Urbanizasaun no Siguransa: “Dili Sentru Konflitu”

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Fontes: Sensus ATLAS 2010

Fundasaun Mahein, 29 Novembru 2013

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 64 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetum,pdf) (English Version.pdf) ne’e diskute kona-bá asuntu urbanizasaun no imigrasaun la organizadu husi area rural ba area urbanu, partikularmente migrante lokal mai sidade Dili ne’ebé kada tinan aumenta maka’as halo “Dili sai hanesan sentru konflitu” durante ne’e. Movimentu urbanizasaun no migrante interna husi Distritu mai sidade Dili ne’e akontese relasiona ho prosesu dezenvolimentu sosial, ekonomia, edukasaun no aspeitu sira seluk ne’ebé seidauk iha balansu entre area rural no area urbanu iha Timor-Leste.

Iha fatór hirak ne’ebé tuir monitorizasaun Fundasaun Mahein sai nu’udar kauza ba urbanizasaun ka migrante la organizadu husi Distritu mai sidade Dili maka hanesan konsentrasaun edukasaun formal no non-formal iha sidade Dili. Atividade komersiu (exporta no importa), atividade negosiu nomos konsentrasaun administrasaun públiku inklui konsentrasaun kampu serbisu iha kapital Dili sai fatór ida kontribui ba urbanizasaun iha Timor-Leste. Presiza hadi’a infa-estrutura baziku edukasaun formal no non-formal iha area rural, loke kampu serbisu iha Distritu, dezenvolve industria ki’ik iha area rural, hadi’a estrada no seluk tan atu nune’e bele minimiza migrante lokal mai sidade Dili.

Tanba durante ne’e maioria husi migrante lokal mai kapital Dili kompostu husi juventude, pelumenus liu 50% husi numeru populasaun ne’ebé buka serbisu iha Dili. Nune’e mos metade husi estudante rihun lima resin ne’ebé kada tinan akaba sira nia eskola Pre-Sekundaria no Sekundaria kontinua sira nia estudu iha sidade Dili. Ne’e bele fo ameasa ba estabilidade nasional tanba frustasaun sosial relasiona ho vida moris ne’ebé karun, frustradu tanba labele kontinua eskola iha nivel as, la hetan serbisu bele fasil inklina an iha grupu geng bairo iha sidade Dili ne’ebé ikus mai kria instabilidade iha rai laran.

Nune’e mos bele hamosu problema sosial seluk hanesan konflitu hadau malu rai no hela fatin. Realidade hatudu katak konflitu hadau malu rai no hela fatin kontinua as iha kapital Dili kompara ho Distritu sira, maizumenus 9.53% husi kazu rai 2.904 ne’ebé sei iha dipusta nia laran. Ne’e bele kontribui ba konflitu sosial iha sidade Dili ne’ebé bele fo impaktu ba siguransa nasional. Inklui iha biban boot juventude mane sira bele hetan rekruta husi Grupu Krimi Organizadu wainhira sira konsentra hotu iha kapital maibe laiha balansu ho kampu serbisu, vida karun no seluk tan. Ida ne’e bele fo biban boot hodi hamosu konflitu iha area urbanu tanba futuru Timor-Leste sei hasoru dezafiu boot rua ne’ebé nu’udar hun no abut ba konflitu maka dezigualidade sosial no dezempregu sistematiku.

Problema urbanizasaun no imigrasaun interna husi area rural mai kapital Dili nu’udar home work ida ba Governu atu fo atensaun. Governu presiza halo investimentu maka’as iha seitór industria ki’ik iha area rural atu nune’e bele apoiu ekonomia komunidade inklui loke kampu serbisu ba juventude sira iha distritu. Estabelese rede komersiu iha distritu hodi fasilita exporta no importa produtu lokal komunidade hodi nune’e bele fo rendementu ba komunidade iha area rural. Dezenvolve infra-estrutura hanesan estrada ne’ebé liga area rural ba kapital Distritu, Sub-Distritu no nasional atu nune’e komunidade bele fa’an produtu lokal. Nune’e mos fornese eletrisidade no bee mos ba komunidade iha area rural inklui fortifika industria ki’ik sira iha Distritu atu nune’e bele minimiza urbanizasaun mai kapital Dili.

FM Nia Rekomendasaun

1. Rekomenda ba Governu atu dezenvolve infra-estrutura baziku ba eskola formal no non-formal sira iha area rural inklui fornese rekursu umanu ne’ebé kualidade atu nune’e labele fo espasu ba estudante finalista mai konsentra iha kapital Dili.

2. Rekomenda ba Governu atu fortifika industria ki’ik iha Distritu atu nune’e bele fo serbisu ba komunidade iha area rural. Nune’e mos hasa’e produsaun komunidade iha area rural liu husi investimentu agrikula hodi nune’e bele evita movimentu migrante mai kapital buka serbisu.

3. Rekomenda ba Governu atu hadi’a infa-estrutura hanesan estrada iha area rural ne’ebé liga ba Distritu, Sub-Distritu atu nune’e komunidade bele asesu merkadu hodi faan sira nia produtu lokal.

4. Rekomenda ba Ministeriu Ekonomia, Komerisu no Turizmu atu hari’i rede komersiu iha distritu hodi nune’e bele fasilita exporta no importa produtu lokal komunidade ba iha merkadu nasional. Hodi nune’e bele evita konsentrasaun komunidade halo negosiu iha sidade Dili.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org
E-mail: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org
Tlp: +670 7737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 29 November 2013

Press Release

Urbanization and Security: “Dili Conflict Center”

Mahein’s Voice report No. 64 discusses the subject of urbanization and unorganized migration flowing from rural to urban areas. In particular, this report highlights local migrants who relocate to Dili year after year at an increasing rate, which has contributed to Dili’s transformation into a “conflict center”. Further compounding this problem is the fact that the urbanization movement has created an imbalance in the social, economic, and educational development in both the districts and Dili.

According to Fundasaun Mahein’s monitoring, urbanization has been spurred by the centralization of formal and non-formal educational opportunities in Dili. Other factors contributing to urbanization are the business opportunities, strong public administration, and employment opportunities migrants believe they will find in Dili. The government must implement basic infrastructure development projects, improve formal and non-formal education, increase job opportunities, and support small industries in the districts in order to minimize internal migration to Dili.

Fundasuan Mahein has identified the majority of migrants to be youth, more than 50% of whom are seeking employment in Dili. Additionally, about half of the fifty-thousand students who graduate from pre-secondary and secondary school every year continue their studies in Dili. This unsustainable situation is a possible threat to national stability; the cost of living in Dili continues to increase, students are having an increasingly difficult time continuing their studies to the highest level, and jobs are increasingly harder to attain, making involvement with street gangs an increasingly attractive option for the multitude of youth in Dili.

Urbanization has also led to increased instances of land disputes and a shortage of housing availability. To date, there are 2,904 unresolved land dispute cases (9.53% of the total number of land dispute cases). This may contribute to social conflict in the capital of Dili. Combined with the increasing ease with which the high concentration of youth in Dili can be recruited to organized crime, these problems increase the likelihood of conflict in urban areas which will then serve to further compound social inequality and systematic unemployment in Dili.

The problem of urbanization and internal immigration from rural areas the to the capital of Dili is one that the government must pay close attention to. The government needs to increase its investment in small industry in rural areas in order to support local economies and job opportunities to youth in the districts. Commercial networks must also be established in the districts to facilitate export and import of local products to get income to community in the rural area. Additionally, develop infrastructure such as road construction from rural areas to the districts , so communities can acces the market with their products. Finally, the government should install electricity and provide clean water to the communities in the rural areas, including supporting the small industries in the districts to minimize urbanization to the capital of Dili.

FM’s Recommendation:

1. Recommend to the government to increase resources for formal and non-formal education and provide good quality of human resources in order to avoid a high concentration of students in the capital of Dili.

2. Recommend to the government to support small industry in the districts to provide job opportunities to communities in the rural areas. And also to increase the local product through investing in agriculture.

3. Recommend to the government to fix the infrastructural problems (such as roads in the rural areas to the district) so that communities can access the market to sell their products.

4. Recommend to the Ministry of Economy, Commercial and Tourism to establish a commercial network in the districts to facilitate exports and imports of local products to the national trade. This should be done in order to avoid centralization of business to the capital of Dili.

To get more information about this subject contact to:

Nélson Belo
Director Fundasaun Mahein
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org
E-mail: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org
Tlp: +670 7737 4222

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