Fundasaun Mahein kongratula loron FALINTIL nian aniversariu ba dala-40 sira nia dedikasaun ba nasaun Timor-Leste. FALINTIL mai ho nia istoria rasik ne’ebé asume responsabilidade ba luta armada no gerilia durante prosesu luta ba libertasaun independensia Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste (RDTL). Hafoin indepedensia transforma FALINTIL husi forsa gerila ba forsa konvensional tuir evolusaun forsa armada ne’ebé modernu no professional nian hodi muda naran ba FALINTIL-FDTL.
Instituisaun FALINTIL-FDTL ne’ebé moris iha faze ukun-an ne’ebé orienta nia an lolos tuir forsa modernu nian. Forsa defeza ida ne’ebé professional no bele hasoru funu iha vila laran nian. Funu iha eskritoriu ne’ebé FALINTIL-FDTL sira tenki hakruk ba lei no regulamentu oin-oin, ejize sira nia profesionalizmu, disiplina no respeitu ba direitus umanus.
Pratika lubun ne’ebé hatudu FALINTIL-FDTL sai duni forsa konvensional ida ne’ebé modernu hanesan forsa nasaun seluk nian. Forsa ida ne’ebé laos deit hasoru funu konvensional nian maibe oinsa bele kontribui ba paz no dezenvolvimentu nasaun. Atraves husi atividade sira serbisu kooperasaun Sivil-Militar nian liu husi hadia eskola, estrada, ponte nst. Inklui fo apoiu Polisia ba asegura siguransa interna iha ne’ebé dala balu hahoris kestaun publiku no konfuzaun ba tarefa serbisu FALINTIL-FDTL nian.
Sorin seluk instituisaun FALINTIL-FDTL muda dadaun nia an tuir paradigma foun no independesia kona-bá forsa defeza nasional nian. Hakat tan ona ho pasu kona-bá reforma membru FALINTIL-FDTL balu ne’ebé pasa ba idade reforma. Fundasaun Mahein hare reforma ida ne’e pasu positivu ne’ebé instituisaun militar liu atu lori FALINTIL-FDTL sai husi pardigma uluk nian. Hanesan mos ho prosesu rekonesimentu veteranu sira ne’ebé kontinua lao. Maske atetude veteranizmu sei maka’as iha aspeitu politika Timor-Leste nian ne’ebé bele fo influensia maka’as mos iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu FALINTIL-FDTL nian.
Ikus liu, Fundasaun Mahein fo parabens ba selebrasaun loron FALINTIL ba dala-40. Hein katak instituisaun FALINTIL-FDTL sei sai duni forsa defeza modernu no professional ida. Maske FALINTIL no F-FDTL defisil atu haketak malu tanba husi abut FALINTIL mak hahoris FALINTIL-FDTL, maibe prinsipiu FALINTIL nia konsidera hanesan osan mean ne’ebé tenki aplika husi instituisaun militar.
40 years of FALINTIL: FALINTIL-FDTL’s Evolution into a Modern Force
Fundasaun Mahein congratulates FALINTIL on its 40th anniversary and its unceasing dedication to the nation of Timor-Leste. FALINTIL has, in its 40 years of existence, assumed responsibility for the struggle for independence from Indonesia, conducted a guerrilla war, and ultimately created the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDTL). Since independence, FALINTIL has transformed itself from a guerrilla force into a professional defense force with modern standards and responsibilities, and its transformation has been symbolized by a rebirth into the force we know now as FALINTIL-FDTL.
This (FALINTIL-FDTL) institution has been established in Timor Leste’s period of independence, in which it has oriented itself according to the standards of modern forces, among which are the requirements that FALINTIL serve as a professional defense force and properly prevent conflict in cities. The fight in the office of the institution is that the FALINTIL-FDTL must adhere to rule and law and insist on its own professionalism, discipline, and respect for human rights.
Many current practices of FALINTIL-FDTL have shown that it has become a conventional modern force akin to similar institutions in other countries: a force that is not only the face for conventional struggles, but is also an example of how to contribute to national peace and development through civil and military cooperation through such means as rehabilitating schools, roads, and bridges, and providing support to the police in order to develop internal security, matters that have in the past caused some confusion in the work-division of the FALINTIL-FDTL.
At the same time, however, the institution of FALINTIL-FDTL has begun to shift toward a new operational paradigm in accordance with its status as a national defense force during independence. It has begun taking steps on reforming some members of the FALINTIL-FDTL as they reach retirement age. Fundasaun Mahein sees this reform phase as a positive step made by the institution to bring the FALINTIL-FDTL out of its old paradigm while continuing its process of recognizing veterans, as the voices of veterans still dominate in the political forums of Timor-Leste, and have the ability to influence the development process of the FALINTIL-FDTL.
Finally, Fundasaun Mahein congratulates the FALINTIL on its 40-year anniversary celebration. Hopefully, the institution of FALINTIL-FDTL will become a fully modern and professional defense force. Though there is some difficulty in properly distinguishing the F-FDTL from FALINTIL, it is clear that FALINTIL serves as the gold standard as an operational defense force, and its values must be adopted by the current military institution.
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