Insidenti Naktuka – Oecusse: Negosiasaun no Solusaun?

Insidenti Naktuka – Oecusse: Negosiasaun no Solusaun? post thumbnail image

Mapa Froteira Timor-Leste no Indonezia

Fundasaun Mahein, 06 Marsu 2013

Komunikadu Imprenza

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nu. 46 (Relatorio kumpletu versaun tetun,pdf) halo analiza kona-bá insidenti ne’ebé akontese iha Naktuka husi periodu 2009–2013. Depois de indpendénsia Timor-Leste nian restaura tiha iha tinan 2002 ho transferénsia soberania husi Nasoens Unidas, akontese insidente fornteira nian ne’ebé bebeik no involve guarda fronteira nasaun rua ne’e nian. Konsekuensia husi determinasaun ba liña fronteira ne’ebé hala’o husi Indonézia no Timor-Leste seidauk hotu loos. Iha pontu balun, negosiasaun nasaun rua ne’e nian seidauk hetan akordu final hanesan Naktuka.

Insidenti sira ne’ebé akontese iha Naktuka lori konsekuensia traziku ba komunidade Naktuka ne’ebé la iha rohan rejista desde 2009 to’o 2013. Hetok at liu komunidade inosente simu nia konsekuensia, lakon nia vida, destroisaun patrimoniu ba estadu nian no inpede movimentu komunidade nian iha area refere.

Insedente traziku hirak ne’e nu’udar kauza husi governu Dili no Jakarta iha diferensia interpretasaun no prespetiva ba liña fronteira ne’ebé iha area Naktuka to’o agora seidauk iha solusaun. Governu rai rua ho ida-idak nia pozisaun defende ho prespetiva istorikal ba rai ketan Naktuka no ida seluk fali nia interpretasaun bazeia ba aspeitu kulturais, sosiais no ekonomikus, iha sorin seluk indonezia mós defende tuir mota ne’ebé maka tama liu ba rai Naktuka.

Asuntu kompleksu seluk ne’ebé hakait iha insidenti sira ne’e, komunidade Timor-Leste no Indonezia ne’ebé hela besik iha area Naktuka nian sei iha relasaun sosial no kultural ne’ebé forte. Pratikamente komunidade rai rua ne’e halo vizita ba malu iha relasaun familiar no pratika ritual sira ne’ebé ikus mosu insidentalmente no hadaet ba insidenti ne’ebé boot.

Insidenti Naktuka kontinua hetok at liu mosu iha 2012 iha ne’ebé tristeza boot mosu iha fulan ikus 2012 TNI no ema sivil oho mate sidadaun timor oan ida ho naran Vicente Fale iha Naktuka, vitima hetan oho iha nia baraka tos laran kuandu nia halo hela lutu. Sorin seluk husi relatorio ne’e detekta katak depois akontesementu oho sidadaun timor oan; iha Janeiru 2013 forsa TNI hamutuk 10 resin kontinua tama iha area Naktuka ho rajaun ne’ebe la klaru ka falsu hodi halo tauk komunidade ne’ebé hela iha area Naktuka.

Fundasaun Mahein mos kestiona kona-bá negosiasaun sira ne’ebe estadu Indonezia no Timor-Leste halo. To’o agora negosiasaun sira ne’ebé estadu rua halo hamutuk dala 23 ona maibe husi negosiasaun sira ne’e rezultadu buat pasifika ba problema Naktuka. Iha 27-29 Outubro 2010 estadu Timor-Leste ho estadu Indonezia halo negosiasaun liu husi Technical Sub Committe-Border Demarcation Regulation (TSC-BDR)’ iha Jakarta, maibe negosiasaun estadu rua seidauk iha konkordansia kona-bá area Naktuka.

Fundasaun Mahein konsidera negosiasaun ne’ebé maka estadu rua halo durante ne’e negosiasaun hanesan opiniaun iha media deit no opiniaun oin-oin mai husi entidade tomak ba problema Naktuka. Tantu husi autoridade Timor-Leste nian no Indonezia, signifika wainhira mosu insidenti ruma iha rai ketan ne’ebé sei disputa hela, Dili no Jakarta atravez media Timor-Leste no Indonezia ida-idak ho nia pozisaun. Konsekuensia husi prosesu ne’e maka negosiasaun no solusaun ba problema Naktuka la iha ninin no rohan, violensia kontinua akontese no komunidade nia moris iha risku nia laran.

Sumariu Rekomendasaun:

1. Ho diferensia interpretasaun no prespetiva Dili ho Jakarta ba kazu Naktuka, Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba governu Timor-Leste no Indonezia prezisa solusaun politika liu husi diplomasia.

2. Dili ho Jakarta presiza orienta Militar no Polisia iha fronteira ne’ebé komunikativu hodi intende area ne’ebé sei disputa hela hodi evita infiltrasaun sira ne’ebé provokativu.

3. Kominsaun B Parlamentu Nasional ne’ebé trata ba asuntu defeza, siguransa no negosiu estranjeiru ho kapasidade politika no reprezentante povu iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional dudu negosiasaun ho governu Timor-Leste ho Indonezia ba fronteira ne’ebé sei disputa hela.

4. Rekomenda ba Estadu Timor-Leste liu husi Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru kontinua dudu prosesu negosiasaun ho Republika Indonezia hodi hakotu lalais markasaun fronteira Naktuka no enkoraza inisiativa ba dialogu nian.

5. Ho kompleksidade relasaun sosial no kultural komunidade fronteira ne’ebé insidenti sira akontese iha Naktuka sei hakait hela iha kompleksidade ida ne’e, Dili no Jakarta presiza invlove komponente hirak ne’e razolve ho dalan kultural ba pratika prevensaun konflitu no tensaun iha fronteira.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Website :
Tlp +670 7737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, March 6, 2013

Naktuka Incidents-Oecusse: Negotiation and Solution?

Press Release

Mahein Voice No 46 analyze the incidents occurred in Naktuka from period of 2009-2013. The incidents in fronteir have repeatedly occurred since the restoration of Independence of Timor-Leste in 2002 and the sovereignty transfer from the United Nations. Timor-Leste and Indonesia have not precisely to determine the border lines. On the other hand, these two countries haven’t agreed on final accord like in Naktuka.

The Naktuka incidents have triggered tragic consequences to Naktuka community since 2009 to 2013. Furthermore these incidents have resulted in life lost of some community members, property destruction and movement obstruction.

These incidents are caused by different perspective and interpretation from the government of Dili and Jakarta regarding to the border line in Naktuka area. Both government have defended its own position and historical perspective. Moreover, the interpretation of Dili government is based on cultural, social and economic aspects. However, the Jakarta government have defended its position based on the river which flows in the Naktuka area.

This complicated problem is also related to the strong social and cultural aspect that shared by both communities living in the border. The family relationship and ritual practices may also fume the problem which unavoidably may result in the tragic incidents.

The incidents become worse in the last month of 2012 where the Indonesia National Army (TNI) and some civilians murdered a Timorese citizen, Vicente Fale in Naktuka, who was working in his farm. Just in several days, almost 10 members of Indonesia National Army illegally entered Naktuak area and the community was frightened with such action.

Fundasaun Mahein also questioning about the negotiation conducted by the government of Timor-Leste and Indonesia. There have been 23 negotiations so far, however there is no solution agreed by both parties. On 27-29 October 2010, both government conduction a negotiation under Technical Sub Committe-Border Demarcation Regulation (TSC-BDR) in Jakarta, however both government were unable to agree on the issue.

Fundasaun Mahein considers both government have commented and opinionated on the issue only in the media. When the incidents occurred, both government trying to express their opinion in the media both in Dili and Jakarta. However, there is no real diplomat action taken to halt the violence that continue to occur in the border.


1. With different interpretation and perspective of Dili and Jakarta regarding to the problem, Fundasaun Mahein recommends to both government to find a solution through diplomacy negotiation.

2. Dili and Jakarta need to orient a communicative military and police in the border in order to avoid disputes and potential conflict.

3. Commission B of Parliament National which dealing with Defense, Security and Foreign Affairs to utilize its political capacity and its representation to urge the government of Timor-Leste and Indonesia to solve the dispute border.

4. Recommend to the government of Timor-Leste through the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation to carry out continuous diplomatic negotiation and dialogue with Indonesia government to define proper demarcation in Naktuka.

5. Dili and Jakarta need to involve the local community in the negotiation as the social and cultural relations of the community in the border is very complex.

For further information, please contact:

Nelson Belo
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp + 670 7737 4222

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