Loron 12 Novembru nu’udar loron reflesaun ida importante ba povu Timor-Leste, partikulamente ba juventude loriku aswain. Iha ne’ebé tinan 23 liu ba juventude hatudu ninia hirus matan ba kilat musan militar Indonezia nian, iha tragedia moruk ho naran “Masakre Santa Cruz 12 Novembru 1991″. Tragedia ida ne’ebé fo ninia sentidu klean durante luta timor-oan ba auto determinasaun.
Nu’udar masakre ne’ebé sai parte ba istoria luta timor-oan, Governu hasai Dekretu Lei Númeru 10/2005 hodi responsabiliza ba komemorasaun loron masakre 12 Novembru tinan-tinan. Liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu – SEJD. Iha tinan 2013 Governu aloka orsamentu maizumenus Rihun Atus Ida Dollar Amerikanu hodi festeza loron masakre Santa Cruz iha distritu hotu, iha teritoriu Timor-Leste.
Komemorasaun ida ne’e nu’udar parte ida atu bele fo reflesaun ida klean ba kontribuisaun juventude nia luta ba independensia iha tinan 23 liu ba. Nune’e mos atu bele kontinua valoriza sakrifisiu timor-oan (juventude) ne’ebé oferese nia vida ba auto determinasaun. Timor-oan tomak apresia ba Governu nia atensaun masimu hodi valoriza luta juventude loriku aswain nian ba ukun rasik-an.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia hanoin katak Governu la’os deit kada tinan fakar osan hodi festeza loron maskre 12 Novembru ne’ebé identiku ho loron triste. Maibe, oinsa dignifika komemorasaun loron 12 Novembru nu’udar esperansa ida ba jerasaun foun iha kontekstu ukun an ninia. Tempu triste liu ona, tempu dadaun oinsa juventude kontinua luta ba properiadade povu no nasaun nian.
Governu tenki fakar osan barak ba dezenvolvimentu rekursu umanu ba foin sae sira iha setór hotu-hotu hodi bele kontribui ba prosesu konstrusaun nasaun nian. Presiza halo investimentu ida kualidade iha nivel edukasaun formal no non-formal hodi prepara juventude sira iha futuru. Tanba investimentu ne’ebé kualidade sei forma mos jerasaun foun ho kualifikadu no disiplina hodi sai esperansa ida iha konstrusaun nasaun.
Tuir Fundasaun Mahein nia hare’e katak dadaun ne’e juventude barak ladauk hetan atensaun husi Governu no sai bainaka iha nia rai rasik. Menus kampu serbisu, labele kontinua estudu tanba laiha osan halo juventude barak involve iha konflitu hodi minimiza tiha valor masakre 12 Novembru nian. Hein katak komemorasaun loron 12 Novembru tinan ida ne’e sei sai nu’udar reflesaun ida klean ba timor-oan (juventude) hodi hamosu esperensa foun iha Timor-Leste foun.
Celebrating November 12th, 2014: Reflection and Future Expectations for Timor-Leste
November 12th is an important day of reflection for the people of Timor-Leste. 23 years ago, on 12 November 1991, the youth of Loriku Aswain showed their bravery by facing the bullets of Indonesian militants in a tragedy later named “The Massacre of Santa-Cruz.” This tragedy embodies the profound struggle for Timorese self-determination.
To commemorate the historical significance of this sacrifice, the government issued Decree Law 10//2005, which mandates the celebration and remembrance of this event each year, led by the Secretary of State for Youth and Sport (SSYS). In 2013, the government approved the expenditure at least US$100,000 for commemorations of the Santa-Cruz Massacre Day in all districts of Timor-Leste.
This commemoration reflects upon the contribution of these fallen Timorese youth in the struggle for independence twenty-three years ago. Furthermore, it expresses gratitude for the sacrifice of these brave independence fighters. The Timorese population has expressed appreciation to the government for remembering this legacy.
Fundasaun Mahein views that the government should spend its funds to commemorate the fallen youth but also to equip new generations for the post-independence struggles of Timor-Leste. The time of mourning is over, and the youth of today must face Timor-Leste’s new battles for stability and development.
The government should allocate significant funding for human resources, particularly for working youth, in every sector, in order to fortify the construction of this nation. Furthermore, the government must invest wisely and soundly in education, both informal and formal, in order to prepare youths for the future. With quality investments, the education system can produce a generation of disciplined and qualified Timorese youths, who will lead the way in future development.
According to Fundasaun Mahein, the youth population currently receives less attention from the government. As a result, this large demographic faces marginalization, unemployment, incomplete education, and poverty. The combined result of these forces is conflict, which undermines the historical sacrifice of their comrades in the Santa Cruz Massacre twenty-three years ago. The November 12th Commemoration this year should serve as deep perspective for the Timorese people, particularly the youth, as they reflect upon the past, present, and future of this new Timor-Leste.
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