Hodi lidera ba loron restaurasaun Independensia iha loron 20 de Maio 2016, FM sei aprezenta prefillu badak balun kona-ba fatin importante sira konaba luta ba independensia Timor-Leste nian.
Illa Atauro
Dala ruma tamba illa Atauro ne’e haketak husi rai-boot Timor-Leste husi tasi nia halloo to’o nia kle’an kuaze metru 3500, no agora asosiadu ho kondisaun hakmatek no mos ho beleza natural nian, katak ninia istoria signifikativu tebes ba luta Ukun Rasik An ne’ebe dalaruma haluha tiha ona. Maibe, nia do’ok teb-tebes husi rai-boot Timor-Leste ne’ebe halo illa fundamentu ba luta.
Iha loron 26 Agostu 1975 depois “ Golpe” husi partidu Uniao Demokrata Timorense (UDT), no kauza funu sivíl ho FRETILIN, governadór Portugues no administrasaun kolonial evakua ba Atauro, husik Timor-Leste lahalao governamente ho ofisiál. Mezmu esforsu husi FRETILIN hodi lori governasaun Portuguez fila hodi estabiliza prosesu deskolonializasaun iha momentu ne’eba, maibe Portuguesa sira husik Atauro ba Lisboa iha fulan Novembru 1975, semana hirak antes invasaun Indonesia iha loron 7 Dezembru 1975.
Iha fulan Junu 1980, depois atake husi FALINTIL no grupu rezisténsia, Indonesia hatán hodi akumula membru rezisténsia barak ne’ebe deskonfia iha sentru detensaun no prisaun sira nomos sujetu sira hodi halo interogasaun maka’as, tortura no hamate. Atu hapara rede rezisténsia, lahusik prisoneiru balun depois halo interogasaun ba sira no talves la tula sira ba Atauro.
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Uza Atauro hanesan “Prizaun natural” ida, ne’e hanesan tatiku ida ne’ebe uza ona alende husi kolonialista Portuguez no mos Japaun antes ne’e. Hanesan ema Indonezia kontinua emprega tatiku ne’ebe agresivu liu hasoru grupu sira no militantes entre tinan 1980 no 1985, ema balun mak haruka ba Atauro ho fiar ida to’o ona fin kuaze 4000 durante periodu ne’eba. Sira ne’ebe haruka ona inklui laos membru husi FALINTIL deit no rede klandestina maibe komunidade bain-bain, inklui labarik no ema idade sira ne’ebe so deit krimi ne’ebe hela area ida ne’ebe movementu rezisténsia maka’as.
Atauro laos fatin prisaun ida iha sentidu tradisional nian, tamba laiha edifisiu no moru ne’ebe aas, maibe sira ne’ebe detein hela laiha dalan atu husik illa ne’e no sira balun tenta atu halai sai la konsege. Kondisaun ne’ebe ladiak, uma ne’ebe limitadu, halo ho lona, laho bee no fatin toba, iha deit hahan oituan no aimoruk no prisionariu sira balun sei obriga no limita ba sira nia movementu kalan. Moras nomos kolera, mate-hamlaha no malnutrisaun ne’ebe oho ema barak, partikularmente labarik no katuas sira. Tropa Indonezia nian mos halo asaun seksual hasoru feto sira ne’ebe detein hela.
Hanesan lalaok husi konflitu ne’ebe muda husi tinan 1986, Indonezia hapara haruka ema ba Atauro no ema sira ne’ebe detein iha ne’eba husik ka muda ba komunidade seluk hodi kontinua hafuhu tuir iha tempu ne’eba.
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Agora illa Atauro no nia populasaun 10.000 komesa ho perioude foun hanesan sentru ba eko-turizmu Timor nian no inisiativa ZEESM, nomos iha lembrente balun kona-ba illa ne’e ninia signifikativu ba luta Ukan Rasik An.
Bazeia ba Comissão de Acolhimento, Verdade e Reconciliação de Timor Leste (CAVR) Chega! Relatoriu (2005), kona-ba illa Atauro refere ba periodu 3 no 7.4 husi relatoriu ne’e. Disponivel iha ne’e: http://www.cavr-timorleste.org/en/chegaReport.htm
Significant Landmarks in the Struggle for Independence
In the lead up to Restoration of Independence Day on 20 May 2016, FM will present a number of short profiles on places of significance in the struggle for Independence in Timor-Leste.
Atauro Island
Perhaps it is because Atauro Island is separated from mainland Timor-Leste by a stretch of water up to 3500 metres deep, and is now associated with such tranquillity and natural beauty, that its historical significance to the struggle for independence is sometimes forgotten. However, it is this very remoteness from mainland Timor-Leste that made the Island intrinsic to the struggle.
On 26th August 1975 after the “attempted coup” by the Timorese Democratic Union (UDT) and the resultant civil war with FRETLIN, the Portuguese Governor and Colonial Administration evacuated to Atauro, leaving that Timor-Leste without an official Government. Despite the attempts of FRETLIN to bring the Portuguese Government back to stabilise the decolonisation process, the Portuguese left Atauro for Lisbon in November 1975, just a few weeks before the Indonesian invasion on 7 December.
In June 1980, after attacks by FALINTIL and resistance groups, the Indonesians responded by rounding up many suspected resistance members in detention centres and prisons and subjecting them to harsh interrogation, torture and sometimes death. In order to break up resistance networks, some detainees were not released after their interrogation and were instead transported to Atauro. Using Atauro as a “natural prison” was a tactic that had been used both by the Portuguese colonialists and Japanese occupiers previously. As the Indonesians continued to employ more aggressive tactics towards resistance groups and supporters between 1980 and 1985, the number of people sent to Atauro is believed to have peaked at over 4000 during this period. Those sent included not only members of FALINTIL and the clandestine networks, but entire communities, including children and the elderly whose only crime was to have been living in an area where the resistance movement was strong.
Atauro was not a prison in the traditional sense, as there was no buildings or high walls, but those detained had no way of leaving the island and the few who tried to escape were unsuccessful. Conditions were harsh, housing was limited to make-shift tarpaulin homes without running water or beds, there was little food or medicine, and detainees were subject to curfews and restrictions on their movement. Diseases, including cholera, starvation and malnutrition killed many people, particularly children and the elderly. The Indonesian troops also sexually assaulted the women detainees.
As the nature of the conflict again changed from 1986, the Indonesians stopped sending people to Atauro and the people detained there were released or relocated to other supervised communities.
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Now Atauro Island and its 10,000 inhabitants are beginning a new chapter as the centrepiece of Timor’s ecotourism and ZEESM initiatives, and there are few reminders of the Island’s significance to Independence struggle.
Based on the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in Timor-Leste’s (CAVR) Chega! Report (2005), for more on Atauro Island refer to Chapters 3 and 7.4 of the Report available here: http://www.cavr-timorleste.org/en/chegaReport.htm
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