become lazy, absent, and disloyal to the commanders.

Another problem is that the test unfairly excludes some district-based PNTL officers from the promotion system. Fundasaun Mahein notes that for this most recent test, the results of which will be released soon, the PNTL did not provide transportation for PNTL officers from the districts. This prohibited certain officers from coming to Dili. Those who did arrive in Dili with their own transportation needed to find their own accommodation while in Dili.

FM also notes some officers in the districts work both day and night. These officers have not had adequate time to prepare for the test. If and when they do take the test, they are not prepared to succeed on the test.

Finally, there has been some concern among PNTL officers that the test is just a show, and that who will or will not be promoted is already determined before the test is administered. This belief is supported by the fact that the government is not able to explain to the officers why certain people were marked for promotion. The test-takers do not receive clear feedback on scoring or reasoning for the commission of promotions. Whether this is or is not true, this lack of clarity and the pervasiveness of misinformation on the ground is leading to suspicion and discord within the police ranks.

Why does the government continue along this promotion path even when it is aware that exam-based promotions have created problems?
FM believes that the process of promotion should not be based just on tests but also on officer discipline, loyalty, and responsiveness.
Test-only promotion is not a good model. The test discourages good qualities in PNTL officers. The test, as administered currently, creates a problem of suspicion among police officers.

FM is concerned about this issue for the previous test, and is worried that the government will fail to provide transportation for the next test. FM believes that the test should offer more equal opportunity between Dili and district police officers. Failing even in these little aspects of the promotion system will ruin the quality of the hierarchical system in the PNTL, from the commander to the most junior levels.

FM recommends using a model where an officer could be promoted based on certain criteria, like discipline and loyalty, by supervisors. And when he is promoted, at that point he could attend some courses to enrich his knowledge.

3 thoughts on “Isu Sira Bazea Ba Exame Iha Sistema Promosaun PNTL”

  1. espera katak rezultadu ne mai husi prosesu ida ne’ebe imparsial nune’e satesfas ba parte hotu.

  2. 1. bele ajuda esklarese hela komponente husi promosaun sae deviza iha PNTL nee liu deit husi izame eskrita, ka sei iha tan komponente seluk. Iha instituisaun balun, izame eskrita parte ida deit husi pakote tolu ka hat. Iha baze legal ruma regula kona ba nee ka lae ? katak promosaun deviza liu deit dalan izame eskrtia ka sei iha dala seluk tan.
    2. bele ajuda esklarese mos dalan to foti konkluzaun iha statementu nee oin sa, intervistas, observasaun, peskiza ho metodu hanusa ?
    3. bele ajuda esklarese tan PNTL nia unidade no stasaun sira iha kareta ka lae hodi tula membru PNTL neebe mai partisipa izame iha Dili, no tamba sa governu tenke presiza prepara tan kareta ?

    Kumprimeentus no obrigadu wain


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