Foin dadaun ne’e iha loron 12 Maiu 2014 Maior Jeneral Kristin Lund husi Norwegia hetan promosaun sai Komadante Feto permeiru ba Forsa Manutensaun Dame UNO nian. Nia sei lidera Forsa Manutensaun Dame UNO nian iha Siprus. Fundasaun Mahein Bemvindu no hato’o parabens ba Senora Maior Jeneral Lund ba nia promosaun ne’e..
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Fundasaun Mahein fiar katak Feto nia pozisaun nudar outoridade ida ne’e sai hanesan parte importante ida atu haforsa Forsa Dame nian, ne’ebé tradisionalmento sempre iha dominasaun hosi mane sira. Dala barak liu sempre Feto ho Labarik sira sai vitima iha fatin konflitu, laiha kbi’it atu halo mudansa ba sira nia situasaun. Ita hare nune’e bebeik sempre, foin dadaun iha akontecementu Funu Sivil iha Suria, ne’ebé iha estudu balun identifika katak fatin ne’ebé seguru liu iha konflitu militar maka iha forsa laran. Ida ne’e hakat foun ida atu halo movimentu foun involve feto no halo promosaun ba sira atu sai Komandu ba Siguransa nian. Ida ne’e hanesan tren ida atu reformasaun ba otoridade Siguransa UNO nian no haberan feto sira ne’ebé laiha beran iha fatin konflitu Militar nian.
Fundasaun Mahein haforsa trendi ida ne’e no husu atu involvementu Feto nian iha Altu Nivel hanesan ne’e mos bele Aplika iha Nasaun Sira ne’ebe iha Komunidade ASEAN ne’ebe Timor-Leste atu adere ba, nune’e mos iha Komunidade Nasaun Lingua Portugez ka CPLP sira. Iha ASIA Feto nia representante iha Seitor Siguransa ladun maka’as tamba norma-norma iha Kultura nian dala barak sai bareira boot ba feto atu involve feto sai servisu siguransa ka Militar.
Iha Timor-Leste sai nasaun foun no ki’ik iha ASIA, dadaun ne’e loke lidun bo’ot ba Feto atu sai autor ba Siguransa nian. Statistika foun ne’ebé hatudu katak total Feto 593 nudar Membru Polsia Nasional Timor- Leste (PNTL ) husi total 17,66 % Polisia ne’ebé iha. Iha Superintendenti ida, Deviza ba Feto sai boot liu ne’ebé kategoria ba Deviza boot, nudar Deviza boot datoluk nian iha instituisaun PNTL laran. Statistika ida ne’e hatudu distansia boot los kompara ho nasaun boot sira seluk hanesan Englatera ( 27,3 % deit hosi total Polisia Feto) no Australia ( 34 % deit hosi total Polisia Feto) .
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Timor-Leste mos iha problema boot kona-bá Violencia Domestika, ne’ebé dadaun ne’e sidauk iha programa haberan feto iha uma laran.
Buat sira ne’e hotu hanesan promesa ida atu hadia feto nia kna’ar no Fundasaun Mahein espera katak Maior Jeneral Lund sai hanesan inspirador ba feto barak ne’ebé iha mehi atu involve an iha forsa Siguransa nian ne’ebé sei halo kna’ar iha Timor-Leste ka iha ne’ebé deit iha Mundu ne’e.
Reform UN: Women in the Security Forces
Just recently on the 12th May 2014 Major General Kristin Lund of Norway was promoted to become the first ever woman to lead a UN peacekeeping operation. She will lead the UN Peacekeeping force in Cyprus. Fundasaun Mahein greets this news and would like to congratulate Major General Lund on her appointment.
Fundasaun Mahein believes getting more women into these positions of authority is a vital part in strengthening security forces, traditionally dominated by males. Too often women and children are the main victims in conflicts, powerless to change their circumstances.
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We see this again and again in conflicts throughout history, replayed most recently in Syria’s Civil War. Indeed some studies have even indicated that the safest place to be in a military conflict is in fact in the armed forces. This latest move and similar moves throughout the world to promote women to positions of authority in the security forces seeks to reverse this trend and empower women so as not to be as powerless in military conflicts.
Fundasaun Mahein greets these trends and hopes they will spread to the ASEAN region and the Community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries (CPLP). Asia is badly represented by women in the security forces with cultural norms providing a sometimes-insurmountable barrier for women wanting to join the security forces. Timor-Leste, despite being a developing country in Asia, has however been doing admirably well involving women in the security forces. Latest statistics count 593 women serving in the PNTL, comprising 17.66% of the total. The highest ranked women serving in the PNTL is a superintendent, the third highest rank in the PNTL. These statistics while encouraging still have some distance to go to catch up with other developed nations such as the UK (27.3% of police the force being women) and Australia (34%). Timor-Leste also has large problems of domestic violence in household suggesting that women’s empowerment is not being translated into the household.
Despite this all there is promise for improvement and Fundasaun Mahein would hope that Major General Lund is an inspiration to all women wanting to join the security forces, whether that be in Timor-Leste or the elsewhere in the world.