Konflitu entre Arte Masial no Gen sira durante ne’e, ikus mai hamosu “Operasaun Zero Toleransia” hasoru lala’ok Arte Masial no Gen sira. Operasaun Zero Toleransia ne’e laklaru tanba lafokus ba Postu Konflitu Arte Masial nian ho asaun prevensaun konflitu maibé tendensia liu ba presaun foun no ses tiha hosi asaun prevensaun konflitu iha Timor-Leste. Iha loron 30 Jullu 2013, autor sosiadade sivil hamutuk ho Polisia no Militar ne’ebé sei organiza hosi Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa (SES) sei hala’o soru motu boot ida ho lideres komunitariu iha Suku Casa-Ainaro atu halo diskusaun kona-bá lala’ok prevensaun konflitu iha Timor-Leste.
Esforsu sira ne’ebé orenta ba prevensaun konflitu ho formalmento hala’o hosi departemento ministeru rua hanesan Sekretariu Estadu ho Ministeriu Solidadride Sosial ho naran Departamento Nasional Prevensaun Konflitu Komunitariu, nune’e mos Koizaun Sosial Departamento Harii Paz. Departementu rua ne’e hetan suporta fundus diak no hetan lejitimasaun hosi lei maibé ladun popular iha komunidade hodi halo kna’ar iha tereinu kona-bá asaun prevensaun konflitu.
Fundasaun Mahein kestiona kona-bá institusaun rua ne’ebé hala’o mandatu hanesan ba prevensaun konflitu, no la hala’o kna’ar prevensaun ho diak, maibe hetan suporta fundus maka’as ba asaun sira ne’ebé halo suru motu boot, ne’ebe ladun iha impaktu ba lala’ok prevensaun konflitu komunitariu. iha biban seluk inisiativa hosi PNTL ba asaun prevensaun konflitus komunitariu hahu halao ona hosi Konsellu Polisia Komunitariu (KPK) ne’ebe popular tebes.
Organisasaun KPK ne’e kompostu hosi Grupu Komunidade iha sukus ne’ebé iha posizasun influnsial boot hanesan grupu feto, konsellu sukus, veteranu, GAM, juventude no PNTL rasik ho seluk-seluk tan. Membru sira ne’e utuliza KPK parseria ho grupo sosiadade sivil sira, nune’e mos ho institusaun Governu hala’o sosializasaun hanesan meus ida hamosu rezolusaun ba konflitus sira ne’ebé iha bele kontaktu sira.
Iha faktus hatudu katak KPK hala’o ona prevensaun konflitu komunitariu iha distritu 5 ne’ebé susesu tebes; maibé tanba sa maka KPK lahetan suporta politik ho lejislasaun ka fundus hosi Governu. Tanba sa maka organisasaun barak los hanesan (KPK, DNPKK no MSS) halo kna’ar hanesan no objeitivu serbisu hanesan ne’ebé lolos ne’e halo konfunsaun ba parseira sira hanesan grupo komunidade , sosiadade sivil, agensia donor no seluk tan iha povu nia let?
Tanba ne’e Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Governu halo simplifika lala’ok prevensaun konflitu hodi suporta politika, lejislasaun no orsamento ba institusaun sira ne’ebé popular ona hanesan KPK. Tanba KPK hatudu ona faktus halo mediasaun no hamosu rezolusaun ba konflitus sira ne’ebé iha. Nune’e mos Fundasaun Mahein suporta modelu sorumutu komuntariu iha Suku Casa iha dia 30 Jullu atu hamosu estratejia ba rezolusaun prevensaun konflitu nian ho susesu.
Support for Conflict Prevention Efforts Must be Streamlined and More Effectively Distributed
The recent increase in Martial Arts Gang disturbances has led to a “zero-tolerance” policy regarding gang violence. As it is unclear whether this policy will focus on post-conflict punishment or pre-conflict prevention, this policy has placed a renewed emphasis on the importance of conflict prevention in Timor-Leste. On 30 July 2013, civil society activists – together with the military, police, and State Secretary for Security – will hold a large meeting in the Suku Casa of Ainaro to discuss issues in conflict prevention.
The government’s official conflict prevention efforts have come through two departments. First, via the State Secretary for Security which created the DNPKK (the National Directorate for Community Conflict Prevention). Second, via the Ministry of Social Solidarity, which created the Department Harii Dame. Although these organizations are well funded, they have been unsuccessful in gaining community participation, support, or legitimacy. As a result, the output of the DNPKK’s and Department Harii Dame’s conflict prevention efforts has been largely underwhelming.
Fundasaun Mahein is concerned that these two organizations have been assigned the same (overlapping) jobs in community conflict prevention, but neither have been doing their jobs successfully despite enormous financial support. Unofficial efforts at conflict prevention have come from the KPK (Community Police Councils) organizations. This organization is comprised of various groups and stakeholders including the youth, women, veterans, and Suku (village) counsels within each community.
Utilizing a preventative framework, the KPK works with NGO’s and government institutions to share information and examine the root causes of problems so that a solution may be reached. The KPK has been impressively successful in increasing security and peace throughout the 5 districts in which it operates. Yet, the KPK operates without financial or legislative support from the government. Why should multiple organizations (the KPK, KNPKK, and MSS) tasked with achieving similar goals operate when their simultaneous existence is counter-productive and confusing to community members?
Fundasaun Mahein recommends that conflict prevention efforts be streamlined and legitimized through the creation of a single government-backed institution. The KPK has shown itself to be the organization with a proven record of results, making a strong case for increased governmental support in the form of investments and legislative backing. In addition, Fundasaun Mahein supports the model of community meetings like the one to be held at Suku Casa on July 30, where civil society activists will meet with members of the military, police, and State Secretary for Security to discuss conflict prevention issues. It is our view that community conflict prevention efforts in which various community groups are represented is the most successful strategy.
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