Militar obrigatoriu nafatin isu ne’ebé hamanas diskusaun públiku husi komponente estadu no governu, nivel akademiku inklui sosiedade sivil sira. Preokupasaun barak kona-bá Militar Obrigatoriu ne’ebé hahu nu’udar komprimisiu politika Taur Matan Ruak. Militar obrigatoriu ne’e haklaken liu husi Kasa Militar Gabineti Prezidenti Repúblika (GPR) ho hanaran Sidadaun Sivika Patriota (SSP). Depois ida ne’e Fundasaun Mahein halo análiza ida no produz relatoriu kona-bá Serbisu Militar Origatoriu (MO) iha Timor-Leste. Ne’ebé halo análiza kona-bá oinsa implementasaun Militar Obrigatoriu iha Timor-Leste.
Relatoriu ida ne’e hahu halo aprezentasaun iha diskusaun dahaluk ne’ebé organiza husi GPR kopera ho SED iha salaun Prezidenti da Republika. Relatoriu FM nian kona-bá Militar Obrigatoriu, ninia kontiudu iha provoka diskusaun husi aspeitu lei, ekonomia, partikularmente lidun politika nian. Ne’ebé foka liu ba estudu forsa 2020, Planu Estratejiku 2011-2030, programa V Governu Konstitusional, kompetensia Prezidenti Repúblika no Governu kona-bá Militar Obrigatoriu. Fundasaun Mahein nia relatoriu sai konsume ba debate públiku nu’udar kuinesimentu baziku kona-bá Militar Obrigatoriu.
Iha loron 7 Febreiru 2014, Fundasaun Mahein halo aprezentasaun dala ida tan kona-bá Militar Obrigatoriu iha salaun Provedoria Diretus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) Kaikoli. Diskusaun ne’ebé intersante tebes no partisipantes hotu hasai nia preokupasaun hodi husu lesuk ba FM atu esklarese kona-bá oinsa Militar Obrigatoriu, prontu ka la’e Militar Obrigatoriu implementa iha Timor-Leste? iha komentariu oin-oin kona-bá Militar Obrigatoriu husi prespetiva oi-oin mos, husi aspeitu geo-estratejiku, geo-politika no ekonomia. Iha komentariu balun maka koalia kona-bá dezenvolvimentu militar, balun komentariu kona-bá aspeitu lei no direitus umanus, no diskusaun sai manas liu tan wainhira koalia kona-bá vantajen no dezvantajen serbisu Militar Obrigatoriu nian.
Diskusaun kontinua ke’e no haksesuk malu kona-bá Militar Obrigatoriu nia konseitu ka definisaun. Pergunta barak liu husu kona-bá, saida maka Militar Obrigatoriu no nia objetivu?
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Tuir definisaun serbisu Militar Obrigatoriu ne’ebé introduz husi Casa Militar GPR, hanaran Sidadaun Sivika Patriota (SSP). Katak atu hametin nasionalizmu no patriotizmu, hamenus dezempregu, hametin disiplina no moral.
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Momentu diskusaun nia laran, mosu kometariu oin-oin kona-bá asuntu disiplina no moral. Balun komenta katak asuntu disiplina no moral nia dalan maka eskola no edukasaun familia, la presiza husi Militar Obrigatoriu. Asuntu ida ne’e hamosu komentariu ne’ebé renda-renda no aumenta liu tan, Diretúr FM Nelson Belo intrepeta dehan entaun ne’e Militar Obrigatoriu ka Moral Obrigatoriu?
Ida ne’e maka rezume diskusaun kona-bá serbisu Militar Obrigatoriu iha PDHJ loron 7 fulan Febreiru tinan 2014. Hakarak hatene klean liu kona-bá presiza ka la’e Militar Obrigatoriu iha Timor-Leste?
Compulsory Military Service in Timor-Leste: Obligatory Service or Obligatory Morals?
Compulsory military service has become an issue of public debate between state institutions, the government, academics and civil society organizations. Many concerns have been raised regarding compulsory military service policy being advocated by president Taur Matan Ruak. The obligatory military service policy was revealed through the military department of the Office of the President of the Republic (RPO), and is titled Patriotic Civic Citizens (PCC). Fundasaun Mahein has since produced an analytical report regarding the prospect of compulsory military service in Timor-Leste.
FM presented this report to the Office of the President of the Republic, as coordinated by the Secretary of State for Defense and the President’s Office. FM’s report about compulsory military service is meant to provoke discussion about the legislation and funding accompanying this issue, this includes focusing on the state force 2020, the 2011-2030 Strategic Plan, the V Constitutional Government, and the policy formation of the Republic President and Parliament regarding compulsory military service. FM’s report is published amidst public debate over the question of whether or not to implement compulsory military service in Timor-Leste.
On 7 February 2014, FM introduced the topic of compulsory military service at the National Ombudsman of Human Rights and Justice (OHRJ) hall in Kaikoli, Dili. It was a very interesting discussion and many participants raised their concerns and asked FM to explain the compulsory military policy. One question that was brought up is whether or not Timor-Leste is ready to implement such a policy. Various comments and many perspectives on compulsory military service were raised, from geo-strategic, geo-political and economic perspectives. Some comments discussed military development while other discussed the legal and human rights aspect of obligatory military service. The discussion became more heated when it revolved around the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory military service.
The discussion was fluid and included arguments over the concept and definition of compulsory military service. Many questions were raised about what purpose a compulsory military service policy would achieve. According to definition of the Military Compulsory Service introduced by the military department of the RPO entitled Patriot Civic Citizens (PCC), the policy is meant to strengthen nationalism and patriotism, reduce unemployment, and strengthen discipline and morality. During the discussion, various comments were raised concerning discipline and moral issues. Some commented that discipline and moral values should be taught in the classroom and by parents. A national policy of obligatory military service should not be enacted just for this purpose. This issue raised several responses; FM Director Nelson Belo offered his insight that there is a difference between compulsory military service and compulsory morality.
For more details about the arguments for and against compulsory military service in Timor-Leste, please click on the following link to read FM’s full report.