Politika Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa Periodu 2007 – 2012

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Fundasaun Mahein, 06 Agostu 2012

Komunikadu Imprenza

Liu husi Mahein Nia Hanoin Nú 02 (Versaun Tetun.pdf) koalia kona-bá Politika Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa nian durante periodu 2007 – 2012, partikularmente Sekretariu Estadu Defeza (SED) no Sekretariu estadu Seguransa (SES) nia serbisu. FM nian meta bá relatoriu ida ne’e maka atu husik hela rekomendasaun bá governu foun ne’ebé sei asume nia responsabilidade ba periode 2012 – 2017.

Tinan lima liu ona, iha 2007 kombinasaun ba kontekstu krize 2006 nian, husi Ministériu Defeza ho Ministériu Interiór ba Ministériu ida, ne’ebé kontra pratika diak nian iha ASEAN ho internasional aplika to governu AMP remata nia mandatu. Kombinasaun ne’e konsege rekonsilia fali institusaun F-FDTL-PNTL liu husi komandu konjunta iha 2008 e mos operasaun konjunta sira seluk. Ba biban seluk ne’ebe kontinua sai frajil maka SES seidauk hatur politika diak konaba manajementu kilat ho ekipamentu seluk iha PNTL . Seluk liu husi ne’e mos, komandu Jeral PNTL foun assumi nia kargu iha loron 27 Marsu 2009 to agora relasaun ladun diak ho Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa. Nune’e mos SES-SED seidauk halo auditin ba kilat F-FDTL – PNTL nian ho transparente, no to agora kontinua sai perguntas boot ba publiku.

Husi aspetu kna’ar SED ne’eb’e FM identifika iha relatoriu ne’e katak durante tinan lima SED foka ba infrastrutura, lejizlasaun, rekrutamentu, koperasaun internasional. Ida seluk mak politika ba implementasaun Estudus Forca 2020 seidauk iha biban atu implementa hotu, tamba estudus ne’e rasik mos la kondis ho kondisaun real Timor-Leste, no persiza halo revisaun.

Relatoriu FM ne’e mos detekta katak SES nia fokus ne’ebé pratikamente bá liu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), liu husi asuntu rekrutamentu, lejizlasaun no koperasaun internasional. Parte seluk mak asuntu ne’ebé sai mos hanesan SES nian responsabilidade maka dirasaun DNPC no DNSEP nia dezenvolvimentu ba dirasaun hirak ne’e kontinua sai mukit. Tuir slogan Falintil-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) ne’ebé “Dezenvolve Forsa Ki’ik ba Nasaun Ki’ik ne’ebé neneik ba bebeik” komesa hare’e ona nia rezultadu maske iha problema balu maibé problema ne’e identifikadu. Sorin seluk mak SES ho nia filozofia “neneik maibé la para ba dezenvolvimentu PNTL” kontinua ba moderniza Polisia Unidade Espesial ka Polisia Para-Militar no kontrariu hosi PNTL nia filozofia ba Polisia Komunitariu.

Ikus hosi ne’e relatóriu ida ne’e deskobre mos dirasaun seluk iha SES sei tohik hela ba nia dezenvolvimentu. Ho biban ida ne’e FM proposta rekomendasauns ba instituisaun rua i governu “Bloku Governu Koligasaun” (BGK) mai daudaun presiza hare:

Rekomendasaun husi Fundasaun Mahein;

Sekretariu Estadu Defeza (SED)

1) Rekomenda bá governu foun, liu-liu Ministeriu ne’ebé relevante tenki hametin nafatin kanal bilaterais sira ne’ebé iha tiha ona hodi identifika área preoridades bá dezenvolvementu instituisaun F-FDTL sai diak liu tan iha futuru.

2) Rekomenda bá governu foun atu halo estudus viabilidade ida no tau atensaun masimu ba konstrusaun Portu Naval ne’ebé to’o ohin loron seidauk finaliza nune’e bele fasilita serbisu institituisaun F-FDTL, liu-liu Komponente Naval.

3) Rekomenda mos katak governu foun presiza haforsa liu tan rekursu umanu liu-liu parte Engeneria no área espesialista nian hodi nune’e bele halo manutensaun bá ekipamentus instituisaun F-FDTL nian.

4) Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda mos bá governu katak wainhira atu halo implementasaun projeitu ruma presiza halo estudus apropriadu antes aloka osamentu ruma. Tanba esperensia ne’ebé iha hatudu katak laiha estudus ruma ne’ebé kle’an antes aloka orsamentu ne’ebé ikus mai implementasaun projeitu hirak ne’e la iha valor.

Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa (SES).

1) SES foun mai presiza hare no tetu fali kriasaun DNPCC/DNPKK ho nia serbisu tamba FM hare katak la efisiente no efetiva bá kriasaun DNPCC. FM rekomenda presiza intesifika liutan serbisu Departementu Polisaimentu Komunitariu (DPC) hodi bele refleta natureza no filozofia polisia nian.

2) Rekomenda bá SES atu hala’o estudu profundu ne’ebe inklui entidade estadu nia hotu bá kriasau livru mutin [buku putih] ne’ebe kontempla estudu estratéjiku bá nesesidade siguransa nasional bazeia ba amesa nasional, hodibele orienta dezenvolvimentu polisia bá oin. FM mos rekomenda atu halo tradusaun ba lei sira numinimu lei sira iha relasaun emediata ho polisia nia knáar rasik hodi nune’e bele servi diak liutan.

3) Rekomenda bá governu foun mai, atu investe konsistensia iha OJE ba SES ho montante ne’ebé responsivu no rajuavel hodi bele garante siguransa no estabilidade bá estadu ida ne’e.

4) Formasaun ba elementu polisia orenta tuir ameasa domestika no la minimiza mos amesa seluk. Formasaun ne’ebé iha orenta bá natureza polisiamentu komunitariu nia. Presiza iha fasilidade korespondensia bá formasaun no treinamentu ne’ebé ita halo. Rekomenda mos, iha prosesu promosaun bá PNTL involve masimu mos komandu jeral.

5. Persiza iha relasaun diak entre komandu PNTL ho Lideransa SES nian ba futuru atu labele fo sofre ba Institusaun PNTL.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.
Nélson Belo,
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Email: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org ,
Tlp +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 06 August 2012

Press Release

Minister of Defense and Security’s Policy from 2007 – 2012

Mahein Nia Hanoin number 02, (englesh version.pdf), regarding the Politics of the Ministry of Defense and Security over the period from 2007 – 2012.

This report focuses upon the performance of the State Secretary for Defense (SED) and the State Secretary for Security (SES). The objective of Fundasaun Mahein (FM) in this report is to propose recommendations to the new government for the upcoming 2012 – 2017 term.

Five years has passed since, in 2007, the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of the Interior were combined to form the Ministry of Defense and Security (MDS) within the context of the 2006 crisis. The MDS combination is a good idea until the AMP mandate is accomplished. The combination has also reconciled the factions in the PNTL and the F-FDTL through the 2008 Joint Operation and other past operations. This combination, however, is not in line with ASEAN and international best practice.

The SES has not managed PNTL guns and equipment well. The leadership of the PNTL and the leadership of SES have not established meaningful relationships with one another, sometimes to the detriment of their respective institutions. The SES and SED have not transparently audited PNTL and F-FDTL weapons for the public, despite continued questioning from the public about the weapons.

FM identified in this report that the SED’s focus during the last five years was on infrastructure, legislation, recruitment, and international cooperation. Forca 2020 was not completely implemented because its plan was not in line with actual conditions in Timor-Leste and required revisions.

FM also discovered that over the last five years, the SES had focused exclusively on the PNTL. The institutions of DNPC and DNSEP, however, had been abandoned.

According to the slogan of FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), “Dezenvolve Forsa Ki’ik ba Nasaun Ki’ik ne’ebé neneik ba bebeik,” some aspects of the military have been developed and some aspects have been identified for future SED progress. On the other hand SES’ philosophy, “neneik maibé la para ba dezenvolvimentu,” demands that the PNTL continue modernizing the police’s para-military style while moving father away from the principles of community policing.

FM concluded the report with some recommendations to both institutions and the future government “Bloku Governu Koligasaun” (BGK), which need to focus on:

Fundasaun Mahein Recommendations to the Secretary of State for Defense (SED):

1) The Minister of Defense of SED need to continue sustaining
international cooperation on defense to develop F-FDTL.

2) The government needs to conduct a survey or study to define the best way to construct the port for the Navy before purchasing additional ships for the Navy.

3) The government needs to establish a mechanism to manage the maintenance of PNTL equipment.

4) The government needs to audit PNTL equipment transparently.

Fundasaun Mahein Recommendation to Secretary State Security (SES):

1) The new SES needs to pay attention to DNPCC/DNPKK.

2) The SES needs to institutionalize the Community Police to be more crime-prevention oriented.

3) The SES needs conduct studies as a guideline, like “white paper” for police development.

5) The SES needs to hand over the promotion of PNTL to the PNTL, as well as open up the process to civilian oversight such as with Parliament Committee B and other organizations.

6) The leadership of the SES and the leadership of the General Command of the PNTL need to develop and maintain good relationships with one another

7) The SES also needs to manage the weapons and audit them transparently

For further information regarding this article please contact
Nélson Belo,
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Email: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org
Tlp +670 737 4222

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